Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Dangerous gas-saturated objects on the Arctic shelf of Eastern Siberia, the Far East (Russia) and Alaska (USA)Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V.OGRI RASv14, 4 2024478-487
Implementation ways for oil and gas exploration in the southwestern part of the Kara SeaShuster, V.L., Punanova, S.A., Dzublo, A.D., Agadzhanyants, I.G.OGRI RAS, VNIGRIv14, 4 2024488-499
Nonparametric assessment of the predictive accuracy of models using time series of methane concentrations in the atmospheric air of the Arctic Island of BelyBaglaeva, E.M., Sergeev, A.P., Buevich, A.G., Shichkin, A.V., Subbotina, I.E.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv14, 4 2024500-510
Density Calculation of the Hydro-network of the Arctic and Subarctic Plain Territories of the Russian Federation Based on a Digital Elevation Model Using GIS Technologies (Case Study of the Arkhangelsk Region)Kutinov, Y.G., Mineev, A.L., Chistova, Z.B., Polyakova, E.V.FCIARv14, 4 2024511-521
Increased storm activity in the eastern sector of the Russian ArcticKruglova, E.E., Myslenkov, S.A.Moscow State University, IO RASv14, 4 2024522-535
Biosorption of technogenic radionuclides by the Barents Sea littoral algae Fucus vesiculosus L.Ilyin, G.V., Usyagina, I.S., Makarov, M.V., Matishov, G.G., Voskoboynikov, G.M., Salakhov, D.O.MMBI KSC RASv14, 4 2024536-548
Formation of technogenic hydrochemical flows during the development of tin deposits in the Arctic regions of YakutiaMakarov, V.N.MPI SB RASv14, 4 2024549-561
Organochlorine compounds in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) of the Barents SeaGorbacheva, E.A., Novikov, M.A.PINRO named after N.M.Knipovichv14, 4 2024562-574
Defense mechanism formation for the Arctic BRI project transport infrastructure via parametric CAT bondsGorbatchev, N.N.Plekhanov RUE (Minsk branch)v14, 4 2024575-584
Justification of the method for regulating the level of oil pollution of soils on the territory of oil production and transportation facilities in the Arctic zoneMakosko, A.A., Korolevà, L.A., Malygin, I.G., Tarantsev, A.A., Zaykin, R.G.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, IPT RAS, Saint-Petersburg State Fire Service Universityv14, 4 2024585-595
Methodology for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from Arctic shippingVasileva, Z.V., Dzaparov, S.A., Vasekha, M.V.MASUv14, 4 2024596-604
On the need to develop a comprehensive system of preventive measures against deformations of buildings and structures in the cryolithozone under climate changeBrushkov, A.V., Alexeev, A.G., Badina, S.V., Drozdov, D.S., Dubrovin, V.A., Zhdaneev, O.V., Osokin, A.B., Sadurtdinov, M.R., Sergeyev, D.O., Fedorov, R.Y., Frolov, K.N.Moscow State University, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym, IEG RAS, REA, NIIOSP named after N.M.Gersevanov, FGBU Gidrospetsgeologiya, YSUv14, 4 2024605-616
Digital land cover mapping of the East Fennoscandian Arctic zone: case study of the south-eastern Kola PeninsulaRaevsky, B.V., Tarasenko, V.V.DMSR KRC RASv14, 4 2024617-629
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2024, No. 1—4  v14, 4 2024630-631
In memory of S. A. Golovinsky  v14, 3 2024318-319
Development monitoring of the C22 gas blowout Doublet object on Yamal peninsula using remote sensing dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A.OGRI RASv14, 3 2024320-333
Climatic changes of air temperature in the western part of the Russian Arctic in 1940—2099 according to ERA5 data and CMIP6 modelsSerykh, I.V., Tolstikov, A.V.IO RAS, NWPI KarRC RASv14, 3 2024334-349
Optimization of regional adaptation plans to climate change in the Russian Arctic based on forecasting modelingAnisimov, O.A., Badina, S.V.Moscow State University, SHIv14, 3 2024350-359
Methodological aspects of the analysis of factors affecting the evaporation of gas condensate during underwater blowoutSolbakov, V.V., Zatsepa, S.N., Ivchenko, A.A.State Oceanographic Institute, FRCCSC RASv14, 3 2024360-369
Ecological problems of the Russian Arctic Zone on the example of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous AreaGurlev, I.V., Makosko, A.A., Malygin, I.G.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, IPT RASv14, 3 2024370-383
Comparative assessment of biogas emissions and the chemical composition of filtration waters at damps/landfills of solid municipal waste in the Arctic zone and the regions of central RussiaPichugin, E.A., Shenfeld, B.E., Dyakov, M.S.Ural Research Institute “Ecology”v14, 3 2024384-392
Dating of the recent sedimentary strata of the marginal basins of Åastern Murman (Kola Peninsula) using the example of Yarnyshnaya and Zelenetskaya BaysMeshcheriakov, N.I., Usyagina, I.S., Ilyin, G.V., Ivanova, N.S.MMBI KSC RASv14, 3 2024393-405
Assessing the scale of wind energy rational use in remote areas of the eastern Russian ArcticIvanova, I.Y., Tuguzova, T.F., Shakirov, V.A., Khalgaeva, N.A.ESI SB RASv14, 3 2024406-416
Method for assessing the socio-economic effectiveness of nuclear and radiation safety targeted programsIvanov, A.Y.IBRAE RANv14, 3 2024417-426
What should be the power capacity of a supership to operate in the Eastern part of the Arctic?Dobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRCv14, 3 2024427-436
Resource assessment of reindeer pastures as particularly valuable lands in the Arctic in the context of its industrial developmentNosov, S.I., Bondarev, B.E., Kurakin, V.I., Shvetsov, A.V. v14, 3 2024437-448
Urban surface deposited sediments as an indicator of the environmental and geochemical state of the Arctic cityYarmoshenko, I.V., Shevchenko, A.V., Glukhov, V.S., Malinovsky, G.P., Seleznev, A.A.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv14, 3 2024449-461
Organizational and economic tools for managing the aviation infrastructure of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in ensuring the movement of ships along the Northern Sea RouteChernyak, T.A., Shlafman, A.I., Litvinenko, A.N.SPbGUGA, SPbU RIMv14, 3 2024462-471
Mean January air palaeotemperature during the formation of the Seyakha Yedoma 30—13 thousand calibrated years agoVasil’chuk, Y.K., Budantseva, N.A., Vasil’chuk, A.C.Moscow State Universityv14, 2 2024164-176
Explosive degassing of the Earth on the Yamal Peninsula and the adjacent Kara SeaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A.OGRI RASv14, 2 2024177-191
Shallow gas influence of on design decisions for the development of gas condensate fields on the shelf of the Arctic and subarctic seasDzublo, A.D., Ermolaev, A.I., Geresh, G.M., Perekrestov, V.E.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, Gazprom VNIIGAZv14, 2 2024192-204
Issues of applicability and effectiveness of individual elements of the ice management system in the implementation of Arctic shelf development projectsBuzin, I.V., Onishchenko, D.A.AARI, Gazprom VNIIGAZv14, 2 2024205-216
Titanium-rare-metal concentrates from raw materials of the Kola region and the possibility of their joint processing to obtain scarce productsGerasimova, L.G., Artemenkov, A.G., Nikolaev, A.I., Shchukina, E.S.ICT KSC RASv14, 2 2024217-225
Scientific and cultural value of mammoth tusksProtopopov, A.V., Protopopova, V.V., Protopopova, G.A.Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), IBPC SB RASv14, 2 2024226-237
Preferential treatment effectiveness for enterprises of the Russian Arctic: tools and evaluation resultsRoslyakova, N.A., Volkov, A.D.IE KarRC RASv14, 2 2024238-248
Assessment of the impact of accumulated harm objects in the Arctic on the natural environment componentsPichugin, E.A., Shenfeld, B.E., Somova, T.N.Ural Research Institute “Ecology”v14, 2 2024249-260
Kolguev Island as an object for monitoring the biota of the western sector of the Russian ArcticGlazov, P.M., Loshchagina, Y.A., Shmatova, A.G., Gnedenko, A.E., Tishkov, A.A.Institute of Geography, RASv14, 2 2024261-273
Macroscale experimental studies of ice compression in the Arctic Ocean during the first drift of the ice-resistant self-propelled platform “North Pole” as part of the polar drifting station “North Pole-41” in 2022—2023Svistunov, I.A., Filchuk, K.V., Baklanov, A.V., Raev, D.L., Stribny, O.Y., Gavrilov, Y.G.AARIv14, 2 2024274-285
Ethnic potential for the formation of human resources in the Russian ArcticFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv14, 2 2024286-300
Analysis of trends in the development of traditional trades of indigenous peoples in the context of climate change (using the example of the Novosibirsk Islands and the coastal Arctic regions of Yakutia)Potravny, I.M., Elsakov, V.V.RUE, IB Komi SC UB RASv14, 2 2024301-311
Activity and isotopic composition of radionuclides accumulated in the FNPP reactors during the full lifecycleAntipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N.IBRAE RANv14, 1 20244-11
Assessment of the zone of intense gas condensate evaporation during blowouts in shallow wellsSolbakov, V.V., Zatsepa, S.N., Ivchenko, A.A.State Oceanographic Institute, FRCCSC RASv14, 1 202412-23
Some estimates of the severe ice conditions in the Pechora Sea based on observational and modeling data (simulation and analysis)Buzin, I.V., Klyachkin, S.V., Frolov, S.V., Smirnov, K.G., Mikhaltceva, S.V., Sokolova, Y.V., Gudoshnikov, Y.P., Voinov, G.N., Grigoryev, M.N.AARI, IMEMOv14, 1 202424-35
On the mechanism of destruction of ice films of metastable gas hydrates and its possible application to the process of methane emission in the ArcticGaragash, I.A., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS, IPE RASv14, 1 202436-45
How to manage genetic resources in the Arctic Ocean?Vylegzhanin, A.N., Sotskova, P.V.MGIMOv14, 1 202446-55
Promising lead and zinc ore districts in the Arctic zone of RussiaVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RASv14, 1 202456-69
Concession nature management in the Euro-Arctic zone of Russia in the 1920s: ecological-economic and historical aspectsTroshina, T.I.NAFUv14, 1 202470-79
Ecological aspects of the traditional environmental management organization in a resource-extracting regionSkritskaya, M.K., Petrov, Y.V.Tyumen State Universityv14, 1 202480-89
Assessment of changes in the heavy-metal phytoextraction by Tagetes erecta from contaminated soils of Norilsk using humic additivesChukaeva, M.A., Pukhalsky, Y.V., Loskutov, S.I., Sidorova, V.R., Voropaeva, E.V., Matveeva, V.A.SPMI, PLSUv14, 1 202490-102
Public perception of hydrological risks and flood damage mitigation practices in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Savvinova, A.N., Gavrilyeva, T.N., Parfenova, O.T., Filippova, V.V., Tananaev, N.I.NEFU, IHRISN SB RASv14, 1 2024103-115
Ice cellars preservation technologies to ensure sustainable development of northern settlementsLoktionov, E.Y., Sharaborova, E.S., Klokov, A.V., Maslakov, A.A., Sotnikova, K.S., Korshunov, A.A.Moscow State University, NAFU, BMSTU, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausannev14, 1 2024116-126
Physico-chemical characteristics and algological composition of snow cover at river mouths in the basin of the southern-eastern part of the Barents SeaKotova, E.I., Netsvetaeva, O.P., Novikova, Y.V., Titova, K.V.IO RAS, FCIARv14, 1 2024127-134
Ice cover of the Russian Arctic seas along the Northern sea route in the current climatic periodTimofeeva, A.B., Yulin, A.V., Ivanov, V.V., Sharatunova, M.V., Pavlova, E.A.AARIv14, 1 2024135-146
The quality of life of the indigenous peoples of the North in the context of industrial development of the arctic (on the example of the Arctic zone of Yakutia)Nogovitsyn, R.R., Sofronova, T.S., Potravnaya, E.V.NEFU, Cherepovets SUv14, 1 2024147-157
Structure and evolution of hydrocarbon systems of the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean (Eastern Arctic)Kerimov, V.Y., Lavrenova, E.A., Mustaev, R.N., Mamedov, R.A.MGRIv13, 4 2023488-500
Distribution of subsea permafrost (frozen ground) in the Laptev Sea based on seismic refraction dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V., Kazanin, A.G.OGRI RAS, JSC "MAGE"v13, 4 2023501-515
January air palaeotemperature during MIS-3-2 in North-Eastern Yakutia, reconstructed from a high-resolution record of the isotopic composition of syngenetic ice wedges of the Batagay YedomaVasil’chuk, Y.K., Vasil’chuk, A.C., Budantseva, N.A., Vasil’chuk, J.Y.Moscow State Universityv13, 4 2023516-528
The effect of air temperature on thawing depth of the road baseGalkin, A.F., Plotnikov, N.A., Pankov, V.Y.NEFU, MPI SB RASv13, 4 2023529-535
Carbon reserves in the upper soil sediments of Samoilovsky, Bolshoy Lyakhovsky and Kotelny islandsShepelev, A.G.MPI SB RASv13, 4 2023536-547
Resource base of therapeutic mineral waters in the Komi RepublicMityusheva, T.P.Institute of Geology Komi SC UB RASv13, 4 2023548-558
Radiation situation around the floating nuclear thermal power plant “Akademik Lomonosov” in the initial period of operationEkidin, A.A., Nazarov, E.I., Antonov, K.L.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv13, 4 2023559-569
On the possibility of extending the service life of winter roads using renewable energy sourcesLoktionov, E.Y., Sharaborova, E.S., Klokov, A.V., Bakhmadov, A.V., Korshunov, A.A.NAFU, BMSTU, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausannev13, 4 2023570-578
On trends in environmental and climatic risks for human health in the Arctic zone of Russia under climate changeMakosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V., Emelina, S.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Hydrometcenter of Russiav13, 4 2023579-589
Environmental problems of the Russian Arctic single-industry towns in the population estimatesPitukhina, M.A., Belykh, A.D.IE KarRC RAS, PetrSUv13, 4 2023590-600
Northern delivery as a trigger for the transport development in the Arctic zone of Yakutia and the Far East as a wholeLeonov, S.N., Zaostrovskikh, E.A.ERI FEB RASv13, 4 2023601-612
Organization of transport services for the population of the Russian Arctic remote areas (using the example of the Arkhangelsk region)Nenasheva, M.V., Grishchenko, I.V.NAHEM, NAFUv13, 4 2023613-623
Experience of introduction of musk oxen to Zavyalov Island in Tauiskaya Bay of the northern part of the Sea of OkhotskGorshunov, M.B.IBPN FEB RASv13, 4 2023624-633
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2023, No. 1—4  v13, 4 2023634-637
Geological studies of natural bitumen occurences in sedimentary and intrusive rocks of the Mesozoic age on the Franz Joseph Land archipelago during the research expedition in 2022Bogoyavlenskaya, O.V., Malishev, N.A., Makhova, O.S., Komissarov, D.K., Verzhbitsky, V.E., Vasileva, I.S., Borodulin, A.A., Kolubakin, A.A., Ulyanov, G.V., Obmetko, V.V., Boldyrev, M.L., Ugryumov, A.S., Danilkin, S.M., Ershova, V.B., Rogov, M.A., Stavitskaya, V.N., Shein, V.A., Shmanyak, A.V., Sobolev, P.O.VSEGEI, Rosneft, RN-Shelf-Arctic, Arctic Science Center, RN-Explorationv13, 3 2023328-340
Study of geomagnetic activity impact on functioning of railway automatics in Russian ArcticYagova, N.V., Rozenberg, I.N., Gvishiani, A.D., Sakharov, Y.A., Garanin, S.L., Voronin, V.A., Pilipenko, V.A., Dubchak, I.A.PGI KSC RAS, Vernadsky IGAC of RAS, IPE RAS, Russian University of Transport, Geophysical Center of RAS, VNIIASv13, 3 2023341-352
New data on intensive Earth degassing in the Arctic in the north of Western Siberia: thermokarst lakes with gas blowout craters and mud volcanoesBogoyavlensky, V.I., Nikonov, R.A., Bogoyavlensky, I.V.OGRI RASv13, 3 2023353-368
Analysis approach to the of meteorological conditions that determine the gap in response to marine oil spills in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationZatsepa, S.N., Ivchenko, A.A., Knizhnikov, À.Y., Solbakov, V.V.State Oceanographic Institute, FRCCSC RASv13, 3 2023369-381
Spatial and temporal changes in territorial social systems in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous AreaPetrov, Y.V.Tyumen State Universityv13, 3 2023382-393
Attracting investments in the Arctic: in which regions are Arctic residents the most significant, effective and sustainable?Karginova-Gubinova, V.V., Vasilieva, A.V., Moroshkina, M.V., Potasheva, O.V.IE KarRC RASv13, 3 2023394-404
Construction of the Barents-Kara mineral resource center for non-ferrous metals taking into account the development of sea communicationsBelov, S.V., Skripnichenko, V.A.IES KSC RAS, NAFUv13, 3 2023405-416
Assessment of environmental safety and energy security for the development options of heat supply to a settlement in the ArcticPavlov, N.V., Zakharov, V.E., Prokhorov, D.V., Ivanova, A.E., Petrova, T.N., Vasiliev, S.S., Ivanova, I.Y., Maysyuk, E.P.IPTPN SB RAS, ESI SB RASv13, 3 2023417-427
A hybrid model based on an artificial neural network with a long chain of short-term memory elements and a discrete wavelet transform for predicting surface methane content in the Arctic areaBuevich, A.G., Sergeev, A.P., Shichkin, A.V., Baglaeva, E.M., Subbotina, I.E., Butorova, A.S.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv13, 3 2023428-436
Probability analysis of metamorphization of the ionic composition of ultra-fresh waters of the Arctic rivers of RussiaReshetnyak, O.S.Hydrochemical Institutev13, 3 2023437-448
Environmental aspects of industrial development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic territories of the Komi RepublicTimonina, N.N., Kuznetsov, D.S., Kuznetsov, S.K.Institute of Geology Komi SC UB RASv13, 3 2023449-460
The ways of combining nature conservation and recreation activities in the Arctic: the Teriberka Nature Park example (Murmansk Region)Borovichev, E.A., Kozhin, M.N., Belkina, O.A., Khimich, Y.R., Petrov, V.N., Shulina, M.V.INEP KSC RAS, Polar Alpine Botanical Garden, Kandalaksha Reserve, Tourism Committee of the Murmansk Regionv13, 3 2023461-472
Features of the spatial distribution of 137Cs, 40K, 226Ra, 232Th in the soils of the city of Kirovsk (Murmansk region)Iglovsky, S.A., Bazhenov, A.V., Kriauciunas, V.V., Yakovlev, E.Y.FCIARv13, 3 2023473-481
Mapping of dangerous geological objects and processes at the Northern and Central parts of the Barents Sea shelf according to the hydroacoustic data from RV “Akademik Nikolai Strakhov”Sokolov, S.Y., Moroz, E.A., Zarayskaya, Y.A., Abramova, A.S., Ananyev, R.A., Sukhikh, E.A.IO RAS, GIN RASv13, 2 2023164-179
Russian arctic cities on the path to smart sustainabilityDetter, G.F., Lyovkina, A.O.Tyumen State University, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arcticv13, 2 2023180-187
Changes in the land area of the Russian Arctic for the biota developmentTishkov, A.A., Dobryansky, A.S., Krenke, A.N., Gnedenko, A.E.Institute of Geography, RASv13, 2 2023188-200
Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the World Ocean: the Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope shelfBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V.OGRI RASv13, 2 2023201-210
Safety analysis of the floating power unit under collisionKorshunov, V.A., Kudinovich, I.V., Rodionov, A.A., Suteeva, A.Z., Shuvalov, G.M.Krylov SRC, St. Petersburg SMTUv13, 2 2023211-222
Seasonal dynamics of heavy metals content and assessment of water pollution in the Northern Dvina River (Arkhangelsk)Yakovlev, E.Y., Druzhinin, S.V., Druzhinina, A.S., Zykov, S.B., Ivanchenko, N.L.FCIARv13, 2 2023223-233
Comprehensive ecological and hydrochemical zoning of the mainland part of the Russian Arctic zone in the context of the region sustainable developmentReshetnyak, O.S., Kovalenko, A.A.Hydrochemical Institute, SFedUv13, 2 2023234-247
Results of fishery monitoring in the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina River and their application in assessing the negative impact on aquatic biological resourcesTortsev, A.M., Studenov, I.I.North Branch of “VNIRO”, FCIARv13, 2 2023248-256
Wildfires as a source of black carbon in the Arctic in August 2022Popovicheva, O.B., Chichaeva, M.A., Kovach, R.G., Kasimov, N.S., Kobelev, V.O., Sinitskiy, À.I.Moscow State University, SINP MSU, MB RGS, SCSAv13, 2 2023257-270
Problem-solving technique for transporting aviation fuel to remote airfields in the Arctic regions of Yakutia and Far NorthGorbunov, V.P., Struchkova, A.Ì.NEFU, Yakutia Airlinesv13, 2 2023271-279
Water management complex of the Karelian part of the Russian Arctic zone: current state and dynamicsLitvinenko, A.V., Litvinova, I.A., Bogdanova, M.S., Filatov, N.N.NWPI KarRC RASv13, 2 2023280-296
Preferential treatment propagation in the implementation of investment projects for the industrial development of the Russian Arctic territoryKotov, A.V.RANEPAv13, 2 2023297-309
Changes in the ice situation on the Northern Sea Route depending on the movement of the Solar system planetsKholoptsev, A.V., Podporin, S.A., Ol’Khovik, E.O. v13, 2 2023310-321
Oceanic crust, transregional shear zones and the Amerasian microplate in the cretaceous-cenozoic geodynamics of ocean formation in the ArcticShipilov, E.V.PGI KSC RASv13, 1 20234-17
Biome differentiation in the Russian ArcticBelonovskaya, E.A., Tishkov, A.A.Institute of Geography, RASv13, 1 202318-33
Geochemical Features of the Kyplatap Ag-Au Ore Occurrence in Central ChukotkaPilitsyn, A.G., Volkov, A.V., Pilitsyna, T.A.IGEM RAS, IMGREv13, 1 202334-50
Features of the geological structure of oil and gas fields in the east of the Siberian platform as a condition for improving the declarative principle of licensing in the Arctic zoneSivtsev, A.I., Ivanova, T.S.NEFUv13, 1 202351-57
Research on the acid decomposition kinetics of non-conventional titanium raw materials of the Arctic Zone of the Russian FederationMudruk, N.V., Antonov, A.A., Nikolaev, A.I., Rybalkina, O.V.ICT KSC RASv13, 1 202358-71
Wind resources of the Western sector of the Arctic zone of Russian Federation and possible areas of their useMinin, V.A., Tselishcheva, M.A.NERC KSC RASv13, 1 202372-84
Experimental-analytical method for determining the global ice load from ice compression on ships and floating platforms used as polar drifting observatoriesSvistunov, I.A.AARIv13, 1 202385-96
Ice impact on the rockfill of port facilitiesDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRCv13, 1 202397-105
Assessing the resilience potential of the Russian Arctic cities: the factor of economic specializationNikitin, B.V.Moscow State Universityv13, 1 2023106-118
Measures to support indigenous peoples in their places of traditional residence: the experience of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous AreaPitukhina, M.A., Belykh, A.D.IE KarRC RASv13, 1 2023119-126
Accumulation of radionuclides in fish from the rivers of the northwestern sector of the Russian ArcticPuchkov, A.V., Druzhinina, A.S., Yakovlev, E.Y., Druzhinin, P.V.NWPI KarRC RAS, FCIARv13, 1 2023127-137
Study of the risk for plant ecosystems of the Russian Arctic from atmospheric pollution in a changing climate (1980—2050)Makosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V., Lysova, O.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physicsv13, 1 2023138-148
The dairy farming development in the Arctic zone of the Republics of Karelia and Komi, Arkhangelsk region: opportunities and forms of supportSurovtsev, V.N.IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RASv13, 1 2023149-157
To the bright memory of Academician, Vice Admiral A. A. Sarkisov  v12, 4 2022460-463
Climate changes in river flow and precipitation in the White Sea RegionTolstikov, A.V., Serykh, I.V., Balagansky, A.F.IO RAS, NWPI KarRC RASv12, 4 2022464-474
Assessing the availability of green infrastructure to residents of an Arctic city (on the example of Nadym)Sizov, O.S., Fedorov, R.Y., Pechkina, Y.A., Michugin, M.S., Kuklina, V.V., Soromotin, A.V., Fedash, A.V.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, Tyumen State University, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic, George Washington Universityv12, 4 2022475-490
Topical issues in Arctic studies: a perspective from ChinaWang, R..SPbUv12, 4 2022491-499
Compression of the ice cover in the Pechora Sea: a natural phenomenon and its impact on marine operationsBuzin, I.V., Klyachkin, S.V., Frolov, S.V., Smirnov, K.G., Mikhaltceva, S.V., Sokolova, Y.V., Gudoshnikov, Y.P., Voinov, G.N., Grigoryev, M.N.AARI, IMEMOv12, 4 2022500-512
Monitoring of the Mordyyakha gas explosion object development on Yamal on the basis of Earth remote sensing dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RASv12, 4 2022513-523
Application of Digital Technologies for Investment Evaluation of Mining Projects in the Western part of the ArcticLukichev, S.V., Nagovitsyn, O.V., Churkin, O.E., Gilyarova, A.A.MI KSC RASv12, 4 2022524-537
The Northern Sea Route as a coordination of interests’ medium for sustainable socio-economic development of the ArcticIvanova, M.V., Danilin, K.P., Koshkarev, M.V.IES KSC RAS, Institute of Business Career v12, 4 2022538-550
Selection of the priority option for a floating power unit based on the analysis of technical and economic indicatorsBrykalov, S.M., Balyberdin, A.S., Nyrkov, D.A., Sheshina, N.V., Gushchina, E.A.«Afrikantov OKBM»v12, 4 2022551-558
Agricultural sector of the North and the Arctic: historical aspect, directions of developmentIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv12, 4 2022559-571
Formation of an eco-industrial zone in the Karelian Arctic: spatial background, resource potential, human capitalVolkov, A.D., Vasilieva, A.V., Karginova-Gubinova, V.V.IE KarRC RASv12, 4 2022572-584
Determinants of demographic processes in the Russian Arctic: factor analysisSmirennikova, Å.V., Provorova, A.A., Ukhanova, A.V., Gubina, O.V., Voronina, L.V.FCIARv12, 4 2022585-597
Solid particles as an indicator of the placement of air pollution monitoring posts in MurmanskOputina, I.P., Shklyaev, V.A., Kostyleva, N.V.Perm State University, Ural Research Institute “Ecology”v12, 4 2022598-610
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2022, No. 1—4  v12, 4 2022611-613
Monitoring of the methane concentration changes in the Arctic atmosphere in 2019—2021 according to the TROPOMI spectrometer dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Sizov, O.S., Nikonov, R.A., Bogoyavlensky, I.V.OGRI RASv12, 3 2022304-319
Analysis of the cenosoic erosion of sedimentary deposits in the East Barents Mega Basin based on 3d modeling of hydrocarbon systemsGolovanov, D.Y., Bogoyavlenskaya, O.V., Nikishin, V.A., Malishev, N.A., Verzhbitsky, V.E., Komissarov, D.K.Rosneft, RN-Shelf-Arcticv12, 3 2022320-333
Geological and economic development factors of diamond placers in the Arctic zone of RussiaNogovitsyn, R.R., Grigoryeva, E.E.NEFUv12, 3 2022334-348
Prospects of Using Nuclear Power Technologies in the ArcticSarkisov, A.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RANv12, 3 2022349-358
Draft Standard to measure, control and regulate the parameters of technogenic underwater noise of civil marine equipmentTarovik, V.I., Kalyu, V.A.Krylov SRCv12, 3 2022359-366
Prospects for the development of regional aviation in the Far North and the tasks of increasing the transport accessibility of the Arctic and the Far EastGorbunov, V.P.Yakutia Airlinesv12, 3 2022367-375
Methodological approach to the study of tourism systems in the Northern and Arctic regions on the Russian Federation (on the example of the European North)Moroshkina, M.V., Vasilieva, A.V., Kondratyeva, S.V.Karelian Research Centre of RASv12, 3 2022376-386
Demographic assessment of the development of settlements in the Asian part of the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPetrov, Y.V.Tyumen State Universityv12, 3 2022387-399
Small and Medium Enterprises in the North of Russia: Problems and Support Policies from the RegionsTimushev, E.N., Terentyeva, M.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv12, 3 2022400-415
State support for agriculture in the Russian Arctic regions: current state, compliance with targets, directions for improvementNikulina, Y.N.IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RASv12, 3 2022419-429
The role of regional suppliers in the implementation of Arctic projects: Russian practice and Norwegian experienceKryukov, Y.V.IEIE SB RASv12, 3 2022430-443
Methods for ensuring environmental safety in waste disposal in hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic zoneSednev, V.A., Drozdov, D.A., Sergeenkova, N.A.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Servicev12, 3 2022444-453
Deep gratitude to Ashot Arakelovich Sarkisov from the Editorial Board of the Journal “Arctic: Ecology and Economy”  v12, 2 2022156-157
Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the World Ocean: the East Siberian SeaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V., Kazanin, A.G., Kazanin, G.A.OGRI RAS, JSC "MAGE"v12, 2 2022158-171
Acceptable risk for Arctic shelf ecosystems based on probabilistic model calculationsSolovieva, N.V., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RASv12, 2 2022172-182
Environmentally permissible levels of metals in the Lake Bienda-Stemme (West Spitsbergen)Frumin, G.T., Demeshkin, A.S., Malikov, U.M.Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon», Herzen University, SPbSUTv12, 2 2022183-190
Impact of the Lomonosov diamond deposit exploitation on the Zolotitsa River ecosystemKotova, E.I., Netsvetaeva, O.P., Reshetnyak, O.S.IO RAS, Hydrochemical Institute, Russian Arctic National Parkv12, 2 2022191-199
Economy of the Arctic coastal territories: analysis of the state and development trendsNovikov, A.V.GUZv12, 2 2022200-210
Multiplicative Economic Effects in Arctic Fish Industry ProjectsTarasova, O.V., Rusyaev, S.M.IEIE SB RAS, MagadanNIROv12, 2 2022211-223
Prospects for the development of major tin ore deposits in ChukotkaVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RASv12, 2 2022224-234
On the issue of the sources of alluvial diamonds of the Ebelyakhsky region (Arctic zone of Russia)Bochneva, A.A., Lalomov, A.V.IGEM RASv12, 2 2022235-245
Features of the use of ice crossings when delivering cargos and developing fields in the Gulf of Ob. Possibilities of using hovercraft, wheeled and amphibious transportLobanov, A.V., Kornienko, O.A., Timofeyev, O.Y.Gazprom, St. Petersburg SMTU, Krasnoyarskgazprom neftegazproektv12, 2 2022246-257
Analysis of the state and development of the transport system of the Northern Sea RouteGurlev, I.V., Makosko, A.A., Malygin, I.G.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, IPT RASv12, 2 2022258-270
The use of granular foam-glass ceramic in the Arctic construction of low-rise buildingsMelnikov, V.P., Melnikova, A.A., Ivanov, K.S.Tyumen SC SB RAS, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, GNEZDO NRCv12, 2 2022271-280
Prospects for the application of ice composite materials for the construction of ice crossingsSyromyatnikova, A.S., Fedorova, L.K.NEFU, IPTPN SB RASv12, 2 2022281-287
The effectiveness evaluation of implementing micro-hydroelectric power plants for the ecotourism development in remote areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Murmansk region)Bezhan, A.V., Konovalova, O.E.NERC KSC RASv12, 2 2022288-297
Message from the Editor-in-ChiefSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RANv12, 1 20224-5
Life Expectancy in the Russian Arctic: Regional Features and Growth ReservesProvorova, A.A., Gubina, O.V.FCIARv12, 1 20226-18
Economic feasibility assessment of connecting remote eastern Arctic consumers to the power gridShakirov, V.A., Ivanova, I.Y., Ivanov, R.A.ESI SB RASv12, 1 202219-33
On the assessment of environmental risks from air pollution in the Arctic zone under a changing climate in the ÕÕI centuryMakosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physicsv12, 1 202234-45
Spatial-temporal variability of hydrochemical characteristics of the Gulf of Ob and Taz BayTretiakov, M.V., Rumiantseva, E.V., Bryzgalo, V.A., Piskun, A.A., Vasilevich, I.I.AARIv12, 1 202246-57
Features of the seismic process in the western part of the Aleutian subduction zone and their possible relationship with climate changes in the ArcticVladimirova, I.S., Lobkovsky, L.I., Alekseev, D.A., Gabsatarov, Y.V.IO RAS, MIPT, GS RASv12, 1 202258-67
Dynamics in the content of greenhouse gases in the surface layer of atmospheric air of the Arctic Island of Bely in the summer period 2015—2017Subbotina, I.E., Baglaeva, E.M., Buevich, A.G., Sergeev, A.P., Shichkin, A.V.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv12, 1 202268-76
Assessment of changes in the Scots pine linear increments in the Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve based on the climatic forecast of the surface air temperature in the Russian ArcticMaximova, O.V., Koukhta, A.Y.IGCEv12, 1 202277-86
Economic assessment of mineral resource potential of the Komi Republic Arctic territoriesBurtseva, I.G., Tikhonova, T.V., Burtsev, I.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Institute of Geology Komi SC UB RASv12, 1 202287-98
Technogenic underwater noise as a factor in the environmental safety of maritime transport and industrial activities in the ArcticTarovik, V.I., Savchenko, O.V., Kutaeva, N.G.Krylov SRC, Marine Rescue Servicev12, 1 202299-110
Challenges and contradictions in the development of the North and the Arctic: demographic dimensionFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv12, 1 2022111-122
Automatic routing of vessels in ice: problem statement and solution toolsTopaj, A.G., Tarovik, O.V., Bakharev, A.A.Bureau Hyperboreav12, 1 2022123-139
Arctic reindeer herding in Yakutia in the context of industrial development of the territory: conflict of interest or prospects for cooperationRodnina, N.V.ASAUv12, 1 2022140-151
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of V. M. Kotlyakov, the Deputy Chairman of the Journal Editorial Council, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences  v11, 4 2021464-465
Assessment of energy-related environmental impacts during the implementation of promising projects for the development of deposits in the Arctic territories of the Russian eastern regionsSaneev, B.G., Maysyuk, E.P., Ivanova, I.Y.ESI SB RASv11, 4 2021466-480
Role of FSUE “Atomflot” in the implementation of programs for the rehabilitation of nuclear legacy facilities and in the system of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management in the Murmansk regionKashka, M.M., Efanskaya, E.A., Matviishina, K.A., Tkachenko, D.A., Bogdanov, A.Y., Kobzev, V.A.Atomflot, Moscow office of Atomflotv11, 4 2021481-492
Implementation of the “green growth” concept in the Russian Arctic (on the example of the Murmansk region)Klyuchnikova, E.M., Korppoo, A.M.INEP KSC RAS, Fridtjof Nansen Institutev11, 4 2021493-503
Economic consequences of the COVID-19 impact on the tourism development in Arctic regions of RussiaKonyshev, E.V., Lutoshkina, A.K.Perm State University, VyatSUv11, 4 2021504-518
The development of a holistic image of the cryosphereMelnikov, V.P., Brushkov, A.V., Fedorov, R.Y.Moscow State University, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RASv11, 4 2021519-528
Geoinformation analysis of soil cover protection in the Arctic Zone of the Russian FederationPrisyazhnaya, A.A., Chernova, O.V., Mitenko, G.V., Snakin, V.V.IBBP PSN RAS, Moscow State University, ISSP PSN RAS, IPEE RASv11, 4 2021529-540
The Pizhemskoye titanium deposit is a new object of the nearest development in the Arctic zone of RussiaMakeyev, A.B.IGEM RASv11, 4 2021541-556
Modeling in marine ice engineeringDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRCv11, 4 2021557-567
The tribal community of the indigenous peoples of the North in the system of traditional nature managementSleptsov, A.N.NEFUv11, 4 2021568-581
Natural resources, settlement system and the role of single-industry towns in the spatial organization development of the Arctic Karelia regional economyVolkov, A.D., Tishkov, S.V., Druzhinin, P.V.IE KarRC RASv11, 4 2021582-595
Features ensuring food security for the population of the North and Arctic of RussiaIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv11, 4 2021596-606
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2021  v11, 4 2021607-609
To the 75th anniversary of Academician Leonid A. Bolshov, Chairman of the Journal Editorial Council  v11, 3 2021310-312
Development and application of an integrated system of mathematical models for the transfer of radionuclides upon a hypothetic accident to minimize radioecological consequencesSarkisov, A.A., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Vysotsky, V.V., Dzama, D.V., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N., Pripachkin, D.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RANv11, 3 2021313-326
Long-term hydrochemical changes and “Harmful Algal Blooms” in the Arctic Lake ImandraKashulin, N.A., Bekkelund, A.., Dauvalter, V.A.INEP KSC RAS, Creek-Biov11, 3 2021327-340
Climate and environmental risks in the development of Arctic coastal territoriesVasil`tsov, V.S., Yashalova, N.N., Novikov, A.V.GUZ, Cherepovets SUv11, 3 2021341-352
The COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian Arctic: some socio-economic results of 2020Korchak, E.A.IES KSC RASv11, 3 2021353-361
Catastrophic gas blowout in 2020 on the Yamal Peninsula in the Arctic. Results of comprehensive analysis of aerospace RS dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOGv11, 3 2021362-374
D magnetic model of the Earth’s crust of the White Sea and adjacent territoriesNilov, M.Y., Bakunovich, L.I., Sharov, N.V., Belashev, B.Z.IG KarRC RASv11, 3 2021375-385
Regional unevenness of the summer warming in the continental Arctic as an indicator of natural boundaries of northern landscapesTitkova, T.B., Zolotokrylin, A.N.Institute of Geography, RASv11, 3 2021386-396
The air temperature variability during the cold period on the Kola Peninsula as modification factor of the ice regimeBanshchikova, L.S., Sumachev, A.E.SHIv11, 3 2021397-05
Less-common and rare earth elements of the Pechenga region oresLobanov, K.V., Grigoryeva, A.V., Volkov, A.V., Chicherov, M.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RASv11, 3 2021406-421
Models to predict the parameters of ship voyages in the Arctic: existing approaches and possible ways of developmentTarovik, O.V.Krylov SRCv11, 3 2021422-435
Ecological and economic assessment of public health in the Komi RepublicDmitrieva, T.E., Fomina, V.F.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv11, 3 2021436-448
The role of wind energy in the socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic zone regions (on the example of the Murmansk region)Bezhan, A.V.NERC KSC RASv11, 3 2021449-457
Assessment of coal supply and use in the development of gold deposits in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Batugina, N.S., Gavrilov, V.L., Khoiutanov, E.A., Popova, K.S.MIN SB RASv11, 2 2021152-163
Study of microplastic pollution in the seas of the Russian Arctic and the Far EastErshova, A.A., Eremina, T.R., Dunayev, A.L., Makeeva, I.N., Tatarenko, Y.A.RSHUv11, 2 2021164-177
Earth degassing in the Arctic: comprehensive analysis of factors of powerful gas emission in the Laptev SeaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kazanin, A.G., Kishankov, A.V., Kazanin, G.A.OGRI RAS, JSC "MAGE"v11, 2 2021178-194
The nature of regional magnetic anomalies in the northeast of the Barents-Kara continental margin based on the results of seismic data interpretationShipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Shkarubo, S.I.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS, JSC "MAGE"v11, 2 2021195-204
Operational forecasting system for Arctic Ocean using the Russian marine circulation model INMOM-ArcticFomin, V.V., Panasenkova, I.I., Gusev, A.V., Chaplygin, A.V., Diansky, N.A.Moscow State University, State Oceanographic Institute, INM RASv11, 2 2021205-218
Thermal stress assessment for an Arctic city in summerKonstantinov, P.I., Varentsov, M.I., Grishchenko, M.Y., Samsonov, T.E., Shartova, N.V.Moscow State Universityv11, 2 2021219-231
Metalliferous conglomerates — potential sources of placers in the Arctic zone of RussiaVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Lalomov, A.V., Lobanov, K.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RASv11, 2 2021232-243
Improving the economic performance of nuclear icebreakers when navigating ships in the ArcticKorolev, V.I.Admiral Makarov State Universityv11, 2 2021244-253
Assessment of losses caused to the indigenous peoples of the North in the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory due to the diesel spill at TPP-3 in NorilskSamsonova, I.V., Potravny, I.M., Pavlova, M.B., Semyonova, L.A.RUE, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)v11, 2 2021254-265
Use of fish resources by indigenous peoples of the Nenets Autonomous AreaTortsev, A.M., Studenov, I.I., Semushin, A.V.FCIARv11, 2 2021266-276
The rural population dynamics of in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the post-Soviet period: general trends and geographical differencesSavvinova, A.N., Filippova, V.V., Litvinenko, T.V.NEFU, Institute of Geography, RAS, IHRISN SB RASv11, 2 2021277-290
Possibilities of applying the concept of “winter city” in the Russian Arctic (on the example of the city of Nadym)Fedorov, R.Y., Sizov, O.S., Kuklina, V.V., Lobanov, A.A., Soromotin, A.V., Pechkin, A.S., Pechkina, Y.A., Esau, I.N.OGRI RAS, Tyumen State University, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic, George Washington University, NMRC RB, Nansen ERSCv11, 2 2021291-303
Message from the Editor-in-ChiefSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RANv11, 1 20214-5
Influence of the Ports of the Northern Sea Route on the Formation of Focal Zones for the Development of the Eastern ArcticLeonov, S.N., Zaostrovskikh, E.A.ERI FEB RASv11, 1 20216-18
Assessment of the demographic potential of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation in the context of innovative developmentSmirennikova, Å.V., Ukhanova, A.V., Voronina, L.V.FCIARv11, 1 202119-29
Changes in the biological productivity of the Russian Arctic land ecosystems in the 21st centuryTishkov, A.A., Belonovskaya, E.A., Krenke, A.N., Titova, S.V., Tsarevskaya, N.G.Institute of Geography, RASv11, 1 202130-41
Deformation tectonic waves as a possible trigger mechanism for the activation of methane emissions in the ArcticGaragash, I.A., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS, IPE RASv11, 1 202142-50
Fundamental aspects of the catastrophic gas blowout genesis and the formation of giant craters in the ArcticBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RASv11, 1 202151-66
Experimental study of the permafrost thawing effect on the content of nutrients and heavy metals in seawater during abrasion destruction of the Arctic coastPogojeva, M.P., Yakushev, E.V., Petrov, I.N., Yaeski, E.A.IO RAS, State Oceanographic Institute, Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon»v11, 1 202167-75
Rare-earth elements in Cu-Ni ores of the Norilsk regionGrigoryeva, A.V., Volkov, A.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RASv11, 1 202176-89
Physical modeling of ice load on extended hydraulic constructions. Sloping constructions with an inclined edgeDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRCv11, 1 202190-100
The role of the nuclear icebreaker fleet in achieving the national goal of increasing in fright traffic in the water area of the Northern Sea RouteKashka, M.M., Irlitsa, L.A., Efanskaya, E.A., Matviishina, K.A., Golovinsky, S.A.Atomflot, Moscow office of Atomflotv11, 1 2021101-110
Spatial development of the Russian Arctic Zone: analysis of two strategiesBlanutsa, V.I.IG SB RANv11, 1 2021111-121
Corporate social responsibility in the course of industrial development of Yakutia: last decade experienceGavrilyeva, T.N., Yakovleva, N.P., Boyakova, S.I., Ivanova, M.A.NEFU, IHRISN SB RAS, Newcastle University Londonv11, 1 2021122-134
Impact of state support on the development of agriculture and rural areas in the European North of RussiaSmirnova, V.V.IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RASv11, 1 2021135-145
Migration of the Russian Arctic population: models, routes, resultsFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North4 (40) 20204-18
The current state and dynamics of the water economy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of the White Sea basinFilatov, N.N., Litvinenko, A.V., Bogdanova, M.S.NWPI KarRC RAS4 (40) 202019-33
On tectonic-geodynamic relationships of the Eurasian basin and the Lomonosov Ridge with the continental margin of Siberia according to new seismic dataShipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Kirillova, T.A.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS, JSC "MAGE"4 (40) 202034-42
Velocity structure and density inhomogeneities of the White Sea crustSharov, N.V., Bakunovich, L.I., Belashev, B.Z., Nilov, M.Y.IG KarRC RAS4 (40) 202043-53
Development of a method for forecasting the potential of placers by formalizing the factors of placer formation based on loparite placers of the Lovozero massifLalomov, A.V., Chefranov, R.M.IGEM RAS4 (40) 202054-65
Analysis of technological and technical advances in the study of subaqueous gas hydrates and the possibility of their application in the Arctic seas of RussiaLogvina, E.A., Matveeva, T.V., Bochkarev, A.V., Semenova, A.A., Nazarova, O.V.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia4 (40) 202066-76
Physical modeling of ice load on extended hydraulic constructions. The vertical wall constructionsDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC4 (40) 202077-89
Digital technologies for remote detection and monitoring of the development of heaving mounds and craters of catastrophic gas blowouts in the ArcticBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N., Nikonov, R.A.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG4 (40) 202090-105
Problems of power supply in the public utility sector of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Shakirov, V.A., Tuguzova, T.F., Muzychuk, R.I.ESI SB RAS4 (40) 2020106-116
Socio-economic development of the village of Tiksi in the Russian Arctic: strategy and growth potentialIvanova, P.Y., Potravnaya, E.V.ICEAC, MDAAP of Yakutia4 (40) 2020117-129
Prospects for the development of Arctic cruise tourism in the western sector of the Russian ArcticKunnikov, A.V.National Park “Russian Arctic”4 (40) 2020130-138
Transformation of reindeer farming under the market economy conditions (on the example of Yamal)Yuzhakov, A.A., Detter, G.F.NWC IPFS, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic4 (40) 2020139-150
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2020, No. 1—4   4 (40) 2020151-153
90 years since the birth of Academician Nikolai Pavlovich LaverovSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RAN3 (39) 20204-5
Earth degassing in the Arctic: the genesis of natural and anthropogenic methane emissionsBogoyavlensky, V.I., Sizov, O.S., Nikonov, R.A., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS3 (39) 20206-22
Biomonitoring of aerothechnogenic contamination of ecosystems in the North of Russia by heavy metalsEvseev, A.V., Dushkova, D.O., Goretskaya, A.G.Moscow State University, Humoldt University3 (39) 202023-33
Ecological aspects of the development of the natural resource potential of the Russian ArcticBrekhuntsov, A.M., Petrov, Y.V., Prykova, O.A.LLC MSE Geodata3 (39) 202034-47
Tundra and forest of the Russian Arctic: the interaction vector in the context of current climate warmingTishkov, A.A., Belonovskaya, E.A., Glazov, P.M., Krenke, A.N., Puzachenko, A.Y., Tertitsky, G.M., Titova, S.V.Institute of Geography, RAS3 (39) 202048-61
Possible seismogenic trigger mechanism of abrupt activation of methane emission and climate warming in the ArcticLobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS3 (39) 202062-72
Coastal geosystems of the Kara Sea in a changing climateVanshtein, B.G., Streletskaya, I.D., Pismeniuk, A.A.Moscow State University, FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia3 (39) 202073-86
Geophysical model of the Earth’s crust, geodynamic conditions and prospects for the discovery of Pb-Zn deposits in the Russian ArcticGalyamov, A.L., Volkov, A.V., Lobanov, K.V.IGEM RAS3 (39) 202087-98
Main results of geophysical studies of the Arctic offshore areas at JSC “MAGE”, development and implementation problems of domestic geophysical equipment for marine seismic surveyKazanin, G.S., Kazanin, A.G., Bazilevich, S.O.JSC "MAGE"3 (39) 202099-111
Exploration drilling on the Russian Arctic and Far East shelfZhdaneev, O.V., Frolov, K.N., Konygin, A.E., Gekhaev, M.R.Gazprom Neft Shelf, REA, Far East Investment and Export Agency3 (39) 2020112-125
Information and Analytical Support for Personnel Security Management in the Arctic regions (application development on the example of the Murmansk region)Bystrov, V.V., Masloboev, A.V., Putilov, V.A.IIMM KSC RAS3 (39) 2020126-140
Ethnological monitoring in the context of assessing the impact of industrial activity on indigenous peoples: traditional knowledge and legal regulation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Novikova, N.I.IEA of RAS3 (39) 2020141-151
Northern city-base: its special features and potential for the Arctic developmentZamyatina, N.Y.Institute for Regional Consulting2 (38) 20204-17
Human Development and Prospects for the Knowledge Economy FormationSmirnov, A.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North2 (38) 202018-30
Regional biogeographic effects of “fast” climate changes in the Russian Arctic in the 21st centuryTishkov, A.A., Belonovskaya, E.A., Vaisfeld, M.A., Glazov, P.M., Lappo, E.G., Morozova, O.V., Pokrovskaya, I.V., Tertitsky, G.M., Titova, S.V., Tsarevskaya, N.G.Institute of Geography, RAS2 (38) 202031-44
Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the World Ocean: the Chukchi Sea (Russia and the USA)Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V.OGRI RAS2 (38) 202045-58
Two-step combined algorithm for improving the accuracy of predicting methane concentration in atmospheric air based on the NARX neural network and subsequent prediction of residualsSubbotina, I.E., Buevich, A.G., Sergeev, A.P., Shichkin, A.V., Baglaeva, E.M., Remezova, M.S.Institute of Industrial Ecology, UFU2 (38) 202059-67
Motion of heavy-tonnage vessels in the ice drift conditionsDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC2 (38) 202068-76
Application of space technologies in metallogenic analysis of the Russian Arctic territoryVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Belousov, P.E., Wolfson, A.A.IGEM RAS2 (38) 202077-85
Geological background to search underwater accumulations of mammoth ivory by sonar in the Russian ArcticSmirnov, A.N., Kalinovskiy, K.K.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia2 (38) 202086-96
Socio-economic development of coastal municipal areas of the White Sea regionKurilo, A.E., Druzhinin, P.V., Shkiperova, G.T., Prokopiev, Y.A.IE KarRC RAS2 (38) 202097-108
The coastal territories of the Arkhangelsk region: the development of natural resources and socio-economic developmentTortsev, A.M.FCIAR2 (38) 2020109-121
Information and Analytical Support for Personnel Security Management in the Arctic regions (methodology and tools)Bystrov, V.V., Masloboev, A.V., Putilov, V.A.IIMM KSC RAS2 (38) 2020122-133
Portable photovoltaic power supply for low temperature applicationsTarasenko, A.B., Menshikov, Y.A., Suleymanov, M.Z., Kiseleva, S.S.Moscow State University, JIHT RAS, YAROSTANMASH2 (38) 2020134-143
Assessment of electrical loads of potential projects for the development of mineral resources in the eastern regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationSaneev, B.G., Ivanova, I.Y., Korneev, A.G.ESI SB RAS1 (37) 20204-14
Contribution of Russian fishery, including the Arctic one, to the achievement of indicators of “Food Security Doctrine of Russian Federation”Vasilyev, A.M., Zatheyeva, V.A., Lisunova, E.A.IES KSC RAS1 (37) 202015-25
Environmental assessment of different fuel types for energy production in the Arctic regions of the Russian Far EastMaysyuk, E.P., Ivanova, I.Y.ESI SB RAS1 (37) 202026-36
Special Features of Handling Non-defueled K-27 Nuclear Submarine Dumped in the Arctic Following Its Prospective LiftingAntipov, S.V., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N., Shvedov, P.A., Kulikov, K.N., Nizamutdinov, R.A., Lodochnikov, S.V.IBRAE RAN, NIPTB Onega1 (37) 202037-44
Assessment of the long-range pollution trends of the atmosphere in the Arctic zone of Russia in 1980-2050 considering climate change scenariosMakosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics1 (37) 202045-52
Study of catastrophic gas blowout zones in the Arctic based on passive microseismic monitoring (on the example of Lake Otkrytiye)Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Erokhin, G.N., Nikonov, R.A., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Bryksin, V.M.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, IKBFU1 (37) 202053-64
Development of methods for determining ice loads and requirements for ice reinforcement structuresAppolonov, E.M., Platonov, V.V., Tryaskin, V.N.Krylov SRC, St. Petersburg SMTU, Lazurit CDB1 (37) 202065-81
Geophysical model of the Earth’s crust, geodynamic conditions and prospects for discovering Carlin-type ore deposits in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RAS1 (37) 202082-94
Engineering and geological conditions for the development of the water part of the Kruzenshtern deposit in the Kara SeaDzublo, A.D., Alekseeva, K.V.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG1 (37) 202095-108
Mammoth tusks getting as a type of traditional nature managementPotravny, I.M., Protopopov, A.V., Gassiy, V.V.RUE, Kuban State University, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)1 (37) 2020109-121
The entrepreneurship phenomenon in the Yamal reindeer farming: assessment of the situation, paradoxes and contradictions, choice of the futurePilyasov, A.N., Kibenko, V.A.Institute for Regional Consulting, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic1 (37) 2020122-135
The Eastern Arctic facilities accelerate the Russian Far East developmentLeonov, S.N., Zaostrovskikh, E.A.ERI FEB RAS4 (36) 20194-15
Is it possible to restore the Arctic lake ecosystems after long-term pollution?Moiseenko, T.I., Denisov, D.B.INEP KSC RAS, Vernadsky IGAC of RAS4 (36) 201916-25
Elimination of accumulated environmental damage in the Arctic: approaches and limitations for oil-contaminated sites remediationKulikova, O.A., Mazlova, E.A.Gubkin RSUOG4 (36) 201926-37
Anthropogenic transformation of the Russian Arctic ecosystems: approaches, methods, assessmentsTishkov, A.A., Belonovskaya, E.A., Glazov, P.M., Krenke, A.N., Titova, S.V., Tsarevskaya, N.G., Shmatova, A.G.Institute of Geography, RAS4 (36) 201938-51
Earth Degassing in the Arctic: Comprehensive Studies of the Distribution of Frost Mounds and Thermokarst Lakes with Gas Blowout Craters on the Yamal PeninsulaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Sizov, O.S., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS4 (36) 201952-68
Dynamics of nutrients in the Yenisei Gulf during the open water periodMakkaveev, P.N., Polukhin, A.A., Nalbandov, Y.R., Khlebopashev, P.V.IO RAS4 (36) 201969-82
Methodological basis for determining the design ice loads on the hull of modern ice vessels in the bow and stern areasPlatonov, V.V., Tryaskin, V.N.Krylov SRC, St. Petersburg SMTU4 (36) 201983-98
Reverse motion of ships in ice: some research resultsDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E., Sapershteyn, I.A.Krylov SRC4 (36) 201999-106
Logical and information models for forecast and rapid assessment of new gold deposits in the Arctic zone of RussiaChizhova, I.A., Lobanov, K.V., Volkov, A.V.IGEM RAS4 (36) 2019107-117
Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: Geological and Genetic Models and Perspectives for the Arctic Regions of RussiaSoloviev, S.G.IGEM RAS4 (36) 2019118-130
Òransport and logistics system of the Northern Sea Route: prospects, problems and solutionsZelenkov, M.Y.MSAWT4 (36) 2019131-140
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: Åcology and Åconomy” in 2019  4 (36) 2019141-143
The role of innovation in the economic development of the Northern and Arctic regionsDruzhinin, P.V., Potasheva, O.V.IE KarRC RAS3 (35) 20194-15
Apatite mining and processing production and eutrophication of the Arctic Lake ImandraKashulin, N.A., Bekkelund, A.., Dauvalter, V.A., Petrovà, O.V.INEP KSC RAS, Creek-Bio3 (35) 201916-34
Experience in studying the particle size distribution of atmospheric precipitation of some settlements of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Drozd, V.A., Panchenko, S.V., Khoroshikh, P.P., Chernishev, V.V., Kholodov, A.S., Chaika, V.V., Tkachev, V.V., Golokhvast, K.S.IBRAE RAN, FEFU, Vladivostok Branch of the FESC PPB3 (35) 201935-46
Khatanga-Lomonosov fault zone: structure, tectonic position and geodynamicsShipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Shkarubo, S.I.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS, JSC "MAGE"3 (35) 201947-61
The crustal structure of the White Sea and adjacent territoriesSharov, N.V., Zhuravlev, V.A.IG KarRC RAS, JSC "MAGE"3 (35) 201962-72
The effect of water temperature anomalies at low latitudes of the ocean on Arctic climate variations and their predictabilityAlekseev, G.V., Vyazilova, A.E., Glok, N.I., Ivanov, N.E., Kharlanenkova, N.E.AARI3 (35) 201973-83
Architectural and structural features of Arctic double-acting vesselsPlatonov, V.V., Tryaskin, V.N.Krylov SRC, St. Petersburg SMTU3 (35) 201984-96
Determination of the heeling moment acting in ice compression on the ice-resistant self-propelled platform “North Pole” by the model testing methodSvistunov, I.A.AARI3 (35) 201997-106
Depth structure and ore-forming systems of the Pechenga ore region (Russian Arctic Zone)Lobanov, K.V., Chicherov, M.V., Sharov, N.V., Chizhova, I.A., Gornostaeva, T.A.IGEM RAS, IG KarRC RAS3 (35) 2019107-122
Mineral and raw material base of the Karelian Arctic: prospects of development and explorationIvashchenko, V.I., Shchiptsov, V.V.IG KarRC RAS3 (35) 2019123-134
Strategy formation for reindeer farming development in the Arctic sub-region of the Russian European North-EastIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (35) 2019135-145
Local Labor Markets of the Russian Arctic: Classification by Activity TypeFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North2 (34) 20194-17
The structure of nature management in the Arctic territories of the Russian Far EastStepanko, N.G.PGI FEB RAS2 (34) 201918-30
Earth degassing in the Artic: remote and field studies of the thermokarst lakes gas eruptionBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS2 (34) 201931-47
Identification of frontal zones position on the surface of the Barents Sea according to in situ and remote sensing dataMoiseev, D.D., Zaporozhtsev, I.F., Maximovskaya, T.M., Dukhno, G.N.MASU, MMBI KSC RAS2 (34) 201948-63
Considering long-term climatic changes in the key zones of social and economic development of the Russian Arctic for the navigation and industrial capacity extensionDrozdov, V.V.Krylov SRC2 (34) 201964-79
Arctic Supply Vessel Design taking into account the Cargo Flow Structure of the Transport SystemKondratenko, A.A., Tarovik, O.V.Krylov SRC2 (34) 201980-96
Current view on the development of emergency rescue fleet vessels in the ArcticIlyukhin, V.N.Association for search and rescue technology development2 (34) 201997-108
Geodynamic formation setting of the strategic metal deposits in the Russian Arctic zoneVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Lobanov, K.V.IGEM RAS2 (34) 2019109-119
Small Nuclear Power Plants in the Arctic Regions: Issues of Economic Feasibility and Environmental SafetyPimenov, A.O., Kulikov, D.G., Vasilyev, A.P., Molokanov, N.A.NIKIET2 (34) 2019120-128
The Concept of the Arctic Center for Advanced Research and Security SupportMasloboev, A.V.IIMM KSC RAS2 (34) 2019129-143
Celebrating the 95th anniversary of Academician Ashot Sarkisov, the Journal’s Chief-Editor  1 (33) 20194-5
Arctic transport routes on land, in water and air areasGruzinov, V.M., Zvorykina, Y.V., Ivanov, G.V., Sychev, Y.F., Tarasova, O.V., Filin, B.N.State Oceanographic Institute, Institute of Vnesheconombank, Military Academy of the General Staff, IEIE SB RAS, IBRAE RAN1 (33) 20196-20
Measuring the Strategy for socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic zonePogostinskaya, N.N., Pogostinskiy, Y.A., Vlasova, M.S.International Banking Institute1 (33) 201921-33
Issues of estimating and compensating for losses to indigenous peoples in the conditions of industrial development of the ArcticBurtseva, E.I., Potravny, I.M., Gassiy, V.V., Sleptsov, A.N., Velichenko, V.V.NEFU, RUE, Kuban State University1 (33) 201934-49
Environmental Risk Assessment Method in the development of the Arctic shelf resourcesSolovieva, N.V., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS1 (33) 201950-60
Territorial protection of rare and endangeredplant species in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPrisyazhnaya, A.A., Kruglova, S.A., Khrisanov, V.R., Snakin, V.V.IBBP PSN RAS, Moscow State University1 (33) 201961-70
Biotic significant climate trends and biota dynamics of the Russian ArcticTishkov, A.A., Vaisfeld, M.A., Glazov, P.M., Morozova, O.V., Puzachenko, A.Y., Tertitsky, G.M., Titova, S.V.Institute of Geography, RAS1 (33) 201971-87
Earth decontamination in the Arctic: remote and field studies of the Seyakha accident gas emission on the Yamal PeninsulaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Sizov, O.S., Mazharov, A.V., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Kishankov, A.V., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS, YNAR Government1 (33) 201988-105
The mineral wealth of the Circum-Arctic BeltVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Lobanov, K.V.IGEM RAS1 (33) 2019106-117
Maritime activities and the issues of life rescue in the Russian ArcticNikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Valdman, N.A.Krylov SRC1 (33) 2019118-128
The concept of an integrated information system for planning of fleet operation in the ArcticTimofeyev, O.Y., Tarovik, O.V., Topaj, A.G., Mironov, Y.U., Frolov, S.V., Buyanov, A.S., Gorbachev, M.A., Bengert, A.A.Krylov SRC, AARI, CMRDI, SLC, Northern Sea Route Directorate of Rosatom1 (33) 2019129-143
Problems of the Arctic mineral resources development (in terms of Chukotka and Alaska)Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS4 (32) 20184-14
Sustainable water use in the Arctic. New approaches and solutionsKashulin, N.A., Dauvalter, V.A., Skoufina, T.P., Kotelnikov, V.A.INEP KSC RAS, IES KSC RAS, Polar Alpine Botanical Garden4 (32) 201815-29
Under ice oil spill response in the remote Arctic watersToropov, E.E., Shabalin, A.A., Mokhov, O.A.CDB ME «Rubin»4 (32) 201830-42
Mapping of plant species protected at the federal level in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPrisyazhnaya, A.A., Kruglova, S.A., Khrisanov, V.R., Snakin, V.V.IBBP PSN RAS, Moscow State University4 (32) 201843-54
Ensuring ecological safety in the development of the shelf seas resources and the environmental management on the basis of the sustainability assessment of marine ecosystems to technogenic impactDrozdov, V.V.Krylov SRC4 (32) 201855-69
The role of permafrost in the formation of the hydrological and morphological regime of river mouths in the Arctic Ocean watershed areaDolgopolova, E.N.WPI RAS4 (32) 201870-85
Insolation contrast of the Earth and changes in the sea ice extent in the Northern hemisphereFedorov, V.M., Grebennikov, P.B.Moscow State University4 (32) 201886-94
Zonal distribution of the Russian Arctic biotàKonovalov, A.A., Ivanov, S.N.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS4 (32) 201895-103
Model of the Arlis Spur spall from the Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic OceanSchrader, A.A., Schrader, A.A., Brekhovskikh, A.L., Sazhneva, A.E., Klyuev, M.S., Rakitin, I.Y., Evsenko, E.I., Greenberg, O.V.Niigazekonomika, IO RAS4 (32) 2018104-110
Rare-metal potential of placer deposits and weathering crusts of the Russian ArcticLalomov, A.V., Bochneva, A.A.IGEM RAS4 (32) 2018111-122
The two-frequency radio-holographic method to visualize in the earth’s crust the location of geoelectrical heterogeneities associated with local ore bodies (on the example of the Monchegorsk ore region, the Kola Peninsula)Ljubchich, V.A., Grigorev, V.F., Sidorenko, A.E.PGI KSC RAS4 (32) 2018123-134
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2018, No. 1—4  4 (32) 2018135-137
To the IBRAE RAN Anniversary  3 (31) 20184-5
The World’s Arctic: Natural Resources, Population Distribution, EconomicsFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (31) 20186-22
Ecological aspects of the presence of anomalously high suspended solids concentrations in macro-tidal estuaries of the Arctic zoneMiskevich, I.V.IO RAS3 (31) 201823-30
Dependence of oxygen saturation on the “a” chlorophyll content in the surface layer of the White SeaNetsvetaeva, O.P., Korobov, V.B., Makedonskaya, I.Y., Zmetnaya, M.I.IO RAS, Agency of applied ecology, North Branch of “VNIRO”3 (31) 201831-41
Gas hydrates in the Circum-Arctic Region aquatoriesBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kishankov, A.V., Yanchevskaya, A.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG3 (31) 201842-55
The cryosphere ecosystems — a source of microorganisms with original biological potentialKalenova, L.F., Melnikov, V.P.Tyumen SC SB RAS, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS3 (31) 201856-64
Conceptual principles for creating a polar drifting research platformMakarov, A.S., Likhomanov, V.A., Sokolov, V.T., Chernov, A.V., Polovinkin, V.N., Timofeyev, O.Y., Mogutin, Y.B., Simonov, Y.A.Krylov SRC, AARI3 (31) 201865-75
Fast-speed escorting of heavy tonnage vessels by icebreakers: researching in ice model tankDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC3 (31) 201876-83
Forecast-exploration model of gold deposits associated with granitoid intrusions of the Russian Arctic zoneVolkov, A.V., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS3 (31) 201884-99
Use of multicriteria approach and methods of fuzzy mathematics for estimating development conditions of arctic seas in terms of southeastern part of the Barents SeaPivovarov, K.N., Zolotukhin, A.B.Gubkin RSUOG3 (31) 2018100-111
The magnet of globalization — China’s Arctic PolicyPilyasov, A.N.Institute for Regional Consulting3 (31) 2018112-122
Verification studies on a methodology for constructing underground complexes to dispose small nuclear power plants in the Arctic conditionsMelnikov, N.N., Gusak, S.A., Amosov, P.V., Naumov, V.A., Naumov, A.V., Orlov, A.O., Klimin, S.G., Smirnov, Y.G.MI KSC RAS3 (31) 2018123-136
Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) — a perspective aquaculture object for the North of RussiaNikandrov, V.Y., Pavlisov, A.A., Shindavina, N.I., Lukin, A.A., Golod, V.M., Lipatova, M.I.FSGZR3 (31) 2018137-143
A current state and forecasting of the socio-ecological-economic system of the White sea watershed with use of cognitive simulationMenshutkin, V.V., Filatov, N.N., Druzhinin, P.V.EMI RAS, NWPI KarRC RAS2 (30) 20184-17
Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in plants of tundra affected by thermal power station in the vicinities of VorkutaYakovleva, E.V., Gabov, D.N.IB Komi SC UB RAS2 (30) 201818-30
“The greening” of the tundra as a driver of the modern dynamics of arctic biotaTishkov, A.A., Belonovskaya, E.A., Vaisfeld, M.A., Glazov, P.M., Krenke, A.N., Tertitsky, G.M.Institute of Geography, RAS2 (30) 201831-44
Sources of data for numerical simulation of the White Sea for developing the Russian Arctic areaTolstikov, A.V., Chernov, I.A., Martynova, D.M.NWPI KarRC RAS, IAMR KRC RAS, White Sea Biological Station2 (30) 201845-55
Dynamics of nutrients in estuarine area of the Lena river: results from cruises in September 2015 and 2017Makkaveev, P.N., Polukhin, A.A., Seliverstova, A.M., Sepanova, S.V., Chultsova, A.L.IO RAS, North-Western Branch of IO RAS2 (30) 201856-67
Prospects of the development of domestic arctic marine technologies related to liquefied natural gasNikitin, V.S., Simonov, Y.A., Polovinkin, V.N.Krylov SRC2 (30) 201868-82
Technologies for Remote Detection and Monitoring of the Earth Degassing in the Arctic: Yamal Peninsula, Neito LakeBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS2 (30) 201883-93
Basaltoid magmatism and the problem of the gas potential of the East-Barents megabasinShipilov, E.V.PGI KSC RAS2 (30) 201894-106
Innovative mediation in the implementation of scientific projects on the territory of Arctic — experience of the Temporary Interdisciplinary Research Team YAMALChechetkina, E.V., Yeltsov, I.N., Menshikov, S.N., Ermilov, O.M.IPGG SB RAS, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym2 (30) 2018107-117
Major Scientific and Technical Problems in Radiation-Safe Decommissioning of Nuclear-powered Icebreakers: Decision OptionsKulikov, K.N., Nizamutdinov, R.A., Blagoveshchensky, A.Y., Titov, N.V., Mantula, N.V., Domanov, A.A.NIPTB Onega, Atomflot2 (30) 2018118-124
În registration of ice navigation risks along the Northeast PassageTripolnikov, V.P.AARI2 (30) 2018125-130
Efficiency of management of fishery resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: features of assessmentTortsev, A.M.FCIAR2 (30) 2018131-141
Economic efficiency and possibilities of using megawatt-class nuclear power sources in the ArcticSarkisov, A.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RAN1 (29) 20184-14
Popigay deposit of diamond-lonsdalite superabrasive material — an arctic project with a high-innovative potentialSamsonov, N.Y., Kryukov, Y.V.IEIE SB RAS1 (29) 201815-25
Possible environmental consequences of the economic development of the northern territories of the Far East of RussiaStepanko, N.G., Stepanko, A.A., Tkachenko, G.G.PGI FEB RAS1 (29) 201826-36
The integrated estimation methodology of the environmental in the Arctic using aerospace image situationGrigorieva, O.V., Ivanets, M.O., Markov, A.V., Terentyeva, V.V.Military Space Academy1 (29) 201837-47
Gas-hydrodynamics in the Arctic craters of gas blowoutBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RAS1 (29) 201848-55
Some results of greenhouse gases monitoring in the Arctic region of RussiaAntonov, K.L., Markelov, Y.I., Markelov, Y.I., Buevich, A.G., Medvedev, A.N., Manzhurov, I.L.Institute of Industrial Ecology1 (29) 201856-67
Species diversity and structure of zooplankton community (on the example of the Àrkhangelsk region)Zmetnaya, M.I., Plakueva, M.V.North Branch of “VNIRO”, NAHEM1 (29) 201868-83
Prospective technical means of personnel evacuation from emergency offshore oil and gas platforms in arctic conditionsTarovik, V.I.Krylov SRC1 (29) 201884-91
Innovative developments of Krylov State Research Centre to improve the safety and reliability of vessels with podded trust units in extreme ice conditionsBelyashov, V.A., Vasilev, N.V., Makarov, V.V., Pautov, L.G.Krylov SRC1 (29) 201892-103
Gold ore deposits and Cretaceous granitoid magmatism of ChukotkaGalyamov, A.L., Volkov, A.V., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS1 (29) 2018104-115
The Technology of Lifting Nuclear- and Radiation-Hazardous Facilities Dumped or Sunken in the Arctic Based on the Use of Hydraulic Cable JacksKramorenko, A.V., Asminin, V.V., Chumarov, R.I., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RAN, Research Institute of Rescue and Underwater Technologies1 (29) 2018116-124
Anthropological Expert Review: Academic Discourse and Indigenous People’s ExpectationsNovikova, N.I.IEA of RAS1 (29) 2018125-135
Climate change impact on economic growth and specific sectors’ development of the Russian ArcticVoronina, S.A., Porfiriev, B.N., Semikashev, V.V., Terentiev, N.E., Eliseev, D.O., Naumova, Y.V.IEF RAS, Russian New University, FRCCSC RAS4 (28) 20174-17
Arctic Territories Differentiation by Density of Population and Economic DevelopmentLytkina, T.S., Smirnov, A.V., Fauzer, V.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North4 (28) 201718-31
Indicators of sustainable development of Russian Federation Arctic zone: problems of selection and measurementGutman, S.S., Basova, A.A.SPbPU4 (28) 201732-48
Nuclear Legacy Cleanup in the Continental Part of Russia as a Condition for Radiation Safety in the ArcticKryukov, O.V., Abramov, A.A., Linge, I.I., Ivanov, A.Y.IBRAE RAN, Rosatom4 (28) 201749-58
Evaluations of the frequency pollution trends of the atmosphere of the regions of the Russian Arctic in the 21st centuryMakosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics4 (28) 201759-71
Structure and the lithological composition of the section of the deposits of Kola Bay (Fiord) according to the data of drilling wells and seismoacoustics and the neotectonic conditions of its formationShipilov, E.V., Shkarubo, S.I., Kovalchuk, E.A.PGI KSC RAS, MASU, JSC "MAGE"4 (28) 201772-82
Prospects of gold mining development in the Chukotka Autonomous districtVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS4 (28) 201783-97
The Central area of the Arctic ocean: seismostratigraphy and background of oil and gasBogoyavlensky, I.V., Borukaev, G.C., Sidorenko, S.A., Polyakova, I.D.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, GIN RAS4 (28) 201798-107
Design Problems and development prospects for ice-resistant semisubmersible floating drilling unitsKryzhevich, G.B.Krylov SRC4 (28) 2017108-117
Development conceptual foundations of intelligent information-management system for regional security support of Murmansk regionMasloboev, A.V.IIMM KSC RAS4 (28) 2017118-134
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2017, No. 1–4  4 (28) 2017135-137
Results of aerial, space and field investigations of large gas blowouts near bovanenkovo field on Yamal peninsulaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG3 (27) 20174-17
Features of cryolithogenesis in the presence of gashydrates (on example of West Siberia)Konovalov, A.A.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS3 (27) 201718-27
Modern Geodynamics of the Norwegian-Greenland Basin on seismological data for the period 1964—1991 yearsBelenovich, T.Y., Kutinov, Y.G., Neverov, N.A., Chistova, Z.B.FCIAR3 (27) 201728-38
Prospects for the Development of Automated Radiation Monitoring Systems in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Regions through the Integrated Use of Mobile Radiation Monitoring DevicesArutyunyan, R.V., Gavrilov, S.L., Popov, E.V.IBRAE RAN3 (27) 201739-48
The assessment of the current state of water quality in the Norilsk industrial regionBazova, M.M., Koshevoi, D.V.Vernadsky IGAC of RAS3 (27) 201749-60
Transportation development of the Arctic land area: strategic goals and risk analysisVoronina, E.P.Institute of System Analysis RAS3 (27) 201761-68
Technology of diagnostic assurance of the floating thermal nuclear power plantMyasnikov, Y.N., Horoshev, V.G.Krylov SRC3 (27) 201769-85
Comprehensive Simulation Model of Marine Transport and Support System for “Prirazlomnaya” PlatformTarovik, O.V., Topaj, A.G., Krestyantsev, A.B., Kondratenko, A.A., Zaykin, D.A.Krylov SRC, Gazprom Neft Shelf3 (27) 201786-102
Issues related to raising the speeds of heavy-tonnage cargo vessels during year-round arctic operationsPustoshny, A.V., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC3 (27) 2017103-110
On compensation of damage to the health of the population in the cities of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation from air pollutionMatesheva, A.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics3 (27) 2017111-117
Problems of municipal infrastructure development of the subarctic territories of the Komi RepublicFomina, V.F.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (27) 2017118-133
Territories of traditional nature: development limits or economic growth factors?Afanasyev, S.M., Gassiy, V.V., Potravny, I.M.RUE, Kuban State University, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Government2 (26) 20174-16
Radiogeochemical investigations of the Kola Peninsula landscapesVorobyova, T.A., Evseev, A.V., Kuzmenkova, N.V.Moscow State University, Vernadsky IGAC of RAS2 (26) 201717-26
Improvement the technologies of recultivation landscapes on slopes in the Far NorthPystina, N.B., Unanian, K.L., Ilyakova, E.E., Khokhlachev, N.S., Luzhkov, V.A.Gazprom VNIIGAZ2 (26) 201727-34
Assessment of climatic changes in the Arctic in the 21st century based on the combined forecastPanin, G.N., Diansky, N.A., Solomonova, I.V., Gusev, A.V., Vyruchalkina, T.Y.WPI RAS, Moscow State University, INM RAS2 (26) 201735-52
Importance of Permafrost Changes for Infrastructure Exploitation and Environmental Protection (Case Study of Local Investigation in Lower part of Vorkuta River)Voytenko, A.S., Grishakina, E.A., Isayev, V.S., Koshurnikov, A.V., Pogorelov, A.A., Podchasov, O.V., Sergeyev, D.O.Moscow State University, IEG RAS2 (26) 201753-61
Exploration model disseminated gold-sulphide deposits of Arctic zone of RussiaVolkov, A.V., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS2 (26) 201762-75
Iceberg risk analysis for the Northern sea route: LNG carrier study caseShaposhnikov, V.M., Aleksandrov, A.V., Matantsev, R.A., Ivanovskaya, O.D.Krylov SRC2 (26) 201776-81
Numerical modeling results of cryolithic zone’s thermal state while exploiting an underground multi-module small nuclear power plantMelnikov, N.N., Amosov, P.V., Klimin, S.G.MI KSC RAS2 (26) 201782-90
The creation of individual rescue equipment for use on offshore facilities in the ArcticDotsenko, L.A., Dotsenko, O.G., Ilyukhin, V.N., Kinnunen, A.I., Makhalov, S.A.Tosno-Tex, Association for search and rescue technology development, Sea Rescue equipment LLC2 (26) 201791-104
The perspective directions of the fresh-water aquaculture in the European North of RussiaPavlenko, V.I., Novoselov, A.P., Studenov, I.I., Semushin, A.V., Tortsev, A.M.North Branch of “VNIRO”, FCIAR2 (26) 2017105-116
Arctic specifics of food supply and development of Agriculture of the European North-East of RussiaIvanov, V.A., Ivanova, E.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North2 (26) 2017117-130
Northern reindeer breeding in the twenty-first century: genetic resource, cultural heritage and businessYuzhakov, A.A.NWC IPFS2 (26) 2017131-137
In memory of Academician N.P. Laverov  1 (25) 20174-5
Appeal of Editor-in-chiefSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RAN1 (25) 20176-7
Substantiation of mechanism of prevailing governmental participation in development of highly liquid mineral resources in the ArcticPokhilenko, N.P., Tolstov, A.V., Afanasiev, V.P., Samsonov, N.Y.IEIE SB RAS, IGM SB RAS1 (25) 20178-18
Future narratives for key sectors of the economy of the Murmansk region in the context of global changes in the ArcticKlyuchnikova, E.M., Isaeva, L.G., Masloboev, A.V., Alieva, T.E., Ivanova, L.V., Kharitonova, G.N.INEP KSC RAS, IES KSC RAS, IIMM KSC RAS1 (25) 201719-31
Kumzhinskoye Gas Condensate Field Disaster: reasons, results and ways of eliminating the consequencesBogoyavlensky, V.I., Perekalin, S.O., Boichuk, V.M., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, «GeLA» LLC, Arkhangelskgeologia1 (25) 201732-46
Net environmental benefit analysis — a tool of decision-making at oil spill responseSemanov, G.N., Gutnik, A.N., Zatsepa, S.N., Ivchenko, A.A., Solbakov, V.V., Stanovoy, V.V., Shivaev, A.A.State Oceanographic Institute, AARI, CMRDI, FRCCSC RAS, Sakhalin Energy IC1 (25) 201747-58
Prospects for identifying strategic metals deposits in the Russian ArcticGalyamov, A.L., Volkov, A.V., Lobanov, K.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RAS1 (25) 201759-74
Water transport and energetic of North European part of Russia (a review)Filatov, N.N., Karpechko, V.A., Litvinenko, A.V., Bogdanova, M.S.NWPI KarRC RAS1 (25) 201775-85
Arctic Marine Transport System Simulation: Multidisciplinary Approach Fundamentals and Practical ExperienceTarovik, O.V., Topaj, A.G., Krestyantsev, A.B., Kondratenko, A.A.Krylov SRC1 (25) 201786-101
Shipbuilding capabilities for creating the infrastructure in the Arctic regionNikitin, V.S., Simonov, Y.A., Polovinkin, V.N., Volkov, V.A., Iljushkin, A.P., Ryzhkov, V.V.Krylov SRC, CDB “Monolith”, Atomenergo1 (25) 2017102-119
The elimination of emergency oil spills consequences in the Arctic zone of Russia using the reagent encapsulation technologyKholkin, E.G., Shtripling, L.O., Larionov, K.S.Omsk STU1 (25) 2017120-129
Modernization of FSUE Atomflot Infrastructure and Material and Technical Resources Aimed at Provision of Environmental Safety in the Northwest of RussiaKashka, M.M., Efanskaya, E.A., Kobzev, V.A., Bogdanov, A.Y., Tkachenko, D.A.Atomflot1 (25) 2017130-136
Arctic entrepreneurship: the conditions and opportunities for developmentPilyasov, A.N., Zamyatina, N.Y.Institute for Regional Consulting, CSPF4 (24) 20164-15
Mining Projects for the Eastern part of the Russian Arctic, the Far East and Transbaikalia: Is there a way to solve the old problems?Samsonov, N.Y., Kryukov, Y.V., Yatsenko, V.A.IEIE SB RAS4 (24) 201616-21
Assessment of current geo-ecological status of the Kola Bay based on geochemical dataShakhverdov, V.A., Shakhverdova, M.V.VSEGEI4 (24) 201622-31
Low-sulfide platinum ores of Norilsk area — promising sources of precious metalsSluzhenikin, S.F., Distler, V.V., Grigoryeva, A.V.IGEM RAS4 (24) 201632-45
Destabilization of relict methane hydrates with observed changes of regional climateArzhanov, M.M., Mokhov, I.I., Denisov, S.N.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics4 (24) 201646-51
Reconstruction of paleoclimate indicators and biota by group palynospectra in the north of Western SiberiaKonovalov, A.A., Ivanov, S.N.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS4 (24) 201652-57
Modern geodynamics of Gakkel Ridge according to seismological dataKutinov, Y.G., Chistova, Z.B., Belenovich, T.Y., Morozov, A.A.FCIAR4 (24) 201658-71
Comparison and use of observations and modeling of level in the Kara SeaBorisov, E.V., Rayevsky, D.N.State Oceanographic Institute, IPE RAS4 (24) 201672-79
Development of advanced patterns of cryogenic steels for gas vessels and stationary storage tanks of liquefied natural gas designed for Arctic conditionsMatrosov, M.Y., Zikeev, V.N., Martynov, P.G., Shulga, E.V., Nikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Semin, A.A.Krylov SRC, Bardin CRIFM, JSC “Giredmet” SRC RF4 (24) 201680-89
Forecast of emergencies at oil and gas facilities and elimination of consequences of emergency oil spills in arctic climateMakhutov, N.A., Lebedev, M.P., Bolshakov, A.M., Zakharova, M.I., Glyaznetsova, Y.S., Zueva, I.N., Chalaya, O.N., Lifshits, S.H.Risk Analysis and Safety Working Group, IPTPN SB RAS, IPGP SB RAS4 (24) 201690-99
Prospects for development of aquaculture in the western part of the Russian Arctic Lukin, A.A., Bogdanova, V.A., Kostyunichev, V.V., Korolev, A.E.Saint Petersburg branch of “VNIRO”4 (24) 2016100-108
Icebreaker support for the largest national Arctic hydrocarbon projectsRuksha, V.V., Golovinsky, S.A., Belkin, M.S.Atomflot4 (24) 2016109-113
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2016, No. 1–4  4 (24) 2016118-121
Remote identification of areas of surface gas and gas emissions in the Arctic: Yamal PeninsulaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS3 (23) 20164-15
Ferromanganese crusts of Mendeleev Swell: the features of composition and formationKonstantinova, N.P., Cherkashev, G.G., Novikov, G.V., Bogdanova, O.Y., Kuznetsov, V.Y., Rekant, P.V., Mirão, J.A., Dias, L.C., Madureira, P.P.IO RAS, VSEGEI, SPbU, FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, Evora University, Estrutura de Missão3 (23) 201616-28
Strategic research priorities of Russia and foreign countries in the Arctic RegionZaykov, K.S., Kalinina, M.R., Kondratov, N.A., Tamitskiy, A.M.NAFU3 (23) 201629-37
On tsunami hazard in the Arctic RegionKulikov, E.A., Ivashchenko, A.I., Medvedev, I.P., Yakovenko, O.I., Kovachev , S.A.IO RAS, IAG3 (23) 201638-49
Development of methodological approaches to the assessment of economic losses caused by oil spills in formation of insurance protection of off shore facilities on the shelfValdman, N.A., Malyarenko, N.N., Kulikova, L.A., Kuzyachkin, S.N., Emelyanov, R.R.Krylov SRC, SOGAS3 (23) 201650-57
Prospects for inclusion of Leshukonsky and Pinezhsky municipal districts of the Arkhangelsk Region to the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationAlsufyev, A.V., Shnayder, A.G.CSPF, Archangelsk Region Government3 (23) 201658-66
Economic aspects of fisheries and sale of the north-east Arctic codVasilyev, A.M., Komlichenko, V.V.IES KSC RAS, PINRO named after N.M.Knipovich3 (23) 201667-75
Search-oriented geologicalgenetic model of tin placers of “tectonic terraces” of the Arctic Zone of the Russian FederationLalomov, A.V., Chefranov, R.M., Chefranova, A.V., Bochneva, A.A.IGEM RAS3 (23) 201676-85
Study of world experience of ice conditions control.Kostylev, A.I., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC3 (23) 201686-97
The prospects for development of nuclearpowered icebreaker fleetKashka, M.M., Smirnov, A.A., Golovinsky, S.A., Vorobyev, V.M., Ryzhkov, A.V., Babich, E.M.Atomflot, Aysberg3 (23) 201698-107
Effect of anthropogenic impact on ecological capacity of the Arctic territories of the Republic of KomiTikhonova, T.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (23) 2016108-115
Scientific and technological support for solving the strategic Russian problems in the ArcticFilin, B.N.IBRAE RAN3 (23) 2016116-117
Fundamental aspects of the rational development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic and Russian shelf: strategy, prospects and challengesLaverov, N.P., Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, Presidium of RAS2 (22) 20164-13
Pre-conditions of oil and gas potential of expanded legal shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic OceanIvanov, V.L., Kaminsky, V.D., Poselov, V.A., Suprunenko, O.I., Smirnov, O.E.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia2 (22) 201614-23
Prospects for the mining industry in GreenlandVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RAS2 (22) 201624-34
About probable diamond content of sediments of the White Sea NeckEvdokimov, A.N.SPMU2 (22) 201635-39
Features of population settlement in the Arctic zone of RussiaFauzer, V.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North2 (22) 201640-50
Evaluation and selection of investment solutions for oil and gas development in the ArcticNikulina, A.Y.SPMU2 (22) 201651-55
Social responsibility of mining companies in the territory of traditional nature management as a basis for partnership between the government, business and indigenous peoples of the NorthPotravny, I.M., Gassiy, V.V., Chernogradsky, V.V., Postnikov, A.V.RUE, Kuban State University, Almazy Anabara2 (22) 201656-63
Autonomous bottom station of express control as part of an integrated system for monitoring and control of radiation and chemical contamination of the Arctic seasVyalyshev, A.I., Dobrov, V.M., Stoyanov, V.V., Panteleev, V.A., Segal, M.D.IBRAE RAN, Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies, SEATECHRIM2 (22) 201664-71
Late Mesozoic plume magmatism in the Arctic region: geochronology, phases geodynamic conditions of detectionShipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS2 (22) 201672-81
Electrochemical profi ling is eff ective and environmentally friendly method of search and exploration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic seasSnopova, E.E., Anokhin, V.M., Kholmyansky, M.A.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, CIT, IL RAS2 (22) 201682-89
Experimental methods for determination of total ice loads on marine engineering structuresSazonov, K.E., Chernov, A.V.Krylov SRC, AARI2 (22) 201690-97
The application and evaluation of methods for metal working by explosion when performing the tasks in the areas of the Arctic region diffi cult of accessSednev, V.A.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service2 (22) 201698-106
Editor-in-chief’s addressSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RAN1 (21) 20164-5
Compensation for damages to aquatic biological resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the example of the Northern fishery basinNovoselov, A.P., Pavlenko, V.I., Studenov, I.I., Tortsev, A.M.North Branch of “VNIRO”, FCIAR, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS1 (21) 20166-17
Demographic development of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2010—2014Sinitsa, A.L.Moscow State University1 (21) 201618-27
Climate dependence of biota in the north of the Tyumen Region (the quantitative aspect)Konovalov, A.A.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS1 (21) 201628-37
Experience of using the thermal profiling drifters to study the Arctic region of the OceanMotyzhev, S.V., Lunev, E.G., Tolstosheev, A.P., Bykov, E.M.FSBSI MHI1 (21) 201638-45
Search Model of SEDEX-MVT deposits in the Arctic zoneGalyamov, A.L., Volkov, A.V., Lobanov, K.V.IGEM RAS1 (21) 201646-55
Hydrocarbon potential of Riphean-Lower Cretaceous complexes of the Laptev Sea RegionPolyakova, I.D., Borukaev, G.C., Sidorenko, S.A.OGRI RAS, GIN RAS1 (21) 201656-65
Forgotten fossil resource in the Russian Arctic — mammoth ivorySmirnov, A.N., Kirillin, N.D., Ivanova, Y.V., Zhurilova, M.A.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, State Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use, RSHU1 (21) 201666-75
Nuclear icebreakers and development of the Arctic shelfNikitin, V.S., Simonov, Y.A., Polovinkin, V.N., Shlyachkov, V.I.Krylov SRC1 (21) 201676-81
The possibility to use the air-bearing vehicles under the conditions of the Arctic and the Far NorthSergeev, V.G., Varakosov, Y.G., Makienko, A.M., Merzlikin, Y.Y.«Orion» Association, TsAGI1 (21) 201682-93
The directions of development of forces and resources for search and rescue support of maritime activities in the ArcticBrodsky, P.G., Dubin, A.A., Ilyukhin, V.N., Popov, S.D.GNINGI, SPC «Special machinery»1 (21) 201694-101
Methodology of justification of mechanization tools system for deployment of emergency rescue teams in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationSednev, V.A.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service1 (21) 2016102-111
Formation of chemical composition of the waters of the Murmansk Region under the conditions of functioning of mining and metallurgical enterprisesMoiseenko, T.I., Gashkina, N.A.Vernadsky IGAC of RAS4 (20) 20154-13
Fracture mechanics and the problems of development of the ArcticGoldshtein, R.V., Osipenko, N.M.IPMech RAS4 (20) 201514-27
"Greening" of the Arctic in the twenty-first century as a synergy effect of global warming and economic developmentTishkov, A.A., Krenke, A.N.Institute of Geography, RAS4 (20) 201528-37
Arctic marginal planetary areaKutinov, Y.G., Chistova, Z.B., Belenovich, T.Y.FCIAR4 (20) 201538-47
The gold-quartz deposits in turbidites of the northeastern part of the Russian ArcticVolkov, A.V., Sidorov, A.A., Aristov, V.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RAS4 (20) 201548-60
Oil and gas potential of Canadian deep water basin and adjacent waters of the Arctic OceanBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Shuster, V.L.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG4 (20) 201561-69
Arctic resources and opportunities for their developmentSochneva, I.O.MIEP4 (20) 201570-77
Development of the Arctic region: the lessons of foreign strategiesKondratov, N.A.NAFU4 (20) 201578-85
Nuclear Energy in the Arctic RegionNikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Ustinov, V.S., Kuznetsov, V.P., Makarov, V.I.Krylov SRC, NRC «Kurchatov Institute»4 (20) 201586-95
Structure of the costs of research on condition of hydraulic engineering storage of liquid industrial waste of the Kola regionKalashnik, A.I., Gilyarova, A.A., Kalashnik, N.A., Smirnova, O.V.MI KSC RAS4 (20) 201596-103
Structure and dynamics of cargo transportation along the Northern Sea Route: the history, present and prospectsRuksha, V.V., Belkin, M.S., Smirnov, A.A., Arutyunyan, V.G.Atomflot4 (20) 2015104-110
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2015, No. 1–4  4 (20) 2015115-117
The pressing problems of prevention and removal of oil spills in the Arctic and the methods of assessment of environmental damage to coastal areasPavlenko, V.I., Muangu, Z.E., Korobov, V.B., Lokhov, A.S.North-Western Branch of IO RAS, FCIAR3 (19) 20154-11
Justification of generation of gas emission craters in the Arctic by mathematical modelingBogoyavlensky, V.I., Garagash, I.A.OGRI RAS, IPE RAS3 (19) 201512-17
Assessment of effect of the approach channel to the port of Sabetta to changes in hydrological conditions of the Gulf of Ob using numerical modelingDiansky, N.A., Fomin, V.V., Gruzinov, V.M., Kabatchenko, I.M., Litvinenko, G.I.Moscow State University, State Oceanographic Institute, MTNIIP Co.3 (19) 201518-29
Organization of geoenvironmental monitoring of gas emissions in the Arctic: methods and prospects of advanced wireless technologiesAsavin, A.M., Nivin, V.A.Vernadsky IGAC of RAS, GI KSC RAS3 (19) 201530-39
Calculation of hydraulic size of suspended substances to simulate dynamics of concentration of suspended substances in the estuarine areas of the Arctic seas by the example of the White SeaStudenov, I.I., Shilova, N.A.North Branch of “VNIRO”, NAFU3 (19) 201540-47
Research activities of the USA in the Arctic: organizational approach and military programsBocharov, L.Y., Korchak, V.V., Tuzhikov, E.Z.Research Institute of RANS, Sector of Applied Research of RAS Presidium3 (19) 201548-53
Geotechnological paradigm of integrated development of mineral resources in the Arctic zone of RussiaTrubetskoy, K.K., Galchenko, Y.P., Kalabin, G.V.IPKON RAS3 (19) 201554-65
Creation of multi-level system of geodynamic monitoring of mining and oil and gas facilities in the western part of the Russian sector of the ArcticMelnikov, N.N., Kalashnik, A.I.MI KSC RAS3 (19) 201566-75
New experimental capabilities of the Krylov State Research Center for study of ice impact on marine equipmentDenisov, V.V., Sazonov, K.E., Timofeyev, O.Y.Krylov SRC3 (19) 201576-81
Structural materials as an important element of reliability and environmental safety of infrastructure in the ArcticGorynin, I.I.CRISM "Prometey"3 (19) 201582-87
Year-round navigation in the port of SabettaSpirin, A.M., Chachin, D.D., Smirnov, A.A.Atomflot3 (19) 201588-95
Forecasting of ice conditions and optimal route of the ships in the Arctic for safe navigationChirkov, A.V., Kovalev, D.S., Koposov, S.G., Kutinov, Y.G., Shvetsova, S.V.NEI UB RAS, SMC NFU3 (19) 201596-103
The modern paradigm of development of the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationTatarkin, A.A., Zakharchuk, E.E., Loginov, V.V.IE UB RAS2 (18) 20154-13
Geodynamic evolution of oil and gas basins of Russian Kara-Barents Sea shelfSorokhtin, N.O., Lobkovsky, L.I., Nikiforov, S.L., Kozlov, N.E.IO RAS, GI KSC RAS2 (18) 201514-25
Deep sedimentary basins in the waters of the Russian Arctic: mechanisms of formation, oil and gas potential, the rationale of belonging to the continental shelfArtyushkov, E.E., Chekhovich, P.A.Moscow State University, IPE RAS2 (18) 201526-34
Hydrocarbon gases and permafrost of the Arctic shelfPerlshtein, G.Z., Sergeyev, D.O., Tipenko, G.S., Tumskoy, V.E., Khimenkov, A.N., Vlasov, A.N., Merzlyakov, V.P., Stanilovskaya, Y.V.Moscow State University, IEG RAS, IAM RAS2 (18) 201535-44
Expeditionary activity of Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal UniversityKudryashova, E.V., Zaykov, K.S., Byzova, N.M.NAFU2 (18) 201545-51
The expedition in the Kara Sea opens the heroic pages of Arctic Defense in the Great Patriotic WarMelnikov, A.Y., Filin, B.N.IBRAE RAN, Fertoing2 (18) 201552-57
The intensity of oil and gas generation in the western sector of the Russian ArcticPolyakova, I.D., Borukaev, G.C.GIN RAS2 (18) 201558-65
Placer deposits of the Arctic zone of Russia: the current state and development of mineral resourcesLalomov, A.V., Bochneva, A.A., Chefranov, R.M., Chefranova, A.V.IGEM RAS2 (18) 201566-77
Development of maritime activities in the Russian ArcticNikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Ivanov, Y.Y.Krylov SRC, CMRDI2 (18) 201578-87
The duration of the navigation period and changes for the Northern Sea Route: model estimatesMokhov, I.I., Khon, V.C.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics2 (18) 201588-95
Mining in the traditional territories of indigenous peoples: features, problems and regulatory mechanismsVinogradova, S.S., Masloboev, V.A.INEP KSC RAS, CHP KSC RAS2 (18) 201596-103
On creation and development of radiation safety system at nuclear icebreaker fleetNetsetsky, A.M.Atomflot2 (18) 2015104-111
Scientific Component of Russian policy in the Arctic: the actual aspects of programming and institutional support of the Arctic researchesPavlenko, V.I., Podoplekin, A.O.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS1 (17) 20154-9
The issues of forecasting of development in the Far East Arctic regions Minakir, P.P., Leonov, S.N.ERI FEB RAS1 (17) 201510-17
Current State and Prospects of Arctic Shipbuilding and NavigationAlecsashin, A.A., Polovinkin, V.N.Krylov SRC1 (17) 201518-30
Mobile Marine Drilling Rig in Arctic Version (choice of a concept)Sochneva, I.O., Sochnev, O.Y.MIEP, Rosneft1 (17) 201531-37
Arctic resources of nonferrous and noble metals in global prospectsBortnikov, N.N., Lobanov, K.V., Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RAS1 (17) 201538-46
Methodical aspects of exploration of gravel deposits on the shelf of Arctic and Far East seas using magnetoacoustic techniquesSmirnov, A.N., Palamarchuk, V.K., Glinskaya, N.V., Burdakova, E.V., Mishchenko, O.N., Popova, E.S.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia1 (17) 201547-51
Satellite Dataware for Prospecting and Development of Oil and Gas Fields in the Arctic SeasAleksanin, A.I., Kubryakov, A.A., Levin, V.A., Stanichny, S.V.FSBSI MHI, IACP FEB RAS1 (17) 201552-63
Renewable energy for power supply in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPopel, O.S., Kiseleva, S.S., Morgunova, M.M., Gabderakhmanova, T.T., Tarasenko, A.B.Moscow State University, JIHT RAS1 (17) 201564-69
Medical and physiological aspects of vital activity in the ArcticSolonin, Y.Y., Boyko, E.E.Institute of Physiology of Komi SC UB RAS1 (17) 201570-75
Regulatory and legal aspects of search and rescue support of Russia’s maritime activity in the ArcticIlyukhin, V.N.Association for search and rescue technology development1 (17) 201576-81
Technical issues of decommissioning of nuclear icebreakersDomanov, A.A., Mantula, N.V., Kulikov, K.N., Nizamutdinov, R.A., Kolomiets, B.I., Sandler, N.G.NIPTB Onega, Atomflot, «Afrikantov OKBM»1 (17) 201582-85
International Scientific Initiatives in the Russian Arctic: Twenty Years of Positive Activities in the framework of the International Arctic Science CommitteeTishkov, A.A.Institute of Geography, RAS1 (17) 201586-91
The legal and methodological problems of strategic planning of development of the arctic regions of RussiaGorodetsky, A.A., Ivanov, V.V., Filin, B.N.IBRAE RAN, Presidium of RAS, IE RAS4 (16) 20144-13
Geodynamic model of the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic (to the justification of belonging of the Lomonosov Ridge, the Mendeleev Elevation and Podvodnikov Trench to the Russian continental margin)Kazmin, Y.B., Lobkovsky, L.I., Kononov, M.V.IO RAS, FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia4 (16) 201414-27
Arctic gold resources in global prospectBortnikov, N.N., Lobanov, K.V., Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RAS4 (16) 201428-37
Stratigraphic and paleogeographic background of oil and gas exploration in the upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sedimentary sequences of marine origin of the framing of the Laptev seaZakharov, V.A., Rogov, M.A.GIN RAS4 (16) 201438-47
Emergency Situations in Developing Oil and Gas Resources in the Arctic and the OceanBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RAS4 (16) 201448-59
The problems of environmental and industrial safety of natural and man-made marine facilities during development of the Arctic shelfMaksimov, V.M., Tupysev, M.K., Pronyushkina, S.M., Kulpin, L.G.OGRI RAS, NIPI ONGM4 (16) 201460-67
Development of models for express computation of oil spills in the Barents SeaZatsepa, S.N., Ivchenko, A.A., Solbakov, V.V., Stanovoy, V.V.State Oceanographic Institute, AARI, CC RAS4 (16) 201468-76
The first assessments of quality of the systems for early warning of weather threats to the Murmansk regionRubinshtein, K.K., Shiryaev, M.V., Eliseev, G.G., Ignatov, R.Y.Hydrometcenter of Russia4 (16) 201477-85
The system of basic research in the Arctic and the geopolitical interests of circumpolar countriesPavlenko, V.I., Podoplekin, A.O., Kutsenko, S.Y.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (16) 201486-92
North futurology: next twenty years. Part 2Pilyasov, A.N.CSPF4 (16) 201493-101
The methods for determining of shares in rental income during the development of Tomtorsk deposit of rare-earth metals in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Pakhomov, A.A., Pakhomov, A.I.YRC SB RAS4 (16) 2014102-107
55th anniversary of the Russian nuclear icebreaker fleet and development of the Northern Sea RouteSmirnov, A.A., Golovinsky, S.A.Atomflot4 (16) 2014108-113
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2014, No. 1–4  4 (16) 2014118-121
Integrated problems of sustainable development of the transport complex in the Russian ArcticBelyi, O.V.IPT RAS3 (15) 20144-8
Integrated problems and directions for improving compensatory measures to restore fish resources of the Northern Fishery BasinTortsev, A.M., Studenov, I.I., Novoselov, A.P., Pavlenko, V.I.North Branch of “VNIRO”, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS3 (15) 20149-17
Development of information system and electronic atlas on the status and use of resources of the White sea and its catchmentFilatov, N.N., Tolstikov, A.V., Bogdanova, M.S., Litvinenko, A.V., Menshutkin, V.V.EMI RAS, NWPI KarRC RAS3 (15) 201418-29
Risk analysis of oil spill spread: case of the Ob Bay of the Kara SeaZatsepa, S.N., Juravel, V.I., Solbakov, V.V., Stanovoy, V.V.State Oceanographic Institute, AARI, CC RAS, Risk Informatics SMC3 (15) 201430-45
The acidity of atmospheric precipitations and depositions of sulfur and nitrogen in the Russian Arctic according to the data of snow cover chemical composition monitoringVetrov, V.V., Kuzovkin, V.V., Manzon, D.D.IGCE3 (15) 201446-51
Mineral resources of the Russian Arctic continental margin and prospects for their developmentKaminsky, V.D., Suprunenko, O.I., Smirnov, A.N.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia3 (15) 201452-61
North futurology: next twenty years. Part 1Pilyasov, A.N.CSPF3 (15) 201462-71
Environmental impact assessment of construction and operation of gas pipeline underwater crossing through the Baydaratskaya Bay (Kara Sea)Mironuyk, S.G.Gazprom Engineering3 (15) 201472-78
Specifics of implementation of new environmental safety requirements for ships and offshore installations in Northern seas and on the Arctic shelfTimofeyev, O.Y., Valdman, N.A., Kryzhevich, Ì.Ì.Krylov SRC3 (15) 201479-85
Designs of «RITM-200» reactor installation intended to provide environmentally safe and cost-effective operation of multipurpose nuclear icebreaker on Arctic routesKnyazevsky, K.Y., Fadeev, Y.P., Pakhomov, A.N., Polunichev, V.I., Veshnjakov, K.B., Cabin, S.V.Atomflot, «Afrikantov OKBM»3 (15) 201486-91
The Polar Odyssey of Alexander Kolchak (to the 140th anniversary of the birth)Smirnov, V.G.IOM IHST RAS 3 (15) 201492-99
Round table «Scientific development of Arctic»Filin, B.N.IBRAE RAN3 (15) 2014100-102
Development of international scientific cooperation of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Japanese scientific institutions in research of Arctic regionsFilin, B.N.IBRAE RAN3 (15) 2014103-104
Editor-in-chief of the «Arctic: Ecology and Economics» magazine academician Ashot Sarkisov awarded the Global Energy Prize 2014  2 (14) 20144-5
Legal framework and methodological features of development of draft state program «Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation up to 2020»Melamed, I.I., Pavlenko, V.I.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS, ICRD2 (14) 20146-15
Development of geophysical monitoring systems in the ArcticMalovichko, A.A., Vinogradov, A.A., Vinogradov, Y.Y.KSC RAS, GS RAS, Kola Branch of Geophysical Survey RAS2 (14) 201416-23
Research of the Yakut Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences to study the Arctic territories of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the shelves of the Laptev and East Siberian SeasPakhomov, A.A.YRC SB RAS2 (14) 201424-30
The need to create a common database on the properties of seabed structureNikiforov, S.L., Lobkovsky, L.I., Romankevich, E.A., Sorokhtin, N.O., Libina, N.V., Seleznev, I.I., Andreev, M.Y., Rubanov, I.L., Popov, V.A., Koshel, S.M.Moscow State University, IO RAS, Okeanpribor2 (14) 201431-35
The submarine K-27: echo of the pastLobkovsky, L.I., Dmitrevsky, N.N., Ananyev, R.A.IO RAS2 (14) 201436-39
The problems of modeling of hydrological fields in the Arctic seasSokolov, V.A., Gruzinov, V.M.State Oceanographic Institute2 (14) 201440-49
Development of floating nuclear power sources – one of the ways to increase the economic efficiency of the Northern Sea RouteShadrin, A.P., Shadrin, I.P., Shadrina, A.P., Ignatyev, V.S., Ivanov, V.V.IPTPN SB RAS2 (14) 201450-57
Drilling vessel for the Russian Arctic. The concept of design, construction and operationTarovik, V.I.Krylov SRC2 (14) 201458-60
The effects of energy storage use in isolated power systems of RussiaKononenko, V.Y., Veshchunov, O.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Smolentsev, D.O.IBRAE RAN, Liotech Ltd.2 (14) 201461-66
The issues of operation of large groups of various radio-electronic equipment in the process of creation of modern information and telecommunications infrastructure in the Russian ArcticAntropov, D.D.CANP2 (14) 201467-77
Environmental safety ensuring in the use of nuclear energy for civilian nuclear fleetPastukhov, A.A., Fomina, N.N., Bezhina, N.N., Babchenko, A.A.Atomflot2 (14) 201478-91
How it was. The history of discovery of Prirazlomnoe oil fieldZalivchy, O.A.AMNGR2 (14) 201492-95
«Chelyuskin»: Tragedy and Triumph in 1934Savatyugin, L.M., Sokratova, I.I.AARI, IHST RAS2 (14) 201496-107
Contribution of the Russian Academy of Sciences to Modern Exploration and Development of the ArcticLaverov, N.P.Presidium of RAS1 (13) 20144-9
The features of emergencies in the Arctic zone of Russia and a way to response on the basis of risk conceptMakhutov, N.A., Gadenin, M.M., Lebedev, M.P., Bolshakov, A.M., Ammosov, A.P., Syromyatnikova, A.S., Zakharova, M.I., Permyakov, P.P., Glyaznetsova, Y.S., Chalaya, O.N., Lifshits, S.H., Zueva, I.N.Risk Analysis and Safety Working Group, IPTPN SB RAS, IPGP SB RAS, IES RAS1 (13) 201410-29
Evaluation of thermal action of underground nuclear low-power station on the permafrost rocksMelnikov, N.N., Amosov, P.V., Gusak, S.A., Novozhilova, N.V., Klimin, S.G.MI KSC RAS1 (13) 201430-37
Comprehensive monitoring — an integral part of safety of the Russian ArcticBolshagin, A.Y., Vyalyshev, A.I., Dobrov, V.M., Dolgov, A.A., Zinovyev, S.V., Oltyan, I.Y., Gorbatsky, V.V.Krylov SRC, Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies1 (13) 201438-47
The Problems of Scientific Support of Maritime Activities in the area of the Northern Sea RouteMatishov, G.G., Dzhenyuk, S.S.MMBI KSC RAS1 (13) 201448-56
Simulation of circulation of the Kara and Pechora Seas through the system of express diagnosis and prognosis of marine dynamicsDiansky, N.A., Fomin, V.V., Kabatchenko, I.M., Gruzinov, V.M.State Oceanographic Institute, INM RAS, MIPT1 (13) 201457-73
The Problems of Elimination of Accumulated Environmental Damage in the Chukotka Autonomous OkrugSafonova , O.A.Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection of the Chukotka AO1 (13) 201474-79
The problem of floating maintenance base “Lepse”Filppov, M.P., Abramov, A.N., Kashka, M.M., Kulikov, K.N., Nizamutdinov, R.A.NIPTB Onega, Atomflot1 (13) 201480-87
Extending the Lifetime of Reactor Plants of the Nuclear Icebreakers. Safety Ensuring in the Extended PeriodDarbinyan, O.E., Filimoshkin, S.V., Fadeev, Y.P., Pakhomov, A.N., Vasyukov, V.I., Molokova , T.V.Atomflot, «Afrikantov OKBM»1 (13) 201488-95
Effect of change in oil viscosity to spill characteristics in cold marine environmentLobachev, M.P., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC1 (13) 201496-103
Centenary of the «Master of the Two Poles» (for the anniversary of A. F. Treshnikov)Savatyugin, L.M., Sokratova, I.I.AARI, DES RAS1 (13) 2014104-111
Scientific basis for analysis and reduction of emergency risks in the regions of Siberia and the NorthMakhutov, N.A., Lebedev, M.P., Bolshakov, A.M., Gadenin, M.M.Risk Analysis and Safety Working Group, IPTPN SB RAS, IES RAS4 (12) 20134-15
Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the system of national interests of the countryPavlenko, V.I.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (12) 201316-25
Human resources — the main problem of the North developmentPolovinkin, V.N.Krylov SRC4 (12) 201326-31
Rescue equipment for ice conditions: the current situation and potential solutionsSazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC4 (12) 201332-39
On the issue of the need to enhance the approaches to implementation of state housing policy at the municipal levelKutsenko, S.Y.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (12) 201340-49
Features, limitations and directions of development of agricultural economy in the arctic and subarctic territories of the European North-EastIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North4 (12) 201350-59
The timeliness of the problem of hydrocarbon resources development in the ice-covered waters of the Arctic OceanGuseynov, C.S.Gubkin RSUOG4 (12) 201360-65
Introduction of the technology for production of gaseous and liquid methane from methane hydrate — the way to develop the power resources of the NorthFedorov, E.P., Yanovsky, L.L., Varlamova, N.I., Raznoschikov, V.V., Demskaya, I.A.CIAM4 (12) 201366-69
Environmental divesrity of ichtiofauna of freshwater system of Belomorsko-Kuloysky Peninsula (Archangelsk Region)Novoselov, A.P., Studenov, I.I., Pavlenko, V.I.North Branch of “VNIRO”, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (12) 201370-80
Dependency of sagitta length on the length of White Sea herring body (Clupea pallasi marisalbi)Fuks , G.V.North Branch of “VNIRO”4 (12) 201381-83
Comprehensive reconstruction of the temperature of the Russian Arctic over the last two milleniaKlimenko, V.V., Matskovsky, V.V., Dalmann, D..Institute of Geography, RAS, MPEI, Rhine University4 (12) 201384-95
Technology of explosive works in fragmentation of drums and major equipment in remote regions of the Far NorthSednev, V.A., Kopnyshev, S.L.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service4 (12) 201396-99
100 years to the biggest land discovery in XX centurySavatyugin, L.M., Sokratova, I.I.AARI, DES RAS4 (12) 2013100-107
Technological Aspects of Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Enhancement of Nuclear and Radiation Safety during Environmental Remediation of Former Coastal Maintenance Base in Chervyanaya Bay (Gremikha)Varnavin, A.P., Vasin, S.E., Vasiliev, À.À., Diakov, A.V., Zhukova, Î.Î., Korolev, A.V., Kukharkin, N.E., Mironenko-Marenkova, M.E., Novikova, L.P., Pavlov, V.V., Stepennov, B.S., Sukhoruchkin, A.K., Stepennov, D.B., Fedoseenkov, A.N., Shkuratova, E.Y., Usatyi, A.F.NRC «Kurchatov Institute»3 (11) 20134-24
Sources and Extreme Levels of Environment Pollution by Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Business Areas of Russian Companies on the Spitsbergen archipelago (Svalbard)Demin, B.N., Graevskiy, A.P., Krylov, S.S., Demeshkin, A.S., Vlasov, S.V.Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon»3 (11) 201325-39
Hydrometeorological Support of Navigation along the Northern Sea RouteMakosko, A.A.ROSHYDROMET3 (11) 201340-49
Regulation of the Use of Subsoil Resources in the Arctic Countries (the U.S., Canada and Norway) Pavlenko, V.I., Seliukov, Y.G.OGRI RAS, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS3 (11) 201350-57
Importance of the Northern and Arctic Regions in New Geopolitical and Geo-economic ConditionsPolovinkin, V.N., Fomichev, A.B.Krylov SRC, Concern Agat3 (11) 201358-63
The Geology and Oil-and-Gas Potential of the North American ArcticZabanbark, À.., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS3 (11) 201364-75
‘EnviMine’ International Project: Developing Environmental and Geodynamical Safety Related to Mine Closure in the Barents regionKonukhin, V.V., Kozyrev, À.À., Smirnov, Y.G., Zaitsev, V.G., Väisänen, U.U., Hirvasniemi, H.., Johansson, P.., Kivilompolo, J.J., Kouri, P.., Kupila, J.., Pietikäinen, K.., Pihlaja, J.., Alakangas, L.L.MI KSC RAS, GTK, Luleå University of Technology3 (11) 201376-83
A Consideration of Risks in the Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Power Plants in the ArcticTarovik, V.I., Valdman, N.A., Trub, M.S., Ozerova, L.L.Krylov SRC3 (11) 201384-96
Failures of Steam Generator Pipe Systems at Nuclear Powered Vessels: Analysis of Possible Causes and MechanismsBakhmetiev, A.M., Sandler, N.G., Bylov, I.A., Baklanov, A.V., Kashka, M.M., Filimoshkin, S.V.Atomflot, «Afrikantov OKBM»3 (11) 201397-101
Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North and Petroleum Companies: Overcoming the RisksNovikova, N.I.IEA of RAS3 (11) 2013102-111
Soviet Arctic Ports in the Lend-Lease Program during the First Period of the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 — November 1942)Amusin, B.M., Sopin, Y.G.Baltic Naval Institute3 (11) 2013112-115
Initial data requirements for modeling of the ice exaration impact on buried pipelinesNaumov, M.A., Onishchenko, D.A.Gazprom VNIIGAZ2 (10) 20134-17
Arctic: Problem of the accumulated environmental damageSokolov, Y.I.Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies2 (10) 201318-27
On the experience of Nordic AHEM on the Arctic seas shelfVasiliev , L.Y.NAHEM2 (10) 201328-33
The development of marine power plants that use renewable energy sourcesTarovik, V.I., Valdman, N.A., Trub, M.S., Ozerova, L.L.Krylov SRC2 (10) 201334-47
Technical availability of the Russian shelf for development in modern conditionsSochnev, O.Y., Zhukovskaya, E.A.Rosneft2 (10) 201348-61
Search, prospecting, exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits in the Ñircumarctic regionBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RAS2 (10) 201362-71
Establishment of the spent nuclear fuel overload regional center on the FSUE "Atomflot"Kashka, M.M., Abramov, A.N., Chestnih , I.I.Atomflot2 (10) 201372-79
Militarization increase tendencies in the Arctic regionPolovinkin, V.N., Fomichev, A.B.Krylov SRC, Concern Agat2 (10) 201380-83
Some questions on the establishment of marine transport systems for the removal of hydrocarbons from the ArcticDekhtyaruk, Y.D., Dobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC2 (10) 201384-91
The marine ice-technology development in Russia: Past and PresentSazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC2 (10) 201392-103
Features of scientific research and hydrographic work at high latitudes under the iceKatenin, V.A.GNINGI2 (10) 2013104-109
Creating of the Arctic Ocean fleet and its part in providing communications in the Arctic during the First World WarAmusin, B.M., Alekseenko, A.I., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute2 (10) 2013110-115
Studies of the Kara Sea in the modern stage of development of the Russian ArcticMatishov, G.G., Brekhuntsov, A.M., Dzhenyuk, S.S.MMBI KSC RAS, Siberian Scientific Analytical Center1 (9) 20134-11
Feedback modeling of the climate forming processes in the Arctic OceanSarkisyan, A.A., Moshonkin, S.N., Diansky, N.A., Gusev, A.V., Bagno, A.V.INM RAS1 (9) 201312-23
On the stability of freshwater reservoirs of East Fennoscandia to the deposition of 137Cs: the radiological aspectBakunov, N.A., Savatyugin, L.M.AARI1 (9) 201324-35
Physical and geographical features of the aquatic ecosystems of the White Sea-Kuloy Peninsula (Arkhangelsk region)Studenov, I.I., Novoselov, A.P., Pavlenko, V.I.North Branch of “VNIRO”, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS1 (9) 201336-45
Characteristics of Arctic gas-and-oil resource strata, paleogeographic and geodynamic aspects of their formationPolyakova, I.D., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Danilina, A.N.OGRI RAS, GIN RAS, Minprirody of Russia1 (9) 201346-59
Sustainable development of the marine segment of the BEAR (priorities, realities, compromises)Matishov, G.G., Denisov, V.V., Zhichkin, A.P., Moiseev, D.D.MMBI KSC RAS1 (9) 201359-69
Russian Emergencies Ministry measures for prevention and emergency response in the ArcticChupriyan, A.P., Veselov, I.I., Sorokina, I.V., Naumova, T.E.Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies, EMERCOM of Russia1 (9) 201370-77
Russian nuclear icebreaker fleet and development prospects of the Northern Sea RouteRuksha, V.V., Smirnov, A.A., Golovinsky, S.A.Atomflot1 (9) 201378-83
Methodology for justification of the selection of complex manufacturing processes on the example of the salvage of the submerged object in the ArcticKramorenko, A.V., Erokhin, A.A., Ageev, A.S.Research Institute of Rescue and Underwater Technologies1 (9) 201384-91
On the sea information network systems in the ArcticKovalenko, V.V.Scientific Council «Hydrophysics»1 (9) 201392-99
The activities of the Arctic and Antarctic Expert Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council in 2012Ivanov, G.V.Arctic and Antarctic Expert Council1 (9) 2013100-106
Priority projects of the program of the Arctic Sea rehabilitation from sunken and submerged nuclear and radiation hazardous objects and the necessity for international cooperationSarkisov, A.A., Antipov, S.V., Vysotsky, V.V.IBRAE RAN4 (8) 20124-15
Sustainability of the natural environment of the Pechora-Ural ArcticTikhonova, T.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North4 (8) 201216-25
State of whitefish of Pechora basin in terms of multi-factor anthropogenic impactNovoselov, A.P., Studenov, I.I., Bezumova, A.L., Bulatova, I.V., Borovskoj, A.V., Lukin, A.A.North Branch of “VNIRO”, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (8) 201226-35
Operational control of the concrete strength properties using a non-destructive method in the construction of critical concrete structures in the Arctic conditionsKonukhin, V.V., Smirnov, Y.G., Orlov, A.O.MI KSC RAS4 (8) 201236-39
Characteristics and economic efficiency of the transient processes method of electrical resistivity prospecting for engineering and geological studies in the North and Arctic RussiaPavlenko, V.I., Korotkov, Y.V.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (8) 201240-45
History and current state of establishing the planned ice fleet in the Russian FederationPolovinkin, V.N., Fomichev, A.B.Krylov SRC, Concern Agat4 (8) 201246-54
GLONASS in the Arctic: results of a comprehensive study of the navigation situation during the transition on the Northern Sea Route in August-September 2011Bermishev, A.A., Lapshin, V.L., Revnivykh, S.S.PNT IAC4 (8) 201255-65
Experience of using automatic drifting devices to study the water column and ice cover in the Arctic at the beginning of XXI centuryPisarev, S.V.IO RAS4 (8) 201266-75
Contemporary climate change in the Arctic: results of a new assessment report of the Arctic CouncilTsaturov, Y.S., Klepikov, A.V.AARI, ROSHYDROMET4 (8) 201276-81
“Arctic-2012” Training: Achievements and LessonsOsipjantz, I.A., Pavlovsky, O.O., Krasnoperov, S.S.IBRAE RAN4 (8) 201282-89
Intelligence activities of the naval forces of foreign countries in the Arctic regionAmusin, B.M., Alekseenko, A.I., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute4 (8) 201290-93
X International Conference “The resources and risks of regions with permafrost in the changing world”Zaitseva, N.A.DES RAS4 (8) 201294-95
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2012, No. 1—4 (in Russian)  4 (8) 2012100-103
Problem of Development and Development of Polar and Arctic Territories: the Ural AspectLitovskiy, V.V.IE UB RAS3 (7) 20124-13
Economic Assessment of Status and Prospects of the Development of the Arctic Sea Oil and Gas ResourcesPavlenko, V.I., Panichkin, I.V.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS, MGIMO3 (7) 201214-21
Energy Development in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities of Low-Power PlantsSmolentsev, D.O.IBRAE RAN3 (7) 201222-29
The Experience of Seismotomographical Investigations of the Soil Condition of RW Treatment and Long-Term Storage Facilities at Saida BayKonukhin, V.V., Abramov, N.N., Kabeyev, E.V.MI KSC RAS3 (7) 201230-37
Parameter Assessment of Human and Natural Capital in Context of Modern Nature Management at the North of RussiaDushkova, D.O., Evseev, A.V.Moscow State University3 (7) 201238-43
Environmental Safety and Monitoring of Exploratory Works on Gas in Ob and Taz Bays in 2000-2009Sochnev, O.Y., Sochneva, I.O., Khistyaev, À.À.Arcticecoshelf3 (7) 201244-53
Publication of Book Series «Contribution of Russia to the IPY 2007/08»Dmitriev, V.G., Danilov, A.I., Klepikov, A.V., Kotliakov, V.V., Sarukhanian, E.I., Zaitseva, N.A.Institute of Geography, RAS, AARI, DES RAS, WMO3 (7) 201254-61
Contamination of Soil and Vegetation with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Vicinity of Barentsburg Coal MineDemin, B.N., Graevskiy, A.P., Demeshkin, A.S., Vlasov, S.V.Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon»3 (7) 201262-73
Perspective Directions and Challenges of the Arctic Transport System of Russia Development in XXI CenturyPolovinkin, V.N., Fomichev, A.B.Krylov SRC, CSPA «Leninetz»3 (7) 201274-83
Experience and Prospects of the Russian Icebreaking Fleet Operation in the ArcticKashka, M.M., Mantula, N.V., Ponomarenko, A.V.Atomflot3 (7) 201284-91
Prospects of Oil-and-Gas Bearing Deposits of Deep Sea in the South Kara Sea RegionBogoyavlensky, V.I., Polyakova, I.D.OGRI RAS, GIN RAS3 (7) 201292-103
Names of the Military Seamen Participated in the Great Northern Expedition on the Map of the Arctic (to 275 anniversary of the Great Northern Expedition)Amusin, B.M., Alekseenko, A.I., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute3 (7) 2012104-111
Submersion on the Seabed of the Arctic Ocean in the Geographical Point of the North PoleChilingarov, A.N.State Duma of the Russian Federation3 (7) 2012112-117
Basic Model of Tectonic Development of the Arctic as a Basis for Preparation of the Updated Submission of Russia to the UN Commission Concerning the Establishment of the Outer Limits of Continental ShelfLaverov, N.P., Lobkovsky, L.I., Kononov, M.V., Dobretsov, N.N., Vernikovsky, V.V., Sokolov, S.S., Shipilov, E.V.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS, IPGG SB RAS, GIN RAS, Presidium of RAS2 (6) 20124-19
Influence of Tide Water on Redistribution of Water Flow at the Delta of the Pechora RiverPolonsky, V.F.State Oceanographic Institute2 (6) 201220-27
“The Arctic Vector” in Conservation of Terrestrial Ecosystems and BiodiversityTishkov, A.A.Institute of Geography, RAS2 (6) 201228-43
Prospects of Russian- Norwegian Researches in the Arctic Environment ProtectionLukin, A.A., Pavlenko, V.I., Bambulyak, A.N., Larsen, L.H.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS, Akvaplan-niva Barents, Akvaplan-niva2 (6) 201244-57
The Research of Underground Sources for Water Supply of Cities in the North (City of Apatity as an Example)Konukhin, V.V., Kozyrev, À.À., Orlov, A.O., Smirnov, Y.G.MI KSC RAS2 (6) 201258-65
Climate Changes in the Arctic: Impact on Environment and EconomyKattsov, V.M., Porfiriev, B.N.IEF RAS, FGBI «MGO»2 (6) 201266-79
Changes and Variability of Climate in the European Part of the Russian North and Their Effect on Water FacilitiesFilatov, N.N., Nazarova, L.L., Georgiev, A.P., Semenov, A.A., Antsiferova, A.A., Ozhigina, V.N., Bogdan, M.I.NWPI KarRC RAS, MAHEM, NWAHEM2 (6) 201280-93
Introduction of Gas and Fuel Technology of the Air Transport – Way of Cost Reduction of Transportation in the Arctic and Far East Macro RegionsAdzhiyev, A.Y., Zaytsev, V.V., Mavritsky, V.I., Postoyev, S.K., Yanovsky, L.L., Shmal, G.G.TsAGI, CIAM, NIPIGasPererabotka, InterAviaGas, FGUP GosNII GA, UOGPR2 (6) 201294-101
From East to West in the Arctic Waters (to the Hundredth Anniversary of Navigation of Taimyr and Vaigach Icebreaking Steamers)Amusin, B.M., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute2 (6) 2012102-107
Arctic Energetics in the Sphere of Politicians and Scientists InterestTevlina, V.V.Universitetet i Tromsø2 (6) 2012108-111
Key Aspects of Science in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous RegionKobylkin, D.D.YNAR Government1 (5) 20124-7
Problems of Study and Development of Raw Materials Resource of the ArcticLarichkin, F.D., Fadeev, A.M., Cherepovitsin, A.A.IES KSC RAS1 (5) 20128-15
Economical Development of the Arctic and Nuclear Ice-Breaking Fleet of RussiaRuksha, V.V., Smirnov, A.A., Golovinsky, S.A., Rodionova, L.L., Ivanov, A.V., Nikolaev, P.P., Peresypkin, V.V.CMRDI, Atomflot, CSR “North-West”1 (5) 201216-25
Marine Economics in the Russian Arctic under Conditions of Current Climate ChangesMatishov, G.G., Dzhenyuk, S.S.MMBI KSC RAS1 (5) 201226-37
Amphibians with Chassis on Pneumocushion – Key to the ArcticSokolyansky, V.P., Zakharchenko, Y.A., Dolgopolov, A.A., Morozov, V.V., Visel’, E.P., Merzlikin, Y.Y., Dunaevsky, A.I., Chesnokov, S.S., Musatov, R.R., Kotiev, G.O., Naumov, V.N., Verzhbitsky, A.N.TsAGI, BMSTU1 (5) 201238-47
Radioecological Conditions at Novaya Zemlya ArchipelagoSych, Y.G., Dubinko, L.L.RCSTS, 12 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia1 (5) 201248-59
Exploration of Bottom Relief of the Arctic Basin for Multi-Purpose Programs of the Environmental SafetyNaryshkin, G.D., Petrov, D.M.JSC Centre «Sevzapgeoinform»1 (5) 201260-67
Explosive Îbjects at the Bottom of the Arctic Seas – Risk Factor for Economic Activity in SeasBystrov, B.B., Pirozhenko, V.V., Blinkov, V.I.GNINGI, 1st Central Research Institute1 (5) 201268-73
Methodical Approach to the Estimation of Ice Conditions of Navigation and Trends of Change as an Example of the Asian Coast of the Bering SeaMastrukov, S.I.GNINGI1 (5) 201274-81
Continental Foot of the Arctic BasinNaryshkin, G.D., Fridman, B.S., Alexeev, S.P., Kostenich, A.V., Stavrov, K.G.GNINGI, JSC Centre «Sevzapgeoinform»1 (5) 201282-91
Development and Introduction of Geophysical Methods of Study of the Arctic Basin Bottom Relief (some facts from history)Sorokin, A.A.IL RAS1 (5) 201292-103
M. Lomonosov and Research of the Arctic and the Northern Part of the Far East by Naval SailorsAmusin, B.M., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute1 (5) 2012104-409
Tenth International Conference on Permafrost Resources and Risks in Permafrost Regions in a Changing World YNAR Government1 (5) 2012110-111
Prospects of Sea-Floor Seismography in the Russian FederationLaverov, N.P., Roslov, Y.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Tulupov, A.V., Voronov, M.A., Ganzha, O.Y.IO RAS, Presidium of RAS, Seismoshelf4 (4) 20114-13
Prospects of Basic Research in the Arctic RegionNekipelov, A.A., Makosko, A.A.Presidium of RAS4 (4) 201114-21
Greenland Climate: Modern ChangesKorneva, I.A., Popov, I.O., Semenov, S.M.IGCE4 (4) 201122-33
Safe and Secure Use of Nuclear Power at Civil Nuclear Fleet as a Basis of FSUE Atomflot’s Environmental PolicyKashka, M.M., Golovinsky, S.A., Antonov, O.N., Vorobyev, V.M., Belozerov, L.L., Ryzhkov, A.V., Yarosh, V.I.CMRDI, Atomflot, Aysberg4 (4) 201134-45
Studying Changes in the Tazovsky Peninsula Vegetation Cover Based on Satellite ImagesKornienko, S.G., Yakubson, K.I.OGRI RAS4 (4) 201146-57
On the Topicality of Midget Nuclear Power Plants for Long-term Development of Coastal Regions in the Russian Arctic and the Russian Far EastMitenkov, F.F.«Afrikantov OKBM»4 (4) 201158-63
Key Problems of Economic Development of the Russian ArcticDodin, D.D., Kaminsky, V.D., Suprunenko, O.I., Pavlenko, V.I.OGRI RAS, FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia4 (4) 201164-79
From M.V. Lomonosov to Major International Research Projects - the Historic Path of Comprehensive Investigations in the Russian ArcticVedeshin, L.A.Presidium of RAS4 (4) 201180-91
The Northern Sea Route Development in the Literary Heritage of M.V. LomonosovFomin, V.V.LGPU4 (4) 201192-101
International Intellectual Cooperation in the ArcticPilyasov, A.N.CSPF4 (4) 2011102-107
International Conference «Via the Northern Sea Route to Strategic Stability and Equal Partnership in the Arctic»Filin, B.N.IBRAE RAN4 (4) 2011108-117
The Nuuk Declaration: New Phase of the Arctic States CooperationLavrov, S.V.Russian Foreign Ministry3 (3) 20114-11
Development of International Arctic Cooperation: the Arctic Council RoleChilingarov, A.N.State Duma of the Russian Federation3 (3) 201112-15
Seismic Exploration, Offshore Oil and Gas Fields Development of the Arctic Western RegionLaverov, N.P., Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V.OGRI RAS, Presidium of RAS3 (3) 201116-27
Hydrography and Arctic ocean investigationsNeronov, N.N., Medvedkin, E.V.GNINGI, Hydrographic Society3 (3) 201128-35
The Arctic Basin Demilitarization Challenges Solution by Hydrographic Research ResultsNaryshkin, G.D., Fridman, B.S., Alexeev, S.P., Kostenich, A.V.GNINGI, JSC Centre «Sevzapgeoinform»3 (3) 201136-47
Cold War Ecological Legacy Elimination in the Arctic Region of Russia: the International CooperationSarkisov, A.A., Antipov, S.V., Kalinin, R.I., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RAN3 (3) 201148-59
Damaged Soil of the North and Remediation ProblemsKapelkina, L.P.SRCEC RAS3 (3) 201160-67
The Integrated Study in the Aeronautic and Amphibious Technology Providing the Development of RF Hard-to-Reach AreasSokolyansky, V.P., Zakharchenko, Y.A., Chesnokov, S.S., Dunaevsky, A.I., Dolgopolov, A.A., Morozov, V.V., Visel’, E.P., Samoylov, I.A., Semenov, S.A., Varvanin, A.A., Kotiev, G.O., Naumov, V.N., Verzhbitsky, A.N.TsAGI, BMSTU, FGUP GosNII GA, RANEPA, Yakovlev Aircraft3 (3) 201168-73
Challenges of Environmental Management Restructing at Kola Metallurgical FacilitiesAlieva, T.E.IES KSC RAS3 (3) 201174-79
Gas Aviation: Options of Solving the Transport Issue of the Northern and Arctic RegionsDutov, A.V., Mavritsky, V.I., Zaytsev, V.V.TsAGI, InterAviaGas3 (3) 201180-89
Autochthons of the Arctic and Population of North: History, Traditions, Vital ProblemsMurashko, O.A.RAIPON3 (3) 201190-105
Òhå Arctic is in the Center of Attention of Marine Board of RF Govemment Attention (According to papers ofmeeting in Naryan-Mar îï July 6, 2011) Moskovenko, M.M.Marine Board3 (3) 2011106-115
Legal model of transboundary marine mineral resources management in the Western Arctic area of the Russian FederationVylegzhanin, A.N.RALS2 (2) 20114-9
Expected Development of the Russian Arctic Regions: Space Transformation, External Relations and Lessons of Foreign StrategyPilyasov, A.N.CSPF2 (2) 201110-17
Radiation Monitoring and Emergency Response System Improvement at the North-West Region of RussiaArutyunyan, R.V., Bolshov, L.A., Gavrilov, S.L., Kiselev, V.P., Nikitin, V.S., Ogar`, K.V., Osipjantz, I.A., Sarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RAN2 (2) 201118-25
Cooperative Russian-Norwegian Investigations of the Western Arctic Seas Radioactive Contamination at the Areas under Local Sources ExposureNikitin, A.A., Shershakov, V.V., Tsaturov, Y.S.ROSHYDROMET, «Typhoon» NPO2 (2) 201126-35
Planning of Operations Concerning Oil Spills Prevention and Elimination of Prirazlomnoje FieldMansurov, M.N., Marichev, A.V., Efremkin, I.M.Gazprom Neft Shelf, Gazprom VNIIGAZ2 (2) 201136-41
Environmental Feasibility Study of Rational Nature Management in the European NorthTaskaev, A.I., Archegova, I.B.IB Komi SC UB RAS2 (2) 201142-47
Basic Network of Environmental Safety Observatories in the Russian Arctic RegionsPitulko, V.M., Donchenko, V.K.SRCEC RAS2 (2) 201148-57
Environmental Investigations of Oil and Gas Development in the Eastern Part of the Barents SeaIshkov, A.G., Minasjan, V.V., Prischepa, B.F., Sharifullin, M.S., Shakhin, D.A.PINRO named after N.M.Knipovich, Gazprom, FRECOM, Shtokman Development2 (2) 201158-63
The Russian and Norwegian Barents Sea areas: a study of oil and gas presence and prospectsBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RAS2 (2) 201164-75
Reform of Payments for Environmental Negative Impact: Essence and RisksKharitonova, G.N.IES KSC RAS2 (2) 201176-85
The Area of New PossibilitiesDmitrienko, D.V.Murmansk Region Government2 (2) 201186-89
Belomorie is the Region of the Arctic Challenges Solving.Filatov, N.N., Terjevik, A.Y., Druzhinin, P.V.NWPI KarRC RAS, IE KarRC RAS2 (2) 201190-101
LENIN Legendary Nuclear Ice BreakerKhlopkin, N.N., Barinov, A.A.Atomflot, NRC «Kurchatov Institute»2 (2) 2011102-109
Arctic Frontiers — 5th International ConferenceDahle, S.., Pavlenko, V.I.FCIAR, Akvaplan-niva2 (2) 2011110-111
From the International Polar Year to the International Polar DecadeKotliakov, V.V.Institute of Geography, RAS1 (1) 20114-19
The Arctic: a new vector of developmentVasil`ev, A.V.Russian Foreign Ministry1 (1) 201120-25
Fundamental aspects of the development of oil and gas resources of the Russian Arctic shelfLaverov, N.P., Dmitrievskii, A.A., Bogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RAS, Presidium of RAS1 (1) 201126-37
The contours of the Strategy of development of the Russian ArcticPilyasov, A.N.CSPF1 (1) 201138-47
On measures of the Russian Emergencies Ministry to ensure the implementation of economic and infrastructure projects in the Arctic and the creation of a system of specialized emergency rescue centersVeselov, I.I., Chupriyan, A.P.EMERCOM of Russia1 (1) 201148-51
Atomic icebreaking fleet of Russia and the prospects for the development of the Northern Sea RouteRuksha, V.V., Smirnov, A.A., Kashka, M.M., Babich, N.N.Atomflot1 (1) 201152-61
Ecological safety of the Russian Arctic: some organizational and legal aspectsNeyolov, Y.V.Council of Federation of the Russian Federation1 (1) 201162-69
Problems of radiation rehabilitation of the Arctic seas, methods and ways of their solutionSarkisov, A.A., Vysotsky, V.V., Sivintsev, Y.V., Nikitin, V.S.IBRAE RAN, NRC «Kurchatov Institute», Zvyozdochka1 (1) 201170-81
Questions of stability of natural complexes of the Russian Arctic to radioactive contaminationBakunov, N.A., Savatyugin, L.M., Frolov, I.E.AARI1 (1) 201182-39
On the conservation of the natural environment of the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationSolovjanov, A.A.CCI RF1 (1) 201194-103
Geodynamic model of the evolution of the Arctic region in the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic and the problem of the outer boundary of the continental shelf of RussiaLobkovsky, L.I., Verzhbitsky, V.E., Kononov, M.V., Schrader, A.A., Sokolov, S.S., Tuchkova, M.I., Kotelkin, V.D., Vernikovsky, V.V.Moscow State University, IO RAS, IPGG SB RAS, GIN RAS1 (1) 2011104-115
Legal and regulatory framework for ensuring environmental safety in offshore oil and gas production in the ArcticValdman, N.A., Jarkich, N.V., Pystina, N.B., Buchgalter, E.B., Ilyakova, E.E.Krylov SRC, Gazprom VNIIGAZ1 (1) 2011116-123
Do people of the North will survive the construction of the transcontinental overpasses?Suljandziga, P.V.RAIPON1 (1) 2011124-128

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594