Teaser : Volume 14, No. 3, 2024
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Development monitoring of the C22 gas blowout Doublet object on Yamal peninsula using remote sensing data; about Ecological problems of the Russian Arctic Zone on the example of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area; about Assessing the scale of wind energy rational use in remote areas of the eastern Russian Arctic; about Power capacity of a supership for operating in the Eastern part of the Arctic;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions.
From the editors of the Journal
Editor-in-Сhief of the Journal Vasiliy I. Bogoyavlensky, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of the «Arctic: Ecology and Economy» Journal continues to prepare and publish online English versions of articles from 2024 and previous years. Read more
The Russian Academy of Sciences has developed the Academic Rating of Russian scientific journals included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database on the Web of Science platform; the Journal "Arctic: Ecology and Economy" is also included in this database. More details:
On the eve of the New Year 2021, the Editorial Board of the Journal "Arctic: Ecology and Economy" received the decision of the Advisory Council for the Selection of Content (CSAB) to include the Journal in the SCOPUS International Scientometric Database. During the first quarter of 2021, an agreement due to be signed on the content provision procedure, after which the articles posted in our Journal will be indexed in the SCOPUS database.