Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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A current state and forecasting of the socio-ecological-economic system of the White sea watershed with use of cognitive simulationMenshutkin, V.V., Filatov, N.N., Druzhinin, P.V.EMI RAS, NWPI KarRC RAS2 (30) 20184-17
Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in plants of tundra affected by thermal power station in the vicinities of VorkutaYakovleva, E.V., Gabov, D.N.IB Komi SC UB RAS2 (30) 201818-30
“The greening” of the tundra as a driver of the modern dynamics of arctic biotaTishkov, A.A., Belonovskaya, E.A., Vaisfeld, M.A., Glazov, P.M., Krenke, A.N., Tertitsky, G.M.Institute of Geography, RAS2 (30) 201831-44
Sources of data for numerical simulation of the White Sea for developing the Russian Arctic areaTolstikov, A.V., Chernov, I.A., Martynova, D.M.NWPI KarRC RAS, IAMR KRC RAS, White Sea Biological Station2 (30) 201845-55
Dynamics of nutrients in estuarine area of the Lena river: results from cruises in September 2015 and 2017Makkaveev, P.N., Polukhin, A.A., Seliverstova, A.M., Sepanova, S.V., Chultsova, A.L.IO RAS, North-Western Branch of IO RAS2 (30) 201856-67
Prospects of the development of domestic arctic marine technologies related to liquefied natural gasNikitin, V.S., Simonov, Y.A., Polovinkin, V.N.Krylov SRC2 (30) 201868-82
Technologies for Remote Detection and Monitoring of the Earth Degassing in the Arctic: Yamal Peninsula, Neito LakeBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS2 (30) 201883-93
Basaltoid magmatism and the problem of the gas potential of the East-Barents megabasinShipilov, E.V.PGI KSC RAS2 (30) 201894-106
Innovative mediation in the implementation of scientific projects on the territory of Arctic — experience of the Temporary Interdisciplinary Research Team YAMALChechetkina, E.V., Yeltsov, I.N., Menshikov, S.N., Ermilov, O.M.IPGG SB RAS, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym2 (30) 2018107-117
Major Scientific and Technical Problems in Radiation-Safe Decommissioning of Nuclear-powered Icebreakers: Decision OptionsKulikov, K.N., Nizamutdinov, R.A., Blagoveshchensky, A.Y., Titov, N.V., Mantula, N.V., Domanov, A.A.NIPTB Onega, Atomflot2 (30) 2018118-124
În registration of ice navigation risks along the Northeast PassageTripolnikov, V.P.AARI2 (30) 2018125-130
Efficiency of management of fishery resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: features of assessmentTortsev, A.M.FCIAR2 (30) 2018131-141
Economic efficiency and possibilities of using megawatt-class nuclear power sources in the ArcticSarkisov, A.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RAN1 (29) 20184-14
Popigay deposit of diamond-lonsdalite superabrasive material — an arctic project with a high-innovative potentialSamsonov, N.Y., Kryukov, Y.V.IEIE SB RAS1 (29) 201815-25
Possible environmental consequences of the economic development of the northern territories of the Far East of RussiaStepanko, N.G., Stepanko, A.A., Tkachenko, G.G.PGI FEB RAS1 (29) 201826-36
The integrated estimation methodology of the environmental in the Arctic using aerospace image situationGrigorieva, O.V., Ivanets, M.O., Markov, A.V., Terentyeva, V.V.Military Space Academy1 (29) 201837-47
Gas-hydrodynamics in the Arctic craters of gas blowoutBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RAS1 (29) 201848-55
Some results of greenhouse gases monitoring in the Arctic region of RussiaAntonov, K.L., Markelov, Y.I., Markelov, Y.I., Buevich, A.G., Medvedev, A.N., Manzhurov, I.L.Institute of Industrial Ecology1 (29) 201856-67
Species diversity and structure of zooplankton community (on the example of the Àrkhangelsk region)Zmetnaya, M.I., Plakueva, M.V.North Branch of “VNIRO”, NAHEM1 (29) 201868-83
Prospective technical means of personnel evacuation from emergency offshore oil and gas platforms in arctic conditionsTarovik, V.I.Krylov SRC1 (29) 201884-91
Innovative developments of Krylov State Research Centre to improve the safety and reliability of vessels with podded trust units in extreme ice conditionsBelyashov, V.A., Vasilev, N.V., Makarov, V.V., Pautov, L.G.Krylov SRC1 (29) 201892-103
Gold ore deposits and Cretaceous granitoid magmatism of ChukotkaGalyamov, A.L., Volkov, A.V., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS1 (29) 2018104-115
The Technology of Lifting Nuclear- and Radiation-Hazardous Facilities Dumped or Sunken in the Arctic Based on the Use of Hydraulic Cable JacksKramorenko, A.V., Asminin, V.V., Chumarov, R.I., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RAN, Research Institute of Rescue and Underwater Technologies1 (29) 2018116-124
Anthropological Expert Review: Academic Discourse and Indigenous People’s ExpectationsNovikova, N.I.IEA of RAS1 (29) 2018125-135
Climate change impact on economic growth and specific sectors’ development of the Russian ArcticVoronina, S.A., Porfiriev, B.N., Semikashev, V.V., Terentiev, N.E., Eliseev, D.O., Naumova, Y.V.IEF RAS, Russian New University, FRCCSC RAS4 (28) 20174-17
Arctic Territories Differentiation by Density of Population and Economic DevelopmentLytkina, T.S., Smirnov, A.V., Fauzer, V.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North4 (28) 201718-31
Indicators of sustainable development of Russian Federation Arctic zone: problems of selection and measurementGutman, S.S., Basova, A.A.SPbPU4 (28) 201732-48
Nuclear Legacy Cleanup in the Continental Part of Russia as a Condition for Radiation Safety in the ArcticKryukov, O.V., Abramov, A.A., Linge, I.I., Ivanov, A.Y.IBRAE RAN, Rosatom4 (28) 201749-58
Evaluations of the frequency pollution trends of the atmosphere of the regions of the Russian Arctic in the 21st centuryMakosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics4 (28) 201759-71
Structure and the lithological composition of the section of the deposits of Kola Bay (Fiord) according to the data of drilling wells and seismoacoustics and the neotectonic conditions of its formationShipilov, E.V., Shkarubo, S.I., Kovalchuk, E.A.PGI KSC RAS, MASU, JSC "MAGE"4 (28) 201772-82
Prospects of gold mining development in the Chukotka Autonomous districtVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS4 (28) 201783-97
The Central area of the Arctic ocean: seismostratigraphy and background of oil and gasBogoyavlensky, I.V., Borukaev, G.C., Sidorenko, S.A., Polyakova, I.D.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, GIN RAS4 (28) 201798-107
Design Problems and development prospects for ice-resistant semisubmersible floating drilling unitsKryzhevich, G.B.Krylov SRC4 (28) 2017108-117
Development conceptual foundations of intelligent information-management system for regional security support of Murmansk regionMasloboev, A.V.IIMM KSC RAS4 (28) 2017118-134
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2017, No. 1–4  4 (28) 2017135-137
Results of aerial, space and field investigations of large gas blowouts near bovanenkovo field on Yamal peninsulaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG3 (27) 20174-17
Features of cryolithogenesis in the presence of gashydrates (on example of West Siberia)Konovalov, A.A.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS3 (27) 201718-27
Modern Geodynamics of the Norwegian-Greenland Basin on seismological data for the period 1964—1991 yearsBelenovich, T.Y., Kutinov, Y.G., Neverov, N.A., Chistova, Z.B.FCIAR3 (27) 201728-38
Prospects for the Development of Automated Radiation Monitoring Systems in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Regions through the Integrated Use of Mobile Radiation Monitoring DevicesArutyunyan, R.V., Gavrilov, S.L., Popov, E.V.IBRAE RAN3 (27) 201739-48
The assessment of the current state of water quality in the Norilsk industrial regionBazova, M.M., Koshevoi, D.V.Vernadsky IGAC of RAS3 (27) 201749-60
Transportation development of the Arctic land area: strategic goals and risk analysisVoronina, E.P.Institute of System Analysis RAS3 (27) 201761-68
Technology of diagnostic assurance of the floating thermal nuclear power plantMyasnikov, Y.N., Horoshev, V.G.Krylov SRC3 (27) 201769-85
Comprehensive Simulation Model of Marine Transport and Support System for “Prirazlomnaya” PlatformTarovik, O.V., Topaj, A.G., Krestyantsev, A.B., Kondratenko, A.A., Zaykin, D.A.Krylov SRC, Gazprom Neft Shelf3 (27) 201786-102
Issues related to raising the speeds of heavy-tonnage cargo vessels during year-round arctic operationsPustoshny, A.V., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC3 (27) 2017103-110
On compensation of damage to the health of the population in the cities of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation from air pollutionMatesheva, A.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics3 (27) 2017111-117
Problems of municipal infrastructure development of the subarctic territories of the Komi RepublicFomina, V.F.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (27) 2017118-133
Territories of traditional nature: development limits or economic growth factors?Afanasyev, S.M., Gassiy, V.V., Potravny, I.M.RUE, Kuban State University, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Government2 (26) 20174-16
Radiogeochemical investigations of the Kola Peninsula landscapesVorobyova, T.A., Evseev, A.V., Kuzmenkova, N.V.Moscow State University, Vernadsky IGAC of RAS2 (26) 201717-26
Improvement the technologies of recultivation landscapes on slopes in the Far NorthPystina, N.B., Unanian, K.L., Ilyakova, E.E., Khokhlachev, N.S., Luzhkov, V.A.Gazprom VNIIGAZ2 (26) 201727-34
Assessment of climatic changes in the Arctic in the 21st century based on the combined forecastPanin, G.N., Diansky, N.A., Solomonova, I.V., Gusev, A.V., Vyruchalkina, T.Y.WPI RAS, Moscow State University, INM RAS2 (26) 201735-52

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© 2011-2024 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594