Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Title Authors Affiliation of the authors Issue Pages PDF
Experimental-analytical method for determining the global ice load from ice compression on ships and floating platforms used as polar drifting observatoriesSvistunov, I.A.AARIv13, 1 202385-96
Ice impact on the rockfill of port facilitiesDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRCv13, 1 202397-105
Assessing the resilience potential of the Russian Arctic cities: the factor of economic specializationNikitin, B.V.Moscow State Universityv13, 1 2023106-118
Measures to support indigenous peoples in their places of traditional residence: the experience of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous AreaPitukhina, M.A., Belykh, A.D.IE KarRC RASv13, 1 2023119-126
Accumulation of radionuclides in fish from the rivers of the northwestern sector of the Russian ArcticPuchkov, A.V., Druzhinina, A.S., Yakovlev, E.Y., Druzhinin, P.V.NWPI KarRC RAS, FCIARv13, 1 2023127-137
Study of the risk for plant ecosystems of the Russian Arctic from atmospheric pollution in a changing climate (1980—2050)Makosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V., Lysova, O.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physicsv13, 1 2023138-148
The dairy farming development in the Arctic zone of the Republics of Karelia and Komi, Arkhangelsk region: opportunities and forms of supportSurovtsev, V.N.IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RASv13, 1 2023149-157
To the bright memory of Academician, Vice Admiral A. A. Sarkisov  v12, 4 2022460-463
Climate changes in river flow and precipitation in the White Sea RegionTolstikov, A.V., Serykh, I.V., Balagansky, A.F.IO RAS, NWPI KarRC RASv12, 4 2022464-474
Assessing the availability of green infrastructure to residents of an Arctic city (on the example of Nadym)Sizov, O.S., Fedorov, R.Y., Pechkina, Y.A., Michugin, M.S., Kuklina, V.V., Soromotin, A.V., Fedash, A.V.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, Tyumen State University, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic, George Washington Universityv12, 4 2022475-490
Topical issues in Arctic studies: a perspective from ChinaWang, R..SPbUv12, 4 2022491-499
Compression of the ice cover in the Pechora Sea: a natural phenomenon and its impact on marine operationsBuzin, I.V., Klyachkin, S.V., Frolov, S.V., Smirnov, K.G., Mikhaltceva, S.V., Sokolova, Y.V., Gudoshnikov, Y.P., Voinov, G.N., Grigoryev, M.N.AARI, IMEMOv12, 4 2022500-512
Monitoring of the Mordyyakha gas explosion object development on Yamal on the basis of Earth remote sensing dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RASv12, 4 2022513-523
Application of Digital Technologies for Investment Evaluation of Mining Projects in the Western part of the ArcticLukichev, S.V., Nagovitsyn, O.V., Churkin, O.E., Gilyarova, A.A.MI KSC RASv12, 4 2022524-537
The Northern Sea Route as a coordination of interests’ medium for sustainable socio-economic development of the ArcticIvanova, M.V., Danilin, K.P., Koshkarev, M.V.IES KSC RAS, Institute of Business Career v12, 4 2022538-550
Selection of the priority option for a floating power unit based on the analysis of technical and economic indicatorsBrykalov, S.M., Balyberdin, A.S., Nyrkov, D.A., Sheshina, N.V., Gushchina, E.A.«Afrikantov OKBM»v12, 4 2022551-558
Agricultural sector of the North and the Arctic: historical aspect, directions of developmentIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv12, 4 2022559-571
Formation of an eco-industrial zone in the Karelian Arctic: spatial background, resource potential, human capitalVolkov, A.D., Vasilieva, A.V., Karginova-Gubinova, V.V.IE KarRC RASv12, 4 2022572-584
Determinants of demographic processes in the Russian Arctic: factor analysisSmirennikova, Å.V., Provorova, A.A., Ukhanova, A.V., Gubina, O.V., Voronina, L.V.FCIARv12, 4 2022585-597
Solid particles as an indicator of the placement of air pollution monitoring posts in MurmanskOputina, I.P., Shklyaev, V.A., Kostyleva, N.V.Perm State University, Ural Research Institute “Ecology”v12, 4 2022598-610
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2022, No. 1—4  v12, 4 2022611-613
Monitoring of the methane concentration changes in the Arctic atmosphere in 2019—2021 according to the TROPOMI spectrometer dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Sizov, O.S., Nikonov, R.A., Bogoyavlensky, I.V.OGRI RASv12, 3 2022304-319
Analysis of the cenosoic erosion of sedimentary deposits in the East Barents Mega Basin based on 3d modeling of hydrocarbon systemsGolovanov, D.Y., Bogoyavlenskaya, O.V., Nikishin, V.A., Malishev, N.A., Verzhbitsky, V.E., Komissarov, D.K.Rosneft, RN-Shelf-Arcticv12, 3 2022320-333
Geological and economic development factors of diamond placers in the Arctic zone of RussiaNogovitsyn, R.R., Grigoryeva, E.E.NEFUv12, 3 2022334-348
Prospects of Using Nuclear Power Technologies in the ArcticSarkisov, A.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RANv12, 3 2022349-358
Draft Standard to measure, control and regulate the parameters of technogenic underwater noise of civil marine equipmentTarovik, V.I., Kalyu, V.A.Krylov SRCv12, 3 2022359-366
Prospects for the development of regional aviation in the Far North and the tasks of increasing the transport accessibility of the Arctic and the Far EastGorbunov, V.P.Yakutia Airlinesv12, 3 2022367-375
Methodological approach to the study of tourism systems in the Northern and Arctic regions on the Russian Federation (on the example of the European North)Moroshkina, M.V., Vasilieva, A.V., Kondratyeva, S.V.Karelian Research Centre of RASv12, 3 2022376-386
Demographic assessment of the development of settlements in the Asian part of the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPetrov, Y.V.Tyumen State Universityv12, 3 2022387-399
Small and Medium Enterprises in the North of Russia: Problems and Support Policies from the RegionsTimushev, E.N., Terentyeva, M.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv12, 3 2022400-415
State support for agriculture in the Russian Arctic regions: current state, compliance with targets, directions for improvementNikulina, Y.N.IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RASv12, 3 2022419-429
The role of regional suppliers in the implementation of Arctic projects: Russian practice and Norwegian experienceKryukov, Y.V.IEIE SB RASv12, 3 2022430-443
Methods for ensuring environmental safety in waste disposal in hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic zoneSednev, V.A., Drozdov, D.A., Sergeenkova, N.A.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Servicev12, 3 2022444-453
Deep gratitude to Ashot Arakelovich Sarkisov from the Editorial Board of the Journal “Arctic: Ecology and Economy”  v12, 2 2022156-157
Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the World Ocean: the East Siberian SeaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V., Kazanin, A.G., Kazanin, G.A.OGRI RAS, JSC "MAGE"v12, 2 2022158-171
Acceptable risk for Arctic shelf ecosystems based on probabilistic model calculationsSolovieva, N.V., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RASv12, 2 2022172-182
Environmentally permissible levels of metals in the Lake Bienda-Stemme (West Spitsbergen)Frumin, G.T., Demeshkin, A.S., Malikov, U.M.Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon», Herzen University, SPbSUTv12, 2 2022183-190
Impact of the Lomonosov diamond deposit exploitation on the Zolotitsa River ecosystemKotova, E.I., Netsvetaeva, O.P., Reshetnyak, O.S.IO RAS, Hydrochemical Institute, Russian Arctic National Parkv12, 2 2022191-199
Economy of the Arctic coastal territories: analysis of the state and development trendsNovikov, A.V.GUZv12, 2 2022200-210
Multiplicative Economic Effects in Arctic Fish Industry ProjectsTarasova, O.V., Rusyaev, S.M.IEIE SB RAS, MagadanNIROv12, 2 2022211-223
Prospects for the development of major tin ore deposits in ChukotkaVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RASv12, 2 2022224-234
On the issue of the sources of alluvial diamonds of the Ebelyakhsky region (Arctic zone of Russia)Bochneva, A.A., Lalomov, A.V.IGEM RASv12, 2 2022235-245
Features of the use of ice crossings when delivering cargos and developing fields in the Gulf of Ob. Possibilities of using hovercraft, wheeled and amphibious transportLobanov, A.V., Kornienko, O.A., Timofeyev, O.Y.Gazprom, St. Petersburg SMTU, Krasnoyarskgazprom neftegazproektv12, 2 2022246-257
Analysis of the state and development of the transport system of the Northern Sea RouteGurlev, I.V., Makosko, A.A., Malygin, I.G.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, IPT RASv12, 2 2022258-270
The use of granular foam-glass ceramic in the Arctic construction of low-rise buildingsMelnikov, V.P., Melnikova, A.A., Ivanov, K.S.Tyumen SC SB RAS, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, GNEZDO NRCv12, 2 2022271-280
Prospects for the application of ice composite materials for the construction of ice crossingsSyromyatnikova, A.S., Fedorova, L.K.NEFU, IPTPN SB RASv12, 2 2022281-287
The effectiveness evaluation of implementing micro-hydroelectric power plants for the ecotourism development in remote areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Murmansk region)Bezhan, A.V., Konovalova, O.E.NERC KSC RASv12, 2 2022288-297
Message from the Editor-in-ChiefSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RANv12, 1 20224-5
Life Expectancy in the Russian Arctic: Regional Features and Growth ReservesProvorova, A.A., Gubina, O.V.FCIARv12, 1 20226-18
Economic feasibility assessment of connecting remote eastern Arctic consumers to the power gridShakirov, V.A., Ivanova, I.Y., Ivanov, R.A.ESI SB RASv12, 1 202219-33

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594