Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Title Authors Affiliation of the authors Issue Pages PDF
Demographic assessment of the development of settlements in the Asian part of the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPetrov, Y.V.Tyumen State Universityv12, 3 2022387-399
Small and Medium Enterprises in the North of Russia: Problems and Support Policies from the RegionsTimushev, E.N., Terentyeva, M.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv12, 3 2022400-415
State support for agriculture in the Russian Arctic regions: current state, compliance with targets, directions for improvementNikulina, Y.N.IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RASv12, 3 2022419-429
The role of regional suppliers in the implementation of Arctic projects: Russian practice and Norwegian experienceKryukov, Y.V.IEIE SB RASv12, 3 2022430-443
Methods for ensuring environmental safety in waste disposal in hard-to-reach areas of the Arctic zoneSednev, V.A., Drozdov, D.A., Sergeenkova, N.A.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Servicev12, 3 2022444-453
Deep gratitude to Ashot Arakelovich Sarkisov from the Editorial Board of the Journal “Arctic: Ecology and Economy”  v12, 2 2022156-157
Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the World Ocean: the East Siberian SeaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V., Kazanin, A.G., Kazanin, G.A.OGRI RAS, JSC "MAGE"v12, 2 2022158-171
Acceptable risk for Arctic shelf ecosystems based on probabilistic model calculationsSolovieva, N.V., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RASv12, 2 2022172-182
Environmentally permissible levels of metals in the Lake Bienda-Stemme (West Spitsbergen)Frumin, G.T., Demeshkin, A.S., Malikov, U.M.Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon», Herzen University, SPbSUTv12, 2 2022183-190
Impact of the Lomonosov diamond deposit exploitation on the Zolotitsa River ecosystemKotova, E.I., Netsvetaeva, O.P., Reshetnyak, O.S.IO RAS, Hydrochemical Institute, Russian Arctic National Parkv12, 2 2022191-199
Economy of the Arctic coastal territories: analysis of the state and development trendsNovikov, A.V.GUZv12, 2 2022200-210
Multiplicative Economic Effects in Arctic Fish Industry ProjectsTarasova, O.V., Rusyaev, S.M.IEIE SB RAS, MagadanNIROv12, 2 2022211-223
Prospects for the development of major tin ore deposits in ChukotkaVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RASv12, 2 2022224-234
On the issue of the sources of alluvial diamonds of the Ebelyakhsky region (Arctic zone of Russia)Bochneva, A.A., Lalomov, A.V.IGEM RASv12, 2 2022235-245
Features of the use of ice crossings when delivering cargos and developing fields in the Gulf of Ob. Possibilities of using hovercraft, wheeled and amphibious transportLobanov, A.V., Kornienko, O.A., Timofeyev, O.Y.Gazprom, St. Petersburg SMTU, Krasnoyarskgazprom neftegazproektv12, 2 2022246-257
Analysis of the state and development of the transport system of the Northern Sea RouteGurlev, I.V., Makosko, A.A., Malygin, I.G.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, IPT RASv12, 2 2022258-270
The use of granular foam-glass ceramic in the Arctic construction of low-rise buildingsMelnikov, V.P., Melnikova, A.A., Ivanov, K.S.Tyumen SC SB RAS, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, GNEZDO NRCv12, 2 2022271-280
Prospects for the application of ice composite materials for the construction of ice crossingsSyromyatnikova, A.S., Fedorova, L.K.NEFU, IPTPN SB RASv12, 2 2022281-287
The effectiveness evaluation of implementing micro-hydroelectric power plants for the ecotourism development in remote areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Murmansk region)Bezhan, A.V., Konovalova, O.E.NERC KSC RASv12, 2 2022288-297
Message from the Editor-in-ChiefSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RANv12, 1 20224-5
Life Expectancy in the Russian Arctic: Regional Features and Growth ReservesProvorova, A.A., Gubina, O.V.FCIARv12, 1 20226-18
Economic feasibility assessment of connecting remote eastern Arctic consumers to the power gridShakirov, V.A., Ivanova, I.Y., Ivanov, R.A.ESI SB RASv12, 1 202219-33
On the assessment of environmental risks from air pollution in the Arctic zone under a changing climate in the ÕÕI centuryMakosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physicsv12, 1 202234-45
Spatial-temporal variability of hydrochemical characteristics of the Gulf of Ob and Taz BayTretiakov, M.V., Rumiantseva, E.V., Bryzgalo, V.A., Piskun, A.A., Vasilevich, I.I.AARIv12, 1 202246-57
Features of the seismic process in the western part of the Aleutian subduction zone and their possible relationship with climate changes in the ArcticVladimirova, I.S., Lobkovsky, L.I., Alekseev, D.A., Gabsatarov, Y.V.IO RAS, MIPT, GS RASv12, 1 202258-67
Dynamics in the content of greenhouse gases in the surface layer of atmospheric air of the Arctic Island of Bely in the summer period 2015—2017Subbotina, I.E., Baglaeva, E.M., Buevich, A.G., Sergeev, A.P., Shichkin, A.V.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv12, 1 202268-76
Assessment of changes in the Scots pine linear increments in the Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve based on the climatic forecast of the surface air temperature in the Russian ArcticMaximova, O.V., Koukhta, A.Y.IGCEv12, 1 202277-86
Economic assessment of mineral resource potential of the Komi Republic Arctic territoriesBurtseva, I.G., Tikhonova, T.V., Burtsev, I.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Institute of Geology Komi SC UB RASv12, 1 202287-98
Technogenic underwater noise as a factor in the environmental safety of maritime transport and industrial activities in the ArcticTarovik, V.I., Savchenko, O.V., Kutaeva, N.G.Krylov SRC, Marine Rescue Servicev12, 1 202299-110
Challenges and contradictions in the development of the North and the Arctic: demographic dimensionFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv12, 1 2022111-122
Automatic routing of vessels in ice: problem statement and solution toolsTopaj, A.G., Tarovik, O.V., Bakharev, A.A.Bureau Hyperboreav12, 1 2022123-139
Arctic reindeer herding in Yakutia in the context of industrial development of the territory: conflict of interest or prospects for cooperationRodnina, N.V.ASAUv12, 1 2022140-151
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of V. M. Kotlyakov, the Deputy Chairman of the Journal Editorial Council, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences  v11, 4 2021464-465
Assessment of energy-related environmental impacts during the implementation of promising projects for the development of deposits in the Arctic territories of the Russian eastern regionsSaneev, B.G., Maysyuk, E.P., Ivanova, I.Y.ESI SB RASv11, 4 2021466-480
Role of FSUE “Atomflot” in the implementation of programs for the rehabilitation of nuclear legacy facilities and in the system of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management in the Murmansk regionKashka, M.M., Efanskaya, E.A., Matviishina, K.A., Tkachenko, D.A., Bogdanov, A.Y., Kobzev, V.A.Atomflot, Moscow office of Atomflotv11, 4 2021481-492
Implementation of the “green growth” concept in the Russian Arctic (on the example of the Murmansk region)Klyuchnikova, E.M., Korppoo, A.M.INEP KSC RAS, Fridtjof Nansen Institutev11, 4 2021493-503
Economic consequences of the COVID-19 impact on the tourism development in Arctic regions of RussiaKonyshev, E.V., Lutoshkina, A.K.Perm State University, VyatSUv11, 4 2021504-518
The development of a holistic image of the cryosphereMelnikov, V.P., Brushkov, A.V., Fedorov, R.Y.Moscow State University, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RASv11, 4 2021519-528
Geoinformation analysis of soil cover protection in the Arctic Zone of the Russian FederationPrisyazhnaya, A.A., Chernova, O.V., Mitenko, G.V., Snakin, V.V.IBBP PSN RAS, Moscow State University, ISSP PSN RAS, IPEE RASv11, 4 2021529-540
The Pizhemskoye titanium deposit is a new object of the nearest development in the Arctic zone of RussiaMakeyev, A.B.IGEM RASv11, 4 2021541-556
Modeling in marine ice engineeringDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRCv11, 4 2021557-567
The tribal community of the indigenous peoples of the North in the system of traditional nature managementSleptsov, A.N.NEFUv11, 4 2021568-581
Natural resources, settlement system and the role of single-industry towns in the spatial organization development of the Arctic Karelia regional economyVolkov, A.D., Tishkov, S.V., Druzhinin, P.V.IE KarRC RASv11, 4 2021582-595
Features ensuring food security for the population of the North and Arctic of RussiaIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv11, 4 2021596-606
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2021  v11, 4 2021607-609
To the 75th anniversary of Academician Leonid A. Bolshov, Chairman of the Journal Editorial Council  v11, 3 2021310-312
Development and application of an integrated system of mathematical models for the transfer of radionuclides upon a hypothetic accident to minimize radioecological consequencesSarkisov, A.A., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Vysotsky, V.V., Dzama, D.V., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N., Pripachkin, D.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Shvedov, P.A.IBRAE RANv11, 3 2021313-326
Long-term hydrochemical changes and “Harmful Algal Blooms” in the Arctic Lake ImandraKashulin, N.A., Bekkelund, A.., Dauvalter, V.A.INEP KSC RAS, Creek-Biov11, 3 2021327-340
Climate and environmental risks in the development of Arctic coastal territoriesVasil`tsov, V.S., Yashalova, N.N., Novikov, A.V.GUZ, Cherepovets SUv11, 3 2021341-352
The COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian Arctic: some socio-economic results of 2020Korchak, E.A.IES KSC RASv11, 3 2021353-361

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© 2011-2024 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594