Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Catastrophic gas blowout in 2020 on the Yamal Peninsula in the Arctic. Results of comprehensive analysis of aerospace RS dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOGv11, 3 2021362-374
D magnetic model of the Earth’s crust of the White Sea and adjacent territoriesNilov, M.Y., Bakunovich, L.I., Sharov, N.V., Belashev, B.Z.IG KarRC RASv11, 3 2021375-385
Regional unevenness of the summer warming in the continental Arctic as an indicator of natural boundaries of northern landscapesTitkova, T.B., Zolotokrylin, A.N.Institute of Geography, RASv11, 3 2021386-396
The air temperature variability during the cold period on the Kola Peninsula as modification factor of the ice regimeBanshchikova, L.S., Sumachev, A.E.SHIv11, 3 2021397-05
Less-common and rare earth elements of the Pechenga region oresLobanov, K.V., Grigoryeva, A.V., Volkov, A.V., Chicherov, M.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RASv11, 3 2021406-421
Models to predict the parameters of ship voyages in the Arctic: existing approaches and possible ways of developmentTarovik, O.V.Krylov SRCv11, 3 2021422-435
Ecological and economic assessment of public health in the Komi RepublicDmitrieva, T.E., Fomina, V.F.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv11, 3 2021436-448
The role of wind energy in the socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic zone regions (on the example of the Murmansk region)Bezhan, A.V.NERC KSC RASv11, 3 2021449-457
Assessment of coal supply and use in the development of gold deposits in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Batugina, N.S., Gavrilov, V.L., Khoiutanov, E.A., Popova, K.S.MIN SB RASv11, 2 2021152-163
Study of microplastic pollution in the seas of the Russian Arctic and the Far EastErshova, A.A., Eremina, T.R., Dunayev, A.L., Makeeva, I.N., Tatarenko, Y.A.RSHUv11, 2 2021164-177
Earth degassing in the Arctic: comprehensive analysis of factors of powerful gas emission in the Laptev SeaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kazanin, A.G., Kishankov, A.V., Kazanin, G.A.OGRI RAS, JSC "MAGE"v11, 2 2021178-194
The nature of regional magnetic anomalies in the northeast of the Barents-Kara continental margin based on the results of seismic data interpretationShipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Shkarubo, S.I.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS, JSC "MAGE"v11, 2 2021195-204
Operational forecasting system for Arctic Ocean using the Russian marine circulation model INMOM-ArcticFomin, V.V., Panasenkova, I.I., Gusev, A.V., Chaplygin, A.V., Diansky, N.A.Moscow State University, State Oceanographic Institute, INM RASv11, 2 2021205-218
Thermal stress assessment for an Arctic city in summerKonstantinov, P.I., Varentsov, M.I., Grishchenko, M.Y., Samsonov, T.E., Shartova, N.V.Moscow State Universityv11, 2 2021219-231
Metalliferous conglomerates — potential sources of placers in the Arctic zone of RussiaVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Lalomov, A.V., Lobanov, K.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RASv11, 2 2021232-243
Improving the economic performance of nuclear icebreakers when navigating ships in the ArcticKorolev, V.I.Admiral Makarov State Universityv11, 2 2021244-253
Assessment of losses caused to the indigenous peoples of the North in the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory due to the diesel spill at TPP-3 in NorilskSamsonova, I.V., Potravny, I.M., Pavlova, M.B., Semyonova, L.A.RUE, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)v11, 2 2021254-265
Use of fish resources by indigenous peoples of the Nenets Autonomous AreaTortsev, A.M., Studenov, I.I., Semushin, A.V.FCIARv11, 2 2021266-276
The rural population dynamics of in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the post-Soviet period: general trends and geographical differencesSavvinova, A.N., Filippova, V.V., Litvinenko, T.V.NEFU, Institute of Geography, RAS, IHRISN SB RASv11, 2 2021277-290
Possibilities of applying the concept of “winter city” in the Russian Arctic (on the example of the city of Nadym)Fedorov, R.Y., Sizov, O.S., Kuklina, V.V., Lobanov, A.A., Soromotin, A.V., Pechkin, A.S., Pechkina, Y.A., Esau, I.N.OGRI RAS, Tyumen State University, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic, George Washington University, NMRC RB, Nansen ERSCv11, 2 2021291-303
Message from the Editor-in-ChiefSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RANv11, 1 20214-5
Influence of the Ports of the Northern Sea Route on the Formation of Focal Zones for the Development of the Eastern ArcticLeonov, S.N., Zaostrovskikh, E.A.ERI FEB RASv11, 1 20216-18
Assessment of the demographic potential of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation in the context of innovative developmentSmirennikova, Å.V., Ukhanova, A.V., Voronina, L.V.FCIARv11, 1 202119-29
Changes in the biological productivity of the Russian Arctic land ecosystems in the 21st centuryTishkov, A.A., Belonovskaya, E.A., Krenke, A.N., Titova, S.V., Tsarevskaya, N.G.Institute of Geography, RASv11, 1 202130-41
Deformation tectonic waves as a possible trigger mechanism for the activation of methane emissions in the ArcticGaragash, I.A., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS, IPE RASv11, 1 202142-50
Fundamental aspects of the catastrophic gas blowout genesis and the formation of giant craters in the ArcticBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RASv11, 1 202151-66
Experimental study of the permafrost thawing effect on the content of nutrients and heavy metals in seawater during abrasion destruction of the Arctic coastPogojeva, M.P., Yakushev, E.V., Petrov, I.N., Yaeski, E.A.IO RAS, State Oceanographic Institute, Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon»v11, 1 202167-75
Rare-earth elements in Cu-Ni ores of the Norilsk regionGrigoryeva, A.V., Volkov, A.V., Murashov, K.Y.IGEM RASv11, 1 202176-89
Physical modeling of ice load on extended hydraulic constructions. Sloping constructions with an inclined edgeDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRCv11, 1 202190-100
The role of the nuclear icebreaker fleet in achieving the national goal of increasing in fright traffic in the water area of the Northern Sea RouteKashka, M.M., Irlitsa, L.A., Efanskaya, E.A., Matviishina, K.A., Golovinsky, S.A.Atomflot, Moscow office of Atomflotv11, 1 2021101-110
Spatial development of the Russian Arctic Zone: analysis of two strategiesBlanutsa, V.I.IG SB RANv11, 1 2021111-121
Corporate social responsibility in the course of industrial development of Yakutia: last decade experienceGavrilyeva, T.N., Yakovleva, N.P., Boyakova, S.I., Ivanova, M.A.NEFU, IHRISN SB RAS, Newcastle University Londonv11, 1 2021122-134
Impact of state support on the development of agriculture and rural areas in the European North of RussiaSmirnova, V.V.IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RASv11, 1 2021135-145
Migration of the Russian Arctic population: models, routes, resultsFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North4 (40) 20204-18
The current state and dynamics of the water economy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of the White Sea basinFilatov, N.N., Litvinenko, A.V., Bogdanova, M.S.NWPI KarRC RAS4 (40) 202019-33
On tectonic-geodynamic relationships of the Eurasian basin and the Lomonosov Ridge with the continental margin of Siberia according to new seismic dataShipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Kirillova, T.A.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS, JSC "MAGE"4 (40) 202034-42
Velocity structure and density inhomogeneities of the White Sea crustSharov, N.V., Bakunovich, L.I., Belashev, B.Z., Nilov, M.Y.IG KarRC RAS4 (40) 202043-53
Development of a method for forecasting the potential of placers by formalizing the factors of placer formation based on loparite placers of the Lovozero massifLalomov, A.V., Chefranov, R.M.IGEM RAS4 (40) 202054-65
Analysis of technological and technical advances in the study of subaqueous gas hydrates and the possibility of their application in the Arctic seas of RussiaLogvina, E.A., Matveeva, T.V., Bochkarev, A.V., Semenova, A.A., Nazarova, O.V.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia4 (40) 202066-76
Physical modeling of ice load on extended hydraulic constructions. The vertical wall constructionsDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC4 (40) 202077-89
Digital technologies for remote detection and monitoring of the development of heaving mounds and craters of catastrophic gas blowouts in the ArcticBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N., Nikonov, R.A.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG4 (40) 202090-105
Problems of power supply in the public utility sector of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Shakirov, V.A., Tuguzova, T.F., Muzychuk, R.I.ESI SB RAS4 (40) 2020106-116
Socio-economic development of the village of Tiksi in the Russian Arctic: strategy and growth potentialIvanova, P.Y., Potravnaya, E.V.ICEAC, MDAAP of Yakutia4 (40) 2020117-129
Prospects for the development of Arctic cruise tourism in the western sector of the Russian ArcticKunnikov, A.V.National Park “Russian Arctic”4 (40) 2020130-138
Transformation of reindeer farming under the market economy conditions (on the example of Yamal)Yuzhakov, A.A., Detter, G.F.NWC IPFS, Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic4 (40) 2020139-150
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2020, No. 1—4   4 (40) 2020151-153
90 years since the birth of Academician Nikolai Pavlovich LaverovSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RAN3 (39) 20204-5
Earth degassing in the Arctic: the genesis of natural and anthropogenic methane emissionsBogoyavlensky, V.I., Sizov, O.S., Nikonov, R.A., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS3 (39) 20206-22
Biomonitoring of aerothechnogenic contamination of ecosystems in the North of Russia by heavy metalsEvseev, A.V., Dushkova, D.O., Goretskaya, A.G.Moscow State University, Humoldt University3 (39) 202023-33
Ecological aspects of the development of the natural resource potential of the Russian ArcticBrekhuntsov, A.M., Petrov, Y.V., Prykova, O.A.LLC MSE Geodata3 (39) 202034-47

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© 2011-2024 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594