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Title |
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Affiliation of the authors |
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Pages |
Assessment of current geo-ecological status of the Kola Bay based on geochemical data | Shakhverdov, V.A., Shakhverdova, M.V. | VSEGEI | 4 (24) 2016 | 22-31 | | Low-sulfide platinum ores of Norilsk area — promising sources of precious metals | Sluzhenikin, S.F., Distler, V.V., Grigoryeva, A.V. | IGEM RAS | 4 (24) 2016 | 32-45 | | Destabilization of relict methane hydrates with observed changes of regional climate | Arzhanov, M.M., Mokhov, I.I., Denisov, S.N. | Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics | 4 (24) 2016 | 46-51 | | Reconstruction of paleoclimate indicators and biota by group palynospectra in the north of Western Siberia | Konovalov, A.A., Ivanov, S.N. | IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS | 4 (24) 2016 | 52-57 | | Modern geodynamics of Gakkel Ridge according to seismological data | Kutinov, Y.G., Chistova, Z.B., Belenovich, T.Y., Morozov, A.A. | FCIAR | 4 (24) 2016 | 58-71 | | Comparison and use of observations and modeling of level in the Kara Sea | Borisov, E.V., Rayevsky, D.N. | State Oceanographic Institute, IPE RAS | 4 (24) 2016 | 72-79 | | Development of advanced patterns of cryogenic steels for gas vessels and stationary storage tanks of liquefied natural gas designed for Arctic conditions | Matrosov, M.Y., Zikeev, V.N., Martynov, P.G., Shulga, E.V., Nikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Semin, A.A. | Krylov SRC, Bardin CRIFM, JSC “Giredmet” SRC RF | 4 (24) 2016 | 80-89 | | Forecast of emergencies at oil and gas facilities and elimination of consequences of emergency oil spills in arctic climate | Makhutov, N.A., Lebedev, M.P., Bolshakov, A.M., Zakharova, M.I., Glyaznetsova, Y.S., Zueva, I.N., Chalaya, O.N., Lifshits, S.H. | Risk Analysis and Safety Working Group, IPTPN SB RAS, IPGP SB RAS | 4 (24) 2016 | 90-99 | | Prospects for development of aquaculture in the western part of the Russian Arctic | Lukin, A.A., Bogdanova, V.A., Kostyunichev, V.V., Korolev, A.E. | Saint Petersburg branch of “VNIRO” | 4 (24) 2016 | 100-108 | | Icebreaker support for the largest national Arctic hydrocarbon projects | Ruksha, V.V., Golovinsky, S.A., Belkin, M.S. | Atomflot | 4 (24) 2016 | 109-113 | | Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2016, No. 1–4 | | | 4 (24) 2016 | 118-121 | | Remote identification of areas of surface gas and gas emissions in the Arctic: Yamal Peninsula | Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S. | OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS | 3 (23) 2016 | 4-15 | | Ferromanganese crusts of Mendeleev Swell: the features of composition and formation | Konstantinova, N.P., Cherkashev, G.G., Novikov, G.V., Bogdanova, O.Y., Kuznetsov, V.Y., Rekant, P.V., Mirão, J.A., Dias, L.C., Madureira, P.P. | IO RAS, VSEGEI, SPbU, FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, Evora University, Estrutura de Missão | 3 (23) 2016 | 16-28 | | Strategic research priorities of Russia and foreign countries in the Arctic Region | Zaykov, K.S., Kalinina, M.R., Kondratov, N.A., Tamitskiy, A.M. | NAFU | 3 (23) 2016 | 29-37 | | On tsunami hazard in the Arctic Region | Kulikov, E.A., Ivashchenko, A.I., Medvedev, I.P., Yakovenko, O.I., Kovachev , S.A. | IO RAS, IAG | 3 (23) 2016 | 38-49 | | Development of methodological approaches to the assessment of economic losses caused by oil spills in formation of insurance protection of off shore facilities on the shelf | Valdman, N.A., Malyarenko, N.N., Kulikova, L.A., Kuzyachkin, S.N., Emelyanov, R.R. | Krylov SRC, SOGAS | 3 (23) 2016 | 50-57 | | Prospects for inclusion of Leshukonsky and Pinezhsky municipal districts of the Arkhangelsk Region to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation | Alsufyev, A.V., Shnayder, A.G. | CSPF, Archangelsk Region Government | 3 (23) 2016 | 58-66 | | Economic aspects of fisheries and sale of the north-east Arctic cod | Vasilyev, A.M., Komlichenko, V.V. | IES KSC RAS, PINRO named after N.M.Knipovich | 3 (23) 2016 | 67-75 | | Search-oriented geologicalgenetic model of tin placers of “tectonic terraces” of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation | Lalomov, A.V., Chefranov, R.M., Chefranova, A.V., Bochneva, A.A. | IGEM RAS | 3 (23) 2016 | 76-85 | | Study of world experience of ice conditions control. | Kostylev, A.I., Sazonov, K.E. | Krylov SRC | 3 (23) 2016 | 86-97 | | The prospects for development of nuclearpowered icebreaker fleet | Kashka, M.M., Smirnov, A.A., Golovinsky, S.A., Vorobyev, V.M., Ryzhkov, A.V., Babich, E.M. | Atomflot, Aysberg | 3 (23) 2016 | 98-107 | | Effect of anthropogenic impact on ecological capacity of the Arctic territories of the Republic of Komi | Tikhonova, T.V. | Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North | 3 (23) 2016 | 108-115 | | Scientific and technological support for solving the strategic Russian problems in the Arctic | Filin, B.N. | IBRAE RAN | 3 (23) 2016 | 116-117 | | Fundamental aspects of the rational development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic and Russian shelf: strategy, prospects and challenges | Laverov, N.P., Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V. | OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, Presidium of RAS | 2 (22) 2016 | 4-13 | | Pre-conditions of oil and gas potential of expanded legal shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean | Ivanov, V.L., Kaminsky, V.D., Poselov, V.A., Suprunenko, O.I., Smirnov, O.E. | FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia | 2 (22) 2016 | 14-23 | | Prospects for the mining industry in Greenland | Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L. | IGEM RAS | 2 (22) 2016 | 24-34 | | About probable diamond content of sediments of the White Sea Neck | Evdokimov, A.N. | SPMU | 2 (22) 2016 | 35-39 | | Features of population settlement in the Arctic zone of Russia | Fauzer, V.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N. | Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North | 2 (22) 2016 | 40-50 | | Evaluation and selection of investment solutions for oil and gas development in the Arctic | Nikulina, A.Y. | SPMU | 2 (22) 2016 | 51-55 | | Social responsibility of mining companies in the territory of traditional nature management as a basis for partnership between the government, business and indigenous peoples of the North | Potravny, I.M., Gassiy, V.V., Chernogradsky, V.V., Postnikov, A.V. | RUE, Kuban State University, Almazy Anabara | 2 (22) 2016 | 56-63 | | Autonomous bottom station of express control as part of an integrated system for monitoring and control of radiation and chemical contamination of the Arctic seas | Vyalyshev, A.I., Dobrov, V.M., Stoyanov, V.V., Panteleev, V.A., Segal, M.D. | IBRAE RAN, Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies, SEATECHRIM | 2 (22) 2016 | 64-71 | | Late Mesozoic plume magmatism in the Arctic region: geochronology, phases geodynamic conditions of detection | Shipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I. | IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS | 2 (22) 2016 | 72-81 | | Electrochemical profi ling is eff ective and environmentally friendly method of search and exploration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic seas | Snopova, E.E., Anokhin, V.M., Kholmyansky, M.A. | FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, CIT, IL RAS | 2 (22) 2016 | 82-89 | | Experimental methods for determination of total ice loads on marine engineering structures | Sazonov, K.E., Chernov, A.V. | Krylov SRC, AARI | 2 (22) 2016 | 90-97 | | The application and evaluation of methods for metal working by explosion when performing the tasks in the areas of the Arctic region diffi cult of access | Sednev, V.A. | Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service | 2 (22) 2016 | 98-106 | | Editor-in-chief’s address | Sarkisov, A.A. | IBRAE RAN | 1 (21) 2016 | 4-5 | | Compensation for damages to aquatic biological resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the example of the Northern fishery basin | Novoselov, A.P., Pavlenko, V.I., Studenov, I.I., Tortsev, A.M. | North Branch of “VNIRO”, FCIAR, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS | 1 (21) 2016 | 6-17 | | Demographic development of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2010—2014 | Sinitsa, A.L. | Moscow State University | 1 (21) 2016 | 18-27 | | Climate dependence of biota in the north of the Tyumen Region (the quantitative aspect) | Konovalov, A.A. | IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS | 1 (21) 2016 | 28-37 | | Experience of using the thermal profiling drifters to study the Arctic region of the Ocean | Motyzhev, S.V., Lunev, E.G., Tolstosheev, A.P., Bykov, E.M. | FSBSI MHI | 1 (21) 2016 | 38-45 | | Search Model of SEDEX-MVT deposits in the Arctic zone | Galyamov, A.L., Volkov, A.V., Lobanov, K.V. | IGEM RAS | 1 (21) 2016 | 46-55 | | Hydrocarbon potential of Riphean-Lower Cretaceous complexes of the Laptev Sea Region | Polyakova, I.D., Borukaev, G.C., Sidorenko, S.A. | OGRI RAS, GIN RAS | 1 (21) 2016 | 56-65 | | Forgotten fossil resource in the Russian Arctic — mammoth ivory | Smirnov, A.N., Kirillin, N.D., Ivanova, Y.V., Zhurilova, M.A. | FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, State Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use, RSHU | 1 (21) 2016 | 66-75 | | Nuclear icebreakers and development of the Arctic shelf | Nikitin, V.S., Simonov, Y.A., Polovinkin, V.N., Shlyachkov, V.I. | Krylov SRC | 1 (21) 2016 | 76-81 | | The possibility to use the air-bearing vehicles under the conditions of the Arctic and the Far North | Sergeev, V.G., Varakosov, Y.G., Makienko, A.M., Merzlikin, Y.Y. | «Orion» Association, TsAGI | 1 (21) 2016 | 82-93 | | The directions of development of forces and resources for search and rescue support of maritime activities in the Arctic | Brodsky, P.G., Dubin, A.A., Ilyukhin, V.N., Popov, S.D. | GNINGI, SPC «Special machinery» | 1 (21) 2016 | 94-101 | | Methodology of justification of mechanization tools system for deployment of emergency rescue teams in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation | Sednev, V.A. | Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service | 1 (21) 2016 | 102-111 | | Formation of chemical composition of the waters of the Murmansk Region under the conditions of functioning of mining and metallurgical enterprises | Moiseenko, T.I., Gashkina, N.A. | Vernadsky IGAC of RAS | 4 (20) 2015 | 4-13 | | Fracture mechanics and the problems of development of the Arctic | Goldshtein, R.V., Osipenko, N.M. | IPMech RAS | 4 (20) 2015 | 14-27 | | "Greening" of the Arctic in the twenty-first century as a synergy effect of global warming and economic development | Tishkov, A.A., Krenke, A.N. | Institute of Geography, RAS | 4 (20) 2015 | 28-37 | | pages: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] | show all