Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Assessment of current geo-ecological status of the Kola Bay based on geochemical dataShakhverdov, V.A., Shakhverdova, M.V.VSEGEI4 (24) 201622-31
Low-sulfide platinum ores of Norilsk area — promising sources of precious metalsSluzhenikin, S.F., Distler, V.V., Grigoryeva, A.V.IGEM RAS4 (24) 201632-45
Destabilization of relict methane hydrates with observed changes of regional climateArzhanov, M.M., Mokhov, I.I., Denisov, S.N.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics4 (24) 201646-51
Reconstruction of paleoclimate indicators and biota by group palynospectra in the north of Western SiberiaKonovalov, A.A., Ivanov, S.N.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS4 (24) 201652-57
Modern geodynamics of Gakkel Ridge according to seismological dataKutinov, Y.G., Chistova, Z.B., Belenovich, T.Y., Morozov, A.A.FCIAR4 (24) 201658-71
Comparison and use of observations and modeling of level in the Kara SeaBorisov, E.V., Rayevsky, D.N.State Oceanographic Institute, IPE RAS4 (24) 201672-79
Development of advanced patterns of cryogenic steels for gas vessels and stationary storage tanks of liquefied natural gas designed for Arctic conditionsMatrosov, M.Y., Zikeev, V.N., Martynov, P.G., Shulga, E.V., Nikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Semin, A.A.Krylov SRC, Bardin CRIFM, JSC “Giredmet” SRC RF4 (24) 201680-89
Forecast of emergencies at oil and gas facilities and elimination of consequences of emergency oil spills in arctic climateMakhutov, N.A., Lebedev, M.P., Bolshakov, A.M., Zakharova, M.I., Glyaznetsova, Y.S., Zueva, I.N., Chalaya, O.N., Lifshits, S.H.Risk Analysis and Safety Working Group, IPTPN SB RAS, IPGP SB RAS4 (24) 201690-99
Prospects for development of aquaculture in the western part of the Russian Arctic Lukin, A.A., Bogdanova, V.A., Kostyunichev, V.V., Korolev, A.E.Saint Petersburg branch of “VNIRO”4 (24) 2016100-108
Icebreaker support for the largest national Arctic hydrocarbon projectsRuksha, V.V., Golovinsky, S.A., Belkin, M.S.Atomflot4 (24) 2016109-113
Index of the articles published in the journal “The Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2016, No. 1–4  4 (24) 2016118-121
Remote identification of areas of surface gas and gas emissions in the Arctic: Yamal PeninsulaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS3 (23) 20164-15
Ferromanganese crusts of Mendeleev Swell: the features of composition and formationKonstantinova, N.P., Cherkashev, G.G., Novikov, G.V., Bogdanova, O.Y., Kuznetsov, V.Y., Rekant, P.V., Mirão, J.A., Dias, L.C., Madureira, P.P.IO RAS, VSEGEI, SPbU, FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, Evora University, Estrutura de Missão3 (23) 201616-28
Strategic research priorities of Russia and foreign countries in the Arctic RegionZaykov, K.S., Kalinina, M.R., Kondratov, N.A., Tamitskiy, A.M.NAFU3 (23) 201629-37
On tsunami hazard in the Arctic RegionKulikov, E.A., Ivashchenko, A.I., Medvedev, I.P., Yakovenko, O.I., Kovachev , S.A.IO RAS, IAG3 (23) 201638-49
Development of methodological approaches to the assessment of economic losses caused by oil spills in formation of insurance protection of off shore facilities on the shelfValdman, N.A., Malyarenko, N.N., Kulikova, L.A., Kuzyachkin, S.N., Emelyanov, R.R.Krylov SRC, SOGAS3 (23) 201650-57
Prospects for inclusion of Leshukonsky and Pinezhsky municipal districts of the Arkhangelsk Region to the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationAlsufyev, A.V., Shnayder, A.G.CSPF, Archangelsk Region Government3 (23) 201658-66
Economic aspects of fisheries and sale of the north-east Arctic codVasilyev, A.M., Komlichenko, V.V.IES KSC RAS, PINRO named after N.M.Knipovich3 (23) 201667-75
Search-oriented geologicalgenetic model of tin placers of “tectonic terraces” of the Arctic Zone of the Russian FederationLalomov, A.V., Chefranov, R.M., Chefranova, A.V., Bochneva, A.A.IGEM RAS3 (23) 201676-85
Study of world experience of ice conditions control.Kostylev, A.I., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC3 (23) 201686-97
The prospects for development of nuclearpowered icebreaker fleetKashka, M.M., Smirnov, A.A., Golovinsky, S.A., Vorobyev, V.M., Ryzhkov, A.V., Babich, E.M.Atomflot, Aysberg3 (23) 201698-107
Effect of anthropogenic impact on ecological capacity of the Arctic territories of the Republic of KomiTikhonova, T.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (23) 2016108-115
Scientific and technological support for solving the strategic Russian problems in the ArcticFilin, B.N.IBRAE RAN3 (23) 2016116-117
Fundamental aspects of the rational development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic and Russian shelf: strategy, prospects and challengesLaverov, N.P., Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, Presidium of RAS2 (22) 20164-13
Pre-conditions of oil and gas potential of expanded legal shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic OceanIvanov, V.L., Kaminsky, V.D., Poselov, V.A., Suprunenko, O.I., Smirnov, O.E.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia2 (22) 201614-23
Prospects for the mining industry in GreenlandVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RAS2 (22) 201624-34
About probable diamond content of sediments of the White Sea NeckEvdokimov, A.N.SPMU2 (22) 201635-39
Features of population settlement in the Arctic zone of RussiaFauzer, V.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North2 (22) 201640-50
Evaluation and selection of investment solutions for oil and gas development in the ArcticNikulina, A.Y.SPMU2 (22) 201651-55
Social responsibility of mining companies in the territory of traditional nature management as a basis for partnership between the government, business and indigenous peoples of the NorthPotravny, I.M., Gassiy, V.V., Chernogradsky, V.V., Postnikov, A.V.RUE, Kuban State University, Almazy Anabara2 (22) 201656-63
Autonomous bottom station of express control as part of an integrated system for monitoring and control of radiation and chemical contamination of the Arctic seasVyalyshev, A.I., Dobrov, V.M., Stoyanov, V.V., Panteleev, V.A., Segal, M.D.IBRAE RAN, Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies, SEATECHRIM2 (22) 201664-71
Late Mesozoic plume magmatism in the Arctic region: geochronology, phases geodynamic conditions of detectionShipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS2 (22) 201672-81
Electrochemical profi ling is eff ective and environmentally friendly method of search and exploration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic seasSnopova, E.E., Anokhin, V.M., Kholmyansky, M.A.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, CIT, IL RAS2 (22) 201682-89
Experimental methods for determination of total ice loads on marine engineering structuresSazonov, K.E., Chernov, A.V.Krylov SRC, AARI2 (22) 201690-97
The application and evaluation of methods for metal working by explosion when performing the tasks in the areas of the Arctic region diffi cult of accessSednev, V.A.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service2 (22) 201698-106
Editor-in-chief’s addressSarkisov, A.A.IBRAE RAN1 (21) 20164-5
Compensation for damages to aquatic biological resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the example of the Northern fishery basinNovoselov, A.P., Pavlenko, V.I., Studenov, I.I., Tortsev, A.M.North Branch of “VNIRO”, FCIAR, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS1 (21) 20166-17
Demographic development of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2010—2014Sinitsa, A.L.Moscow State University1 (21) 201618-27
Climate dependence of biota in the north of the Tyumen Region (the quantitative aspect)Konovalov, A.A.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS1 (21) 201628-37
Experience of using the thermal profiling drifters to study the Arctic region of the OceanMotyzhev, S.V., Lunev, E.G., Tolstosheev, A.P., Bykov, E.M.FSBSI MHI1 (21) 201638-45
Search Model of SEDEX-MVT deposits in the Arctic zoneGalyamov, A.L., Volkov, A.V., Lobanov, K.V.IGEM RAS1 (21) 201646-55
Hydrocarbon potential of Riphean-Lower Cretaceous complexes of the Laptev Sea RegionPolyakova, I.D., Borukaev, G.C., Sidorenko, S.A.OGRI RAS, GIN RAS1 (21) 201656-65
Forgotten fossil resource in the Russian Arctic — mammoth ivorySmirnov, A.N., Kirillin, N.D., Ivanova, Y.V., Zhurilova, M.A.FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia, State Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use, RSHU1 (21) 201666-75
Nuclear icebreakers and development of the Arctic shelfNikitin, V.S., Simonov, Y.A., Polovinkin, V.N., Shlyachkov, V.I.Krylov SRC1 (21) 201676-81
The possibility to use the air-bearing vehicles under the conditions of the Arctic and the Far NorthSergeev, V.G., Varakosov, Y.G., Makienko, A.M., Merzlikin, Y.Y.«Orion» Association, TsAGI1 (21) 201682-93
The directions of development of forces and resources for search and rescue support of maritime activities in the ArcticBrodsky, P.G., Dubin, A.A., Ilyukhin, V.N., Popov, S.D.GNINGI, SPC «Special machinery»1 (21) 201694-101
Methodology of justification of mechanization tools system for deployment of emergency rescue teams in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationSednev, V.A.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service1 (21) 2016102-111
Formation of chemical composition of the waters of the Murmansk Region under the conditions of functioning of mining and metallurgical enterprisesMoiseenko, T.I., Gashkina, N.A.Vernadsky IGAC of RAS4 (20) 20154-13
Fracture mechanics and the problems of development of the ArcticGoldshtein, R.V., Osipenko, N.M.IPMech RAS4 (20) 201514-27
"Greening" of the Arctic in the twenty-first century as a synergy effect of global warming and economic developmentTishkov, A.A., Krenke, A.N.Institute of Geography, RAS4 (20) 201528-37

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594