Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Title Authors Affiliation of the authors Issue Pages PDF
Determination of the heeling moment acting in ice compression on the ice-resistant self-propelled platform “North Pole” by the model testing methodSvistunov, I.A.AARI3 (35) 201997-106
Depth structure and ore-forming systems of the Pechenga ore region (Russian Arctic Zone)Lobanov, K.V., Chicherov, M.V., Sharov, N.V., Chizhova, I.A., Gornostaeva, T.A.IGEM RAS, IG KarRC RAS3 (35) 2019107-122
Mineral and raw material base of the Karelian Arctic: prospects of development and explorationIvashchenko, V.I., Shchiptsov, V.V.IG KarRC RAS3 (35) 2019123-134
Strategy formation for reindeer farming development in the Arctic sub-region of the Russian European North-EastIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (35) 2019135-145
Local Labor Markets of the Russian Arctic: Classification by Activity TypeFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North2 (34) 20194-17
The structure of nature management in the Arctic territories of the Russian Far EastStepanko, N.G.PGI FEB RAS2 (34) 201918-30
Earth degassing in the Artic: remote and field studies of the thermokarst lakes gas eruptionBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS2 (34) 201931-47
Identification of frontal zones position on the surface of the Barents Sea according to in situ and remote sensing dataMoiseev, D.D., Zaporozhtsev, I.F., Maximovskaya, T.M., Dukhno, G.N.MASU, MMBI KSC RAS2 (34) 201948-63
Considering long-term climatic changes in the key zones of social and economic development of the Russian Arctic for the navigation and industrial capacity extensionDrozdov, V.V.Krylov SRC2 (34) 201964-79
Arctic Supply Vessel Design taking into account the Cargo Flow Structure of the Transport SystemKondratenko, A.A., Tarovik, O.V.Krylov SRC2 (34) 201980-96
Current view on the development of emergency rescue fleet vessels in the ArcticIlyukhin, V.N.Association for search and rescue technology development2 (34) 201997-108
Geodynamic formation setting of the strategic metal deposits in the Russian Arctic zoneVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Lobanov, K.V.IGEM RAS2 (34) 2019109-119
Small Nuclear Power Plants in the Arctic Regions: Issues of Economic Feasibility and Environmental SafetyPimenov, A.O., Kulikov, D.G., Vasilyev, A.P., Molokanov, N.A.NIKIET2 (34) 2019120-128
The Concept of the Arctic Center for Advanced Research and Security SupportMasloboev, A.V.IIMM KSC RAS2 (34) 2019129-143
Celebrating the 95th anniversary of Academician Ashot Sarkisov, the Journal’s Chief-Editor  1 (33) 20194-5
Arctic transport routes on land, in water and air areasGruzinov, V.M., Zvorykina, Y.V., Ivanov, G.V., Sychev, Y.F., Tarasova, O.V., Filin, B.N.State Oceanographic Institute, Institute of Vnesheconombank, Military Academy of the General Staff, IEIE SB RAS, IBRAE RAN1 (33) 20196-20
Measuring the Strategy for socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic zonePogostinskaya, N.N., Pogostinskiy, Y.A., Vlasova, M.S.International Banking Institute1 (33) 201921-33
Issues of estimating and compensating for losses to indigenous peoples in the conditions of industrial development of the ArcticBurtseva, E.I., Potravny, I.M., Gassiy, V.V., Sleptsov, A.N., Velichenko, V.V.NEFU, RUE, Kuban State University1 (33) 201934-49
Environmental Risk Assessment Method in the development of the Arctic shelf resourcesSolovieva, N.V., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS1 (33) 201950-60
Territorial protection of rare and endangeredplant species in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPrisyazhnaya, A.A., Kruglova, S.A., Khrisanov, V.R., Snakin, V.V.IBBP PSN RAS, Moscow State University1 (33) 201961-70
Biotic significant climate trends and biota dynamics of the Russian ArcticTishkov, A.A., Vaisfeld, M.A., Glazov, P.M., Morozova, O.V., Puzachenko, A.Y., Tertitsky, G.M., Titova, S.V.Institute of Geography, RAS1 (33) 201971-87
Earth decontamination in the Arctic: remote and field studies of the Seyakha accident gas emission on the Yamal PeninsulaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Sizov, O.S., Mazharov, A.V., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Kishankov, A.V., Kargina, T.N.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, RSS, YNAR Government1 (33) 201988-105
The mineral wealth of the Circum-Arctic BeltVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Lobanov, K.V.IGEM RAS1 (33) 2019106-117
Maritime activities and the issues of life rescue in the Russian ArcticNikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Valdman, N.A.Krylov SRC1 (33) 2019118-128
The concept of an integrated information system for planning of fleet operation in the ArcticTimofeyev, O.Y., Tarovik, O.V., Topaj, A.G., Mironov, Y.U., Frolov, S.V., Buyanov, A.S., Gorbachev, M.A., Bengert, A.A.Krylov SRC, AARI, CMRDI, SLC, Northern Sea Route Directorate of Rosatom1 (33) 2019129-143
Problems of the Arctic mineral resources development (in terms of Chukotka and Alaska)Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS4 (32) 20184-14
Sustainable water use in the Arctic. New approaches and solutionsKashulin, N.A., Dauvalter, V.A., Skoufina, T.P., Kotelnikov, V.A.INEP KSC RAS, IES KSC RAS, Polar Alpine Botanical Garden4 (32) 201815-29
Under ice oil spill response in the remote Arctic watersToropov, E.E., Shabalin, A.A., Mokhov, O.A.CDB ME «Rubin»4 (32) 201830-42
Mapping of plant species protected at the federal level in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationPrisyazhnaya, A.A., Kruglova, S.A., Khrisanov, V.R., Snakin, V.V.IBBP PSN RAS, Moscow State University4 (32) 201843-54
Ensuring ecological safety in the development of the shelf seas resources and the environmental management on the basis of the sustainability assessment of marine ecosystems to technogenic impactDrozdov, V.V.Krylov SRC4 (32) 201855-69
The role of permafrost in the formation of the hydrological and morphological regime of river mouths in the Arctic Ocean watershed areaDolgopolova, E.N.WPI RAS4 (32) 201870-85
Insolation contrast of the Earth and changes in the sea ice extent in the Northern hemisphereFedorov, V.M., Grebennikov, P.B.Moscow State University4 (32) 201886-94
Zonal distribution of the Russian Arctic biotàKonovalov, A.A., Ivanov, S.N.IPND of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS4 (32) 201895-103
Model of the Arlis Spur spall from the Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic OceanSchrader, A.A., Schrader, A.A., Brekhovskikh, A.L., Sazhneva, A.E., Klyuev, M.S., Rakitin, I.Y., Evsenko, E.I., Greenberg, O.V.Niigazekonomika, IO RAS4 (32) 2018104-110
Rare-metal potential of placer deposits and weathering crusts of the Russian ArcticLalomov, A.V., Bochneva, A.A.IGEM RAS4 (32) 2018111-122
The two-frequency radio-holographic method to visualize in the earth’s crust the location of geoelectrical heterogeneities associated with local ore bodies (on the example of the Monchegorsk ore region, the Kola Peninsula)Ljubchich, V.A., Grigorev, V.F., Sidorenko, A.E.PGI KSC RAS4 (32) 2018123-134
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2018, No. 1—4  4 (32) 2018135-137
To the IBRAE RAN Anniversary  3 (31) 20184-5
The World’s Arctic: Natural Resources, Population Distribution, EconomicsFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North3 (31) 20186-22
Ecological aspects of the presence of anomalously high suspended solids concentrations in macro-tidal estuaries of the Arctic zoneMiskevich, I.V.IO RAS3 (31) 201823-30
Dependence of oxygen saturation on the “a” chlorophyll content in the surface layer of the White SeaNetsvetaeva, O.P., Korobov, V.B., Makedonskaya, I.Y., Zmetnaya, M.I.IO RAS, Agency of applied ecology, North Branch of “VNIRO”3 (31) 201831-41
Gas hydrates in the Circum-Arctic Region aquatoriesBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kishankov, A.V., Yanchevskaya, A.S.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG3 (31) 201842-55
The cryosphere ecosystems — a source of microorganisms with original biological potentialKalenova, L.F., Melnikov, V.P.Tyumen SC SB RAS, ECI Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS3 (31) 201856-64
Conceptual principles for creating a polar drifting research platformMakarov, A.S., Likhomanov, V.A., Sokolov, V.T., Chernov, A.V., Polovinkin, V.N., Timofeyev, O.Y., Mogutin, Y.B., Simonov, Y.A.Krylov SRC, AARI3 (31) 201865-75
Fast-speed escorting of heavy tonnage vessels by icebreakers: researching in ice model tankDobrodeev, A.A., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC3 (31) 201876-83
Forecast-exploration model of gold deposits associated with granitoid intrusions of the Russian Arctic zoneVolkov, A.V., Sidorov, A.A.IGEM RAS3 (31) 201884-99
Use of multicriteria approach and methods of fuzzy mathematics for estimating development conditions of arctic seas in terms of southeastern part of the Barents SeaPivovarov, K.N., Zolotukhin, A.B.Gubkin RSUOG3 (31) 2018100-111
The magnet of globalization — China’s Arctic PolicyPilyasov, A.N.Institute for Regional Consulting3 (31) 2018112-122
Verification studies on a methodology for constructing underground complexes to dispose small nuclear power plants in the Arctic conditionsMelnikov, N.N., Gusak, S.A., Amosov, P.V., Naumov, V.A., Naumov, A.V., Orlov, A.O., Klimin, S.G., Smirnov, Y.G.MI KSC RAS3 (31) 2018123-136
Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) — a perspective aquaculture object for the North of RussiaNikandrov, V.Y., Pavlisov, A.A., Shindavina, N.I., Lukin, A.A., Golod, V.M., Lipatova, M.I.FSGZR3 (31) 2018137-143

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© 2011-2024 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594