Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Title Authors Affiliation of the authors Issue Pages PDF
Development of floating nuclear power sources – one of the ways to increase the economic efficiency of the Northern Sea RouteShadrin, A.P., Shadrin, I.P., Shadrina, A.P., Ignatyev, V.S., Ivanov, V.V.IPTPN SB RAS2 (14) 201450-57
Drilling vessel for the Russian Arctic. The concept of design, construction and operationTarovik, V.I.Krylov SRC2 (14) 201458-60
The effects of energy storage use in isolated power systems of RussiaKononenko, V.Y., Veshchunov, O.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Smolentsev, D.O.IBRAE RAN, Liotech Ltd.2 (14) 201461-66
The issues of operation of large groups of various radio-electronic equipment in the process of creation of modern information and telecommunications infrastructure in the Russian ArcticAntropov, D.D.CANP2 (14) 201467-77
Environmental safety ensuring in the use of nuclear energy for civilian nuclear fleetPastukhov, A.A., Fomina, N.N., Bezhina, N.N., Babchenko, A.A.Atomflot2 (14) 201478-91
How it was. The history of discovery of Prirazlomnoe oil fieldZalivchy, O.A.AMNGR2 (14) 201492-95
«Chelyuskin»: Tragedy and Triumph in 1934Savatyugin, L.M., Sokratova, I.I.AARI, IHST RAS2 (14) 201496-107
Contribution of the Russian Academy of Sciences to Modern Exploration and Development of the ArcticLaverov, N.P.Presidium of RAS1 (13) 20144-9
The features of emergencies in the Arctic zone of Russia and a way to response on the basis of risk conceptMakhutov, N.A., Gadenin, M.M., Lebedev, M.P., Bolshakov, A.M., Ammosov, A.P., Syromyatnikova, A.S., Zakharova, M.I., Permyakov, P.P., Glyaznetsova, Y.S., Chalaya, O.N., Lifshits, S.H., Zueva, I.N.Risk Analysis and Safety Working Group, IPTPN SB RAS, IPGP SB RAS, IES RAS1 (13) 201410-29
Evaluation of thermal action of underground nuclear low-power station on the permafrost rocksMelnikov, N.N., Amosov, P.V., Gusak, S.A., Novozhilova, N.V., Klimin, S.G.MI KSC RAS1 (13) 201430-37
Comprehensive monitoring — an integral part of safety of the Russian ArcticBolshagin, A.Y., Vyalyshev, A.I., Dobrov, V.M., Dolgov, A.A., Zinovyev, S.V., Oltyan, I.Y., Gorbatsky, V.V.Krylov SRC, Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies1 (13) 201438-47
The Problems of Scientific Support of Maritime Activities in the area of the Northern Sea RouteMatishov, G.G., Dzhenyuk, S.S.MMBI KSC RAS1 (13) 201448-56
Simulation of circulation of the Kara and Pechora Seas through the system of express diagnosis and prognosis of marine dynamicsDiansky, N.A., Fomin, V.V., Kabatchenko, I.M., Gruzinov, V.M.State Oceanographic Institute, INM RAS, MIPT1 (13) 201457-73
The Problems of Elimination of Accumulated Environmental Damage in the Chukotka Autonomous OkrugSafonova , O.A.Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection of the Chukotka AO1 (13) 201474-79
The problem of floating maintenance base “Lepse”Filppov, M.P., Abramov, A.N., Kashka, M.M., Kulikov, K.N., Nizamutdinov, R.A.NIPTB Onega, Atomflot1 (13) 201480-87
Extending the Lifetime of Reactor Plants of the Nuclear Icebreakers. Safety Ensuring in the Extended PeriodDarbinyan, O.E., Filimoshkin, S.V., Fadeev, Y.P., Pakhomov, A.N., Vasyukov, V.I., Molokova , T.V.Atomflot, «Afrikantov OKBM»1 (13) 201488-95
Effect of change in oil viscosity to spill characteristics in cold marine environmentLobachev, M.P., Sazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC1 (13) 201496-103
Centenary of the «Master of the Two Poles» (for the anniversary of A. F. Treshnikov)Savatyugin, L.M., Sokratova, I.I.AARI, DES RAS1 (13) 2014104-111
Scientific basis for analysis and reduction of emergency risks in the regions of Siberia and the NorthMakhutov, N.A., Lebedev, M.P., Bolshakov, A.M., Gadenin, M.M.Risk Analysis and Safety Working Group, IPTPN SB RAS, IES RAS4 (12) 20134-15
Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the system of national interests of the countryPavlenko, V.I.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (12) 201316-25
Human resources — the main problem of the North developmentPolovinkin, V.N.Krylov SRC4 (12) 201326-31
Rescue equipment for ice conditions: the current situation and potential solutionsSazonov, K.E.Krylov SRC4 (12) 201332-39
On the issue of the need to enhance the approaches to implementation of state housing policy at the municipal levelKutsenko, S.Y.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (12) 201340-49
Features, limitations and directions of development of agricultural economy in the arctic and subarctic territories of the European North-EastIvanov, V.A.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North4 (12) 201350-59
The timeliness of the problem of hydrocarbon resources development in the ice-covered waters of the Arctic OceanGuseynov, C.S.Gubkin RSUOG4 (12) 201360-65
Introduction of the technology for production of gaseous and liquid methane from methane hydrate — the way to develop the power resources of the NorthFedorov, E.P., Yanovsky, L.L., Varlamova, N.I., Raznoschikov, V.V., Demskaya, I.A.CIAM4 (12) 201366-69
Environmental divesrity of ichtiofauna of freshwater system of Belomorsko-Kuloysky Peninsula (Archangelsk Region)Novoselov, A.P., Studenov, I.I., Pavlenko, V.I.North Branch of “VNIRO”, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS4 (12) 201370-80
Dependency of sagitta length on the length of White Sea herring body (Clupea pallasi marisalbi)Fuks , G.V.North Branch of “VNIRO”4 (12) 201381-83
Comprehensive reconstruction of the temperature of the Russian Arctic over the last two milleniaKlimenko, V.V., Matskovsky, V.V., Dalmann, D..Institute of Geography, RAS, MPEI, Rhine University4 (12) 201384-95
Technology of explosive works in fragmentation of drums and major equipment in remote regions of the Far NorthSednev, V.A., Kopnyshev, S.L.Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service4 (12) 201396-99
100 years to the biggest land discovery in XX centurySavatyugin, L.M., Sokratova, I.I.AARI, DES RAS4 (12) 2013100-107
Technological Aspects of Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Enhancement of Nuclear and Radiation Safety during Environmental Remediation of Former Coastal Maintenance Base in Chervyanaya Bay (Gremikha)Varnavin, A.P., Vasin, S.E., Vasiliev, À.À., Diakov, A.V., Zhukova, Î.Î., Korolev, A.V., Kukharkin, N.E., Mironenko-Marenkova, M.E., Novikova, L.P., Pavlov, V.V., Stepennov, B.S., Sukhoruchkin, A.K., Stepennov, D.B., Fedoseenkov, A.N., Shkuratova, E.Y., Usatyi, A.F.NRC «Kurchatov Institute»3 (11) 20134-24
Sources and Extreme Levels of Environment Pollution by Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Business Areas of Russian Companies on the Spitsbergen archipelago (Svalbard)Demin, B.N., Graevskiy, A.P., Krylov, S.S., Demeshkin, A.S., Vlasov, S.V.Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon»3 (11) 201325-39
Hydrometeorological Support of Navigation along the Northern Sea RouteMakosko, A.A.ROSHYDROMET3 (11) 201340-49
Regulation of the Use of Subsoil Resources in the Arctic Countries (the U.S., Canada and Norway) Pavlenko, V.I., Seliukov, Y.G.OGRI RAS, Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS3 (11) 201350-57
Importance of the Northern and Arctic Regions in New Geopolitical and Geo-economic ConditionsPolovinkin, V.N., Fomichev, A.B.Krylov SRC, Concern Agat3 (11) 201358-63
The Geology and Oil-and-Gas Potential of the North American ArcticZabanbark, À.., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS3 (11) 201364-75
‘EnviMine’ International Project: Developing Environmental and Geodynamical Safety Related to Mine Closure in the Barents regionKonukhin, V.V., Kozyrev, À.À., Smirnov, Y.G., Zaitsev, V.G., Väisänen, U.U., Hirvasniemi, H.., Johansson, P.., Kivilompolo, J.J., Kouri, P.., Kupila, J.., Pietikäinen, K.., Pihlaja, J.., Alakangas, L.L.MI KSC RAS, GTK, Luleå University of Technology3 (11) 201376-83
A Consideration of Risks in the Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Power Plants in the ArcticTarovik, V.I., Valdman, N.A., Trub, M.S., Ozerova, L.L.Krylov SRC3 (11) 201384-96
Failures of Steam Generator Pipe Systems at Nuclear Powered Vessels: Analysis of Possible Causes and MechanismsBakhmetiev, A.M., Sandler, N.G., Bylov, I.A., Baklanov, A.V., Kashka, M.M., Filimoshkin, S.V.Atomflot, «Afrikantov OKBM»3 (11) 201397-101
Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North and Petroleum Companies: Overcoming the RisksNovikova, N.I.IEA of RAS3 (11) 2013102-111
Soviet Arctic Ports in the Lend-Lease Program during the First Period of the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 — November 1942)Amusin, B.M., Sopin, Y.G.Baltic Naval Institute3 (11) 2013112-115
Initial data requirements for modeling of the ice exaration impact on buried pipelinesNaumov, M.A., Onishchenko, D.A.Gazprom VNIIGAZ2 (10) 20134-17
Arctic: Problem of the accumulated environmental damageSokolov, Y.I.Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies2 (10) 201318-27
On the experience of Nordic AHEM on the Arctic seas shelfVasiliev , L.Y.NAHEM2 (10) 201328-33
The development of marine power plants that use renewable energy sourcesTarovik, V.I., Valdman, N.A., Trub, M.S., Ozerova, L.L.Krylov SRC2 (10) 201334-47
Technical availability of the Russian shelf for development in modern conditionsSochnev, O.Y., Zhukovskaya, E.A.Rosneft2 (10) 201348-61
Search, prospecting, exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits in the Ñircumarctic regionBogoyavlensky, V.I.OGRI RAS2 (10) 201362-71
Establishment of the spent nuclear fuel overload regional center on the FSUE "Atomflot"Kashka, M.M., Abramov, A.N., Chestnih , I.I.Atomflot2 (10) 201372-79
Militarization increase tendencies in the Arctic regionPolovinkin, V.N., Fomichev, A.B.Krylov SRC, Concern Agat2 (10) 201380-83

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© 2011-2024 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594