Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Title Authors Affiliation of the authors Issue Pages PDF
Experience of using automatic drifting devices to study the water column and ice cover in the Arctic at the beginning of XXI centuryPisarev, S.V.IO RAS4 (8) 201266-75
Contemporary climate change in the Arctic: results of a new assessment report of the Arctic CouncilTsaturov, Y.S., Klepikov, A.V.AARI, ROSHYDROMET4 (8) 201276-81
“Arctic-2012” Training: Achievements and LessonsOsipjantz, I.A., Pavlovsky, O.O., Krasnoperov, S.S.IBRAE RAN4 (8) 201282-89
Intelligence activities of the naval forces of foreign countries in the Arctic regionAmusin, B.M., Alekseenko, A.I., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute4 (8) 201290-93
X International Conference “The resources and risks of regions with permafrost in the changing world”Zaitseva, N.A.DES RAS4 (8) 201294-95
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2012, No. 1—4 (in Russian)  4 (8) 2012100-103
Problem of Development and Development of Polar and Arctic Territories: the Ural AspectLitovskiy, V.V.IE UB RAS3 (7) 20124-13
Economic Assessment of Status and Prospects of the Development of the Arctic Sea Oil and Gas ResourcesPavlenko, V.I., Panichkin, I.V.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS, MGIMO3 (7) 201214-21
Energy Development in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities of Low-Power PlantsSmolentsev, D.O.IBRAE RAN3 (7) 201222-29
The Experience of Seismotomographical Investigations of the Soil Condition of RW Treatment and Long-Term Storage Facilities at Saida BayKonukhin, V.V., Abramov, N.N., Kabeyev, E.V.MI KSC RAS3 (7) 201230-37
Parameter Assessment of Human and Natural Capital in Context of Modern Nature Management at the North of RussiaDushkova, D.O., Evseev, A.V.Moscow State University3 (7) 201238-43
Environmental Safety and Monitoring of Exploratory Works on Gas in Ob and Taz Bays in 2000-2009Sochnev, O.Y., Sochneva, I.O., Khistyaev, À.À.Arcticecoshelf3 (7) 201244-53
Publication of Book Series «Contribution of Russia to the IPY 2007/08»Dmitriev, V.G., Danilov, A.I., Klepikov, A.V., Kotliakov, V.V., Sarukhanian, E.I., Zaitseva, N.A.Institute of Geography, RAS, AARI, DES RAS, WMO3 (7) 201254-61
Contamination of Soil and Vegetation with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Vicinity of Barentsburg Coal MineDemin, B.N., Graevskiy, A.P., Demeshkin, A.S., Vlasov, S.V.Northwest Branch of RPA «Typhoon»3 (7) 201262-73
Perspective Directions and Challenges of the Arctic Transport System of Russia Development in XXI CenturyPolovinkin, V.N., Fomichev, A.B.Krylov SRC, CSPA «Leninetz»3 (7) 201274-83
Experience and Prospects of the Russian Icebreaking Fleet Operation in the ArcticKashka, M.M., Mantula, N.V., Ponomarenko, A.V.Atomflot3 (7) 201284-91
Prospects of Oil-and-Gas Bearing Deposits of Deep Sea in the South Kara Sea RegionBogoyavlensky, V.I., Polyakova, I.D.OGRI RAS, GIN RAS3 (7) 201292-103
Names of the Military Seamen Participated in the Great Northern Expedition on the Map of the Arctic (to 275 anniversary of the Great Northern Expedition)Amusin, B.M., Alekseenko, A.I., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute3 (7) 2012104-111
Submersion on the Seabed of the Arctic Ocean in the Geographical Point of the North PoleChilingarov, A.N.State Duma of the Russian Federation3 (7) 2012112-117
Basic Model of Tectonic Development of the Arctic as a Basis for Preparation of the Updated Submission of Russia to the UN Commission Concerning the Establishment of the Outer Limits of Continental ShelfLaverov, N.P., Lobkovsky, L.I., Kononov, M.V., Dobretsov, N.N., Vernikovsky, V.V., Sokolov, S.S., Shipilov, E.V.IO RAS, PGI KSC RAS, IPGG SB RAS, GIN RAS, Presidium of RAS2 (6) 20124-19
Influence of Tide Water on Redistribution of Water Flow at the Delta of the Pechora RiverPolonsky, V.F.State Oceanographic Institute2 (6) 201220-27
“The Arctic Vector” in Conservation of Terrestrial Ecosystems and BiodiversityTishkov, A.A.Institute of Geography, RAS2 (6) 201228-43
Prospects of Russian- Norwegian Researches in the Arctic Environment ProtectionLukin, A.A., Pavlenko, V.I., Bambulyak, A.N., Larsen, L.H.Arkhangelsk SC UB RAS, Akvaplan-niva Barents, Akvaplan-niva2 (6) 201244-57
The Research of Underground Sources for Water Supply of Cities in the North (City of Apatity as an Example)Konukhin, V.V., Kozyrev, À.À., Orlov, A.O., Smirnov, Y.G.MI KSC RAS2 (6) 201258-65
Climate Changes in the Arctic: Impact on Environment and EconomyKattsov, V.M., Porfiriev, B.N.IEF RAS, FGBI «MGO»2 (6) 201266-79
Changes and Variability of Climate in the European Part of the Russian North and Their Effect on Water FacilitiesFilatov, N.N., Nazarova, L.L., Georgiev, A.P., Semenov, A.A., Antsiferova, A.A., Ozhigina, V.N., Bogdan, M.I.NWPI KarRC RAS, MAHEM, NWAHEM2 (6) 201280-93
Introduction of Gas and Fuel Technology of the Air Transport – Way of Cost Reduction of Transportation in the Arctic and Far East Macro RegionsAdzhiyev, A.Y., Zaytsev, V.V., Mavritsky, V.I., Postoyev, S.K., Yanovsky, L.L., Shmal, G.G.TsAGI, CIAM, NIPIGasPererabotka, InterAviaGas, FGUP GosNII GA, UOGPR2 (6) 201294-101
From East to West in the Arctic Waters (to the Hundredth Anniversary of Navigation of Taimyr and Vaigach Icebreaking Steamers)Amusin, B.M., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute2 (6) 2012102-107
Arctic Energetics in the Sphere of Politicians and Scientists InterestTevlina, V.V.Universitetet i Tromsø2 (6) 2012108-111
Key Aspects of Science in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous RegionKobylkin, D.D.YNAR Government1 (5) 20124-7
Problems of Study and Development of Raw Materials Resource of the ArcticLarichkin, F.D., Fadeev, A.M., Cherepovitsin, A.A.IES KSC RAS1 (5) 20128-15
Economical Development of the Arctic and Nuclear Ice-Breaking Fleet of RussiaRuksha, V.V., Smirnov, A.A., Golovinsky, S.A., Rodionova, L.L., Ivanov, A.V., Nikolaev, P.P., Peresypkin, V.V.CMRDI, Atomflot, CSR “North-West”1 (5) 201216-25
Marine Economics in the Russian Arctic under Conditions of Current Climate ChangesMatishov, G.G., Dzhenyuk, S.S.MMBI KSC RAS1 (5) 201226-37
Amphibians with Chassis on Pneumocushion – Key to the ArcticSokolyansky, V.P., Zakharchenko, Y.A., Dolgopolov, A.A., Morozov, V.V., Visel’, E.P., Merzlikin, Y.Y., Dunaevsky, A.I., Chesnokov, S.S., Musatov, R.R., Kotiev, G.O., Naumov, V.N., Verzhbitsky, A.N.TsAGI, BMSTU1 (5) 201238-47
Radioecological Conditions at Novaya Zemlya ArchipelagoSych, Y.G., Dubinko, L.L.RCSTS, 12 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia1 (5) 201248-59
Exploration of Bottom Relief of the Arctic Basin for Multi-Purpose Programs of the Environmental SafetyNaryshkin, G.D., Petrov, D.M.JSC Centre «Sevzapgeoinform»1 (5) 201260-67
Explosive Îbjects at the Bottom of the Arctic Seas – Risk Factor for Economic Activity in SeasBystrov, B.B., Pirozhenko, V.V., Blinkov, V.I.GNINGI, 1st Central Research Institute1 (5) 201268-73
Methodical Approach to the Estimation of Ice Conditions of Navigation and Trends of Change as an Example of the Asian Coast of the Bering SeaMastrukov, S.I.GNINGI1 (5) 201274-81
Continental Foot of the Arctic BasinNaryshkin, G.D., Fridman, B.S., Alexeev, S.P., Kostenich, A.V., Stavrov, K.G.GNINGI, JSC Centre «Sevzapgeoinform»1 (5) 201282-91
Development and Introduction of Geophysical Methods of Study of the Arctic Basin Bottom Relief (some facts from history)Sorokin, A.A.IL RAS1 (5) 201292-103
M. Lomonosov and Research of the Arctic and the Northern Part of the Far East by Naval SailorsAmusin, B.M., Kinyakin, I.N.Baltic Naval Institute1 (5) 2012104-409
Tenth International Conference on Permafrost Resources and Risks in Permafrost Regions in a Changing World YNAR Government1 (5) 2012110-111
Prospects of Sea-Floor Seismography in the Russian FederationLaverov, N.P., Roslov, Y.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Tulupov, A.V., Voronov, M.A., Ganzha, O.Y.IO RAS, Presidium of RAS, Seismoshelf4 (4) 20114-13
Prospects of Basic Research in the Arctic RegionNekipelov, A.A., Makosko, A.A.Presidium of RAS4 (4) 201114-21
Greenland Climate: Modern ChangesKorneva, I.A., Popov, I.O., Semenov, S.M.IGCE4 (4) 201122-33
Safe and Secure Use of Nuclear Power at Civil Nuclear Fleet as a Basis of FSUE Atomflot’s Environmental PolicyKashka, M.M., Golovinsky, S.A., Antonov, O.N., Vorobyev, V.M., Belozerov, L.L., Ryzhkov, A.V., Yarosh, V.I.CMRDI, Atomflot, Aysberg4 (4) 201134-45
Studying Changes in the Tazovsky Peninsula Vegetation Cover Based on Satellite ImagesKornienko, S.G., Yakubson, K.I.OGRI RAS4 (4) 201146-57
On the Topicality of Midget Nuclear Power Plants for Long-term Development of Coastal Regions in the Russian Arctic and the Russian Far EastMitenkov, F.F.«Afrikantov OKBM»4 (4) 201158-63
Key Problems of Economic Development of the Russian ArcticDodin, D.D., Kaminsky, V.D., Suprunenko, O.I., Pavlenko, V.I.OGRI RAS, FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia4 (4) 201164-79
From M.V. Lomonosov to Major International Research Projects - the Historic Path of Comprehensive Investigations in the Russian ArcticVedeshin, L.A.Presidium of RAS4 (4) 201180-91

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594