| Volume 12, No. 2, 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Dangerous Gas-saturated Objects in the East Siberian Sea; about Multiplicative Economic Effects in Arctic Fish Industry Projects; about Prospects for the Development of Major Tin Ore Deposits in Chukotka; about Prospects for the Application of Ice Composite Materials for the Construction of Ice Crossings;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | Volume 12, No. 1, 2022
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about economic feasibility assessment of connecting remote eastern Arctic consumers to the power grid; about the assessment of environmental risks from air pollution in the Arctic zone under a changing climate; about economic assessment of mineral resource potential of the Komi Republic Arctic territories; about the problem of automatic routing of vessels in ice;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | Volume 11, No. 4, 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about implementation of the “green growth” concept in the Russian Arctic about economic consequences of the COVID-19 impact on the tourism development in Arctic regions of Russia; about modeling in marine ice engineering; about the features ensuring food security for the population of the North and Arctic of Russia;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | Volume 11, No. 3, 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about climate and environmental risks in the development of Arctic coastal territories; about catastrophic gas blowout in 2020 on the Yamal Peninsula; about less-common and rare earth elements of the Pechenga region ores; about the role of wind energy in the socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic zone regions;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | Volume 11, No. 2, 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the microplastic pollution in the seas of the Russian Arctic and the Far East; about operational forecasting system for Arctic Ocean; about thermal stress assessment for an Arctic city in summer; about assessment of losses caused to the indigenous peoples of the North due to the diesel spill at TPP-3 in Norilsk;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | Volume 11, No. 1, 2021
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about the demographic potential of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation; about fundamental aspects of the catastrophic gas blowout genesis and the formation of giant craters in the Arctic; about the role of the nuclear icebreaker fleet in achieving the national goal of increasing in fright traffic in the water area of the Northern Sea Route; about the impact of state support on the development of agriculture and rural areas in the European North of Russia;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | No. 4(40) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about migration of the Russian Arctic population; about velocity structure and density inhomogeneities of the White Sea crust; about digital technologies for remote detection and monitoring of the gas blowouts in the Arctic; about prospects for the development of Arctic cruise tourism in the western sector of the Russian Arctic;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | No. 3(39) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about ecological aspects of the development of the natural resource potential of the Russian Arctic; about coastal geosystems of the Kara Sea in a changing climate; about exploration drilling on the Russian Arctic and Far East shelf; about information and analytical support for personnel security management in the Arctic regions;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | No. 2(38) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about Prospects for the knowledge economy formation; about Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the Chukchi Sea; about Application of space technologies in metallogenic analysis of the Russian Arctic territory; about Information and analytical support for personnel security management in the Arctic regions;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |
 | No. 1(37) 2020
In this issue of the Journal you can read (in Russian):
about contribution of the Arctic fishery to the achievement of indicators of “Food Security Doctrine of Russian Federation”; about environmental assessment of different fuel types for energy production in the Arctic regions of the Russian Far East; about the entrepreneurship phenomenon in the Yamal reindeer farming;
and about the studies aimed at: study and development of natural resources of the Arctic, creating new technologies for the Arctic, solution of ecological and economic problems of the Arctic regions. |