Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X


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Mean January air palaeotemperature during the formation of the Seyakha Yedoma 30—13 thousand calibrated years agoVasil’chuk, Y.K., Budantseva, N.A., Vasil’chuk, A.C.Moscow State Universityv14, 2 2024164-176
Explosive degassing of the Earth on the Yamal Peninsula and the adjacent Kara SeaBogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A.OGRI RASv14, 2 2024177-191
Shallow gas influence of on design decisions for the development of gas condensate fields on the shelf of the Arctic and subarctic seasDzublo, A.D., Ermolaev, A.I., Geresh, G.M., Perekrestov, V.E.OGRI RAS, Gubkin RSUOG, Gazprom VNIIGAZv14, 2 2024192-204
Issues of applicability and effectiveness of individual elements of the ice management system in the implementation of Arctic shelf development projectsBuzin, I.V., Onishchenko , D.A.AARI, Gazprom VNIIGAZv14, 2 2024205-216
Titanium-rare-metal concentrates from raw materials of the Kola region and the possibility of their joint processing to obtain scarce productsGerasimova, L.G., Artemenkov, A.G., Nikolaev, A.I., Shchukina, E.S.ICT KSC RASv14, 2 2024217-225
Scientific and cultural value of mammoth tusksProtopopov, A.V., Protopopova, V.V., Protopopova, G.A.Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), IBPC SB RASv14, 2 2024226-237
Preferential treatment effectiveness for enterprises of the Russian Arctic: tools and evaluation resultsRoslyakova, N.A., Volkov, A.D.IE KarRC RASv14, 2 2024238-248
Assessment of the impact of accumulated harm objects in the Arctic on the natural environment componentsPichugin, E.A., Shenfeld, B.E., Somova, T.N.Ural Research Institute “Ecology”v14, 2 2024249-260
Kolguev Island as an object for monitoring the biota of the western sector of the Russian ArcticGlazov, P.M., Loshchagina, Y.A., Shmatova, A.G., Gnedenko, A.E., Tishkov, A.A.Institute of Geography, RASv14, 2 2024261-273
Macroscale experimental studies of ice compression in the Arctic Ocean during the first drift of the ice-resistant self-propelled platform “North Pole” as part of the polar drifting station “North Pole-41” in 2022—2023.Svistunov, I.A., Filchuk, K.V., Baklanov, A.V., Raev, D.L., Stribny, O.Y., Gavrilov, Y.G.AARIv14, 2 2024274-285
Ethnic potential for the formation of human resources in the Russian ArcticFauzer, V.V., Smirnov, A.V., Fauzer, G.N.Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the Northv14, 2 2024286-300
Analysis of trends in the development of traditional trades of indigenous peoples in the context of climate change (using the example of the Novosibirsk Islands and the coastal Arctic regions of Yakutia)Potravny, I.M., Elsakov, V.V.RUE, IB Komi SC UB RASv14, 2 2024301-311
Activity and isotopic composition of radionuclides accumulated in the FNPP reactors during the full lifecycleAntipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Kobrinskiy, Ì.N.IBRAE RANv14, 1 20244-11
Assessment of the zone of intense gas condensate evaporation during blowouts in shallow wellsSolbakov, V.V., Zatsepa, S.N., Ivchenko, A.A.State Oceanographic Institute, FRCCSC RASv14, 1 202412-23
Some estimates of the severe ice conditions in the Pechora Sea based on observational and modeling data (simulation and analysis)Buzin, I.V., Klyachkin, S.V., Frolov, S.V., Smirnov, K.G., Mikhaltceva, S.V., Sokolova, Y.V., Gudoshnikov, Y.P., Voinov, G.N., Grigoryev, M.N.AARI, IMEMOv14, 1 202424-35
On the mechanism of destruction of ice films of metastable gas hydrates and its possible application to the process of methane emission in the ArcticGaragash, I.A., Lobkovsky, L.I.IO RAS, IPE RASv14, 1 202436-45
How to manage genetic resources in the Arctic Ocean?Vylegzhanin, A.N., Sotskova, P.V.MGIMOv14, 1 202446-55
Promising lead and zinc ore districts in the Arctic zone of RussiaVolkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L.IGEM RASv14, 1 202456-69
Concession nature management in the Euro-Arctic zone of Russia in the 1920s: ecological-economic and historical aspectsTroshina, T.I.NAFUv14, 1 202470-79
Ecological aspects of the traditional environmental management organization in a resource-extracting regionSkritskaya, M.K., Petrov, Y.V.Tyumen State Universityv14, 1 202480-89
Assessment of changes in the heavy-metal phytoextraction by Tagetes erecta from contaminated soils of Norilsk using humic additivesChukaeva, M.A., Pukhalsky, Y.V., Loskutov, S.I., Sidorova, V.R., Voropaeva, E.V., Matveeva, V.A.SPMI, PLSUv14, 1 202490-102
Public perception of hydrological risks and flood damage mitigation practices in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Savvinova, A.N., Gavrilyeva, T.N., Parfenova, O.T., Filippova, V.V., Tananaev, N.I.NEFU, IHRISN SB RASv14, 1 2024103-115
Ice cellars preservation technologies to ensure sustainable development of northern settlementsLoktionov, E.Y., Sharaborova, E.S., Klokov, A.V., Maslakov, A.A., Sotnikova, K.S., Korshunov, A.A.Moscow State University, NAFU, BMSTU, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausannev14, 1 2024116-126
Physico-chemical characteristics and algological composition of snow cover at river mouths in the basin of the southern-eastern part of the Barents SeaKotova, E.I., Netsvetaeva, O.P., Novikova, Y.V., Titova, K.V.IO RAS, FCIARv14, 1 2024127-134
Ice cover of the Russian Arctic seas along the Northern sea route in the current climatic periodTimofeeva, A.B., Yulin, A.V., Ivanov, V.V., Sharatunova, M.V., Pavlova, E.A.AARIv14, 1 2024135-146
The quality of life of the indigenous peoples of the North in the context of industrial development of the arctic (on the example of the Arctic zone of Yakutia)Nogovitsyn, R.R., Sofronova, T.S., Potravnaya, E.V.NEFU, Cherepovets SUv14, 1 2024147-157
Structure and evolution of hydrocarbon systems of the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean (Eastern Arctic)Kerimov, V.Y., Lavrenova, E.A., Mustaev, R.N., Mamedov, R.A.MGRIv13, 4 2023488-500
Distribution of subsea permafrost (frozen ground) in the Laptev Sea based on seismic refraction dataBogoyavlensky, V.I., Kishankov, A.V., Kazanin, A.G.OGRI RAS, JSC "MAGE"v13, 4 2023501-515
January air palaeotemperature during MIS-3-2 in North-Eastern Yakutia, reconstructed from a high-resolution record of the isotopic composition of syngenetic ice wedges of the Batagay YedomaVasil’chuk, Y.K., Vasil’chuk, A.C., Budantseva, N.A., Vasil’chuk, J.Y.Moscow State Universityv13, 4 2023516-528
The effect of air temperature on thawing depth of the road baseGalkin, A.F., Plotnikov, N.A., Pankov, V.Y.NEFU, MPI SB RASv13, 4 2023529-535
Carbon reserves in the upper soil sediments of Samoilovsky, Bolshoy Lyakhovsky and Kotelny islandsShepelev, A.G.MPI SB RASv13, 4 2023536-547
Resource base of therapeutic mineral waters in the Komi RepublicMityusheva, T.P.Institute of Geology Komi SC UB RASv13, 4 2023548-558
Radiation situation around the floating nuclear thermal power plant “Akademik Lomonosov” in the initial period of operationEkidin, A.A., Nazarov, E.I., Antonov, K.L.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv13, 4 2023559-569
On the possibility of extending the service life of winter roads using renewable energy sourcesLoktionov, E.Y., Sharaborova, E.S., Klokov, A.V., Bakhmadov, A.V., Korshunov, A.A.NAFU, BMSTU, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausannev13, 4 2023570-578
On trends in environmental and climatic risks for human health in the Arctic zone of Russia under climate changeMakosko, A.A., Matesheva, A.V., Emelina, S.V.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Hydrometcenter of Russiav13, 4 2023579-589
Environmental problems of the Russian Arctic single-industry towns in the population estimatesPitukhina, M.A., Belykh, A.D.IE KarRC RAS, PetrSUv13, 4 2023590-600
Northern delivery as a trigger for the transport development in the Arctic zone of Yakutia and the Far East as a wholeLeonov, S.N., Zaostrovskikh, E.A.ERI FEB RASv13, 4 2023601-612
Organization of transport services for the population of the Russian Arctic remote areas (using the example of the Arkhangelsk region)Nenasheva, M.V., Grishchenko, I.V.NAHEM, NAFUv13, 4 2023613-623
Experience of introduction of musk oxen to Zavyalov Island in Tauiskaya Bay of the northern part of the Sea of OkhotskGorshunov, M.B.IBPN FEB RASv13, 4 2023624-633
Index of the articles published in the journal “Arctic: ecology and economy” in 2023, No. 1—4  v13, 4 2023634-637
Geological studies of natural bitumen occurences in sedimentary and intrusive rocks of the Mesozoic age on the Franz Joseph Land archipelago during the research expedition in 2022Bogoyavlenskaya, O.V., Malishev, N.A., Makhova, O.S., Komissarov, D.K., Verzhbitsky, V.E., Vasileva, I.S., Borodulin, A.A., Kolubakin, A.A., Ulyanov, G.V., Obmetko, V.V., Boldyrev, M.L., Ugryumov, A.S., Danilkin, S.M., Ershova, V.B., Rogov, M.A., Stavitskaya, V.N., Shein, V.A., Shmanyak, A.V., Sobolev, P.O.VSEGEI, Rosneft, RN-Shelf-Arctic, Arctic Science Center, RN-Explorationv13, 3 2023328-340
Study of geomagnetic activity impact on functioning of railway automatics in Russian ArcticYagova, N.V., Rozenberg, I.N., Gvishiani, A.D., Sakharov, Y.A., Garanin, S.L., Voronin, V.A., Pilipenko, V.A., Dubchak, I.A.PGI KSC RAS, Vernadsky IGAC of RAS, IPE RAS, Russian University of Transport, Geophysical Center of RAS, VNIIASv13, 3 2023341-352
New data on intensive Earth degassing in the Arctic in the north of Western Siberia: thermokarst lakes with gas blowout craters and mud volcanoesBogoyavlensky, V.I., Nikonov, R.A., Bogoyavlensky, I.V.OGRI RASv13, 3 2023353-368
Analysis approach to the of meteorological conditions that determine the gap in response to marine oil spills in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationZatsepa, S.N., Ivchenko, A.A., Knizhnikov, À.Y., Solbakov, V.V.State Oceanographic Institute, FRCCSC RASv13, 3 2023369-381
Spatial and temporal changes in territorial social systems in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous AreaPetrov, Y.V.Tyumen State Universityv13, 3 2023382-393
Attracting investments in the Arctic: in which regions are Arctic residents the most significant, effective and sustainable?Karginova-Gubinova, V.V., Vasilieva, A.V., Moroshkina, M.V., Potasheva, O.V.IE KarRC RASv13, 3 2023394-404
Construction of the Barents-Kara mineral resource center for non-ferrous metals taking into account the development of sea communicationsBelov, S.V., Skripnichenko, V.A.IES KSC RAS, NAFUv13, 3 2023405-416
Assessment of environmental safety and energy security for the development options of heat supply to a settlement in the ArcticPavlov, N.V., Zakharov, V.E., Prokhorov, D.V., Ivanova, A.E., Petrova, T.N., Vasiliev, S.S., Ivanova, I.Y., Maysyuk, E.P.IPTPN SB RAS, ESI SB RASv13, 3 2023417-427
A hybrid model based on an artificial neural network with a long chain of short-term memory elements and a discrete wavelet transform for predicting surface methane content in the Arctic areaBuevich, A.G., Sergeev, A.P., Shichkin, A.V., Baglaeva, E.M., Subbotina, I.E., Butorova, A.S.Institute of Industrial Ecologyv13, 3 2023428-436
Probability analysis of metamorphization of the ionic composition of ultra-fresh waters of the Arctic rivers of RussiaReshetnyak, O.S.Hydrochemical Institutev13, 3 2023437-448

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© 2011-2024 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594