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Home » Archive of journals » No. 3(31) 2018 » Ecological aspects of the presence of anomalously high suspended solids concentrations in macro-tidal estuaries of the Arctic zone ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE PRESENCE OF ANOMALOUSLY HIGH SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATIONS IN MACRO-TIDAL ESTUARIES OF THE ARCTIC ZONEJOURNAL: No. 3(31) 2018, p. 23-30HEADING: Ecology AUTHORS: Miskevich, I.V. ORGANIZATIONS: P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-3-23-30 UDC: 551.465 The article was received on: 15.05.2018 Keywords: suspension, anomaly, estuary, river, tide, White sea, Barents sea, water use Bibliographic description: Miskevich, I.V. Ecological aspects of the presence of anomalously high suspended solids concentrations in macro-tidal estuaries of the Arctic zone. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2018, no. 3(31), pp. 23-30. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-3-23-30. (In Russian). Abstract: In the macrotidal estuaries of the rivers of the White and Barents Seas, anomalously high concentrations of suspended solids (up to 700-1000 mg/dm3 or more) are observed, which exceed the maximum values for river waters and seawater by 2-4 orders of magnitude. Their appearance is due to high velocities of tidal currents, wind waves transformed by a tidal wave, drainage runoff from tidal depletion and deformation of bottom sediments by tidal movements of ice. Such a content of suspensions in estuarine waters should be taken into account during treatment and discharge of wastewater, for which the main criterion of regulation is their turbidity. On the other hand, it should be taken into account when modeling the effects of oil spill drift in the coastal zone of the sea. The spatial and temporal variability of zones with abnormally high turbidity of estuarine waters still remains little-studied, which requires an expansion of their research scope during scientific and engineering-ecological works in coastal areas. Accounting for this factor allows to optimize the water use processes, both in the ecological and in the economic sense. References: 1. Metodika razrabotki normativov dopustimykh sbrosov veshchestv i mikroorganizmov v vodnye ob"ekty dlya vodopol’zovatelei: Utv. prikazom MPR Rossii ot 17 dekabrya 2007 g. ¹ 333. [Methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users (Approved by Order ¹ 333 of the MNR of the RF of December 17, 2007)]. Moscow, MPR RF, 2008, 56 p. (In Russian). 2. SanPiN Vodootvedenie naselennykh mest, sanitarnaya okhrana vodnykh ob"ektov. Gigienicheskie trebovaniya k okhrane poverkhnostnykh vod. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594