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Justification of the method for regulating the level of oil pollution of soils on the territory of oil production and transportation facilities in the Arctic zone | Makosko, A.A., Korolevà, L.A., Malygin, I.G., Tarantsev, A.A., Zaykin, R.G. | Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, IPT RAS, Saint-Petersburg State Fire Service University | v14, 4 2024 | 585-595 | | Optimization of regional adaptation plans to climate change in the Russian Arctic based on forecasting modeling | Anisimov, O.A., Badina, S.V. | Moscow State University, SHI | v14, 3 2024 | 350-359 | | Preferential treatment effectiveness for enterprises of the Russian Arctic: tools and evaluation results | Roslyakova, N.A., Volkov, A.D. | IE KarRC RAS | v14, 2 2024 | 238-248 | | Probability analysis of metamorphization of the ionic composition of ultra-fresh waters of the Arctic rivers of Russia | Reshetnyak, O.S. | Hydrochemical Institute | v13, 3 2023 | 437-448 | | Comprehensive ecological and hydrochemical zoning of the mainland part of the Russian Arctic zone in the context of the region sustainable development | Reshetnyak, O.S., Kovalenko, A.A. | Hydrochemical Institute, SFedU | v13, 2 2023 | 234-247 | | Problem-solving technique for transporting aviation fuel to remote airfields in the Arctic regions of Yakutia and Far North | Gorbunov, V.P., Struchkova, A.Ì. | NEFU, Yakutia Airlines | v13, 2 2023 | 271-279 | | Water management complex of the Karelian part of the Russian Arctic zone: current state and dynamics | Litvinenko, A.V., Litvinova, I.A., Bogdanova, M.S., Filatov, N.N. | NWPI KarRC RAS | v13, 2 2023 | 280-296 | | State support for agriculture in the Russian Arctic regions: current state, compliance with targets, directions for improvement | Nikulina, Y.N. | IAERD St. Petersburg FRC RAS | v12, 3 2022 | 419-429 | |