Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(36) 2019 » Dynamics of nutrients in the Yenisei Gulf during the open water period


JOURNAL: No. 4(36) 2019, p. 69-82

HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic

AUTHORS: Makkaveev, P.N., Polukhin, A.A., Nalbandov, Y.R., Khlebopashev, P.V.

ORGANIZATIONS: P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-69-82

UDC: 551.465

The article was received on: 22.05.2019

Keywords: bioproductivity, hydrochemical structure, mixing zone, Kara sea, river runoff, Yenisei Gulf, nutrients dynamics

Bibliographic description: Makkaveev, P.N., Polukhin, A.A., Nalbandov, Y.R., Khlebopashev, P.V. Dynamics of nutrients in the Yenisei Gulf during the open water period. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 4(36), pp. 69-82. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-69-82. (In Russian).


The article presents the results of studies of the hydrochemical structure of waters in the Yenisei Gulf, as well as in the adjacent shelf area strongly influenced by the continental runoff. The most significant transformation of the chemical composition of water and suspended solids occurs in the estuarine areas. Changes in the dynamic characteristics of the flow and mixing processes of waters of different composition and origin contribute to this transformation. The estuarine areas, where all dissolved and suspended matter accumulates, are among the most productive areas of the World Ocean. Without knowledge of the processes occurring in the estuarine areas, it is impossible to estimate correctly the amount of substances carried with the continental runoff, this being of particular importance.
The hydrological and hydrochemical data used in the work were obtained in oceanographic expeditions of the SIO RAS in September 1993, September 2011, August 2014, and July 2016. We also used archive data of the Biohydrochemistry Lab. The dynamics of the dissolved forms of silicon and mineral phosphorus in the river-sea estuarine area and the apparent values of oxygen consumption are calculated. The zones of emission and absorption of nutrients within the estuarine area prove to be practically unchanged in their position despite significant seasonal and interannual variability of the Yenisei chemical runoff. We can highlight two main areas, where mass sedimentation and oxidation of organic matter take place according to hydrochemical tracers.
The presented data show that within the Yenisei Gulf, there are significant changes in the content of dissolved carbon and nutrients and their distribution in the Gulf differs significantly from the conservative one. The distribution of hydrochemical parameters relative to mineralization, with the exception of alkalinity, differs from the linear one. The content of nutrients did not limit the development of the Gulf ecosystem during the research period.

Finance info: Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания Института океанологии им. П. П. Ширшова РАН № 0149-2019-0008 и проекта РНФ № 19-17-00196.


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594