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Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(33) 2019 » Biotic significant climate trends and biota dynamics of the Russian Arctic BIOTIC SIGNIFICANT CLIMATE TRENDS AND BIOTA DYNAMICS OF THE RUSSIAN ARCTICJOURNAL: No. 1(33) 2019, p. 71-87HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Tishkov, A.A., Vaisfeld, M.A., Glazov, P.M., Morozova, O.V., Puzachenko, A.Y., Tertitsky, G.M., Titova, S.V. ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-1-71-87 UDC: 502.31: 504.05 (551.5) The article was received on: 19.12.2018 Keywords: greening of tundra, area, Arctic biota, population dynamics, remote sensing, migrations, mammals, birds, vegetation, Russian Arctic, flora Bibliographic description: Tishkov, A.A., Vaisfeld, M.A., Glazov, P.M., Morozova, O.V., Puzachenko, A.Y., Tertitsky, G.M., Titova, S.V. Biotic significant climate trends and biota dynamics of the Russian Arctic. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 1(33), pp. 71-87. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-1-71-87. (In Russian). Abstract: The article shows specific examples of the current dynamics of the Arctic biota, due to biotic significant climate changes or other factors that are important for understanding modern processes in the ecosystems of the Russian Arctic. The formation paths of current habitats of Arctic mammals are traced and a forecast of their changes is given with further climate warming, features of the population dynamics in recent decades for model species of waterfowl (Barnacle Goose) and seafowl (Herring Gull) are revealed. It is shown that not all changes in the Arctic biota can be explained by climate changes. The analysis is supplemented with materials assessing the current dynamics of the Arctic flora and vegetation. A mechanism of the Arctic “greening” is shown in terms of the assessment using remote sensing methods for the development of tree-shrub vegetation in certain territories of the Murmansk region. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594