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Home » Archive of journals » No. 2(22) 2016 » Electrochemical profi ling is eff ective and environmentally friendly method of search and exploration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic seas ELECTROCHEMICAL PROFI LING IS EFF ECTIVE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY METHOD OF SEARCH AND EXPLORATION OF HYDROCARBONS IN THE ARCTIC SEASJOURNAL: No. 2(22) 2016, p. 82-89HEADING: New technologies for the Arctic AUTHORS: Snopova, E.E., Anokhin, V.M., Kholmyansky, M.A. ORGANIZATIONS: I. S. Gramberg All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean, Center of Innovation Technique Ltd., Institute of Limnology of RAS UDC: 550.837.9 Keywords: ion-selective electrodes, Kara sea, profling, hydrocarbon deposits, electrochemical method Bibliographic description: Snopova, E.E., Anokhin, V.M., Kholmyansky, M.A. Electrochemical profi ling is eff ective and environmentally friendly method of search and exploration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic seas. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 2(22), pp. 82-89. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: An electrochemical method based on a set of ion-selective electrodes for detecting heavy metal anomalies in sea water which are the indicators of oil, gas and gas condensate in sedimentary cover is developed and introduced into practice of hydrocarbon deposit prospecting in the Russian Arctic shelf. During comprehensive works in Priyamal Kara Sea shelf, the electrochemical profi ling was carried out in conjunction with seismic, seismoacoustic observations, geological and hydrophysical sampling and subsequent analytical determination. Electrochemical anomalies are revealed that, aſt er interpretation of all data, can be compared with identified promising areas of hydrocarbon deposits. References: 1. Efremkin I. M., Kholmyanskiy M. A. Geoekologicheskoe soprovozhdenie osvoeniya neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy arkticheskogo shel’fa. 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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594