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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(24) 2016 » Icebreaker support for the largest national Arctic hydrocarbon projects ICEBREAKER SUPPORT FOR THE LARGEST NATIONAL ARCTIC HYDROCARBON PROJECTSJOURNAL: No. 4(24) 2016, p. 109-113HEADING: Problems of the Northern Sea Route AUTHORS: Ruksha, V.V., Golovinsky, S.A., Belkin, M.S. ORGANIZATIONS: FSUE Atomflot UDC: 656.61 Keywords: the Asia-Pacific region, nuclear-powered icebreaker, JSC “Yamal SPG”, the Panama Canal, Northern Sea Route, liquefied natural gas, Suez Canal, hydrocarbons Bibliographic description: Ruksha, V.V., Golovinsky, S.A., Belkin, M.S. Icebreaker support for the largest national Arctic hydrocarbon projects. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 4(24), pp. 109-113. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: The prospects of expansion of traffic along the Northern Sea Route for the coming years and the need to use nuclear icebreaker fleet in the largest hydrocarbon projects in the Arctic are shown. The analysis of the International Gas Union on the world market of liquefied natural gas are given. The International Gas Union expects a high level of competition, where one of the key factors is the cost of transportation. References: 1. Kontorovich A. E. Neft i gaz Rossiyskoy Arktiki: istoriya osvoyeniya v XKh veke. resursy. strategiya na XXI vek. [Oil and gas of the Russian Arctic: development history in the twentieth century, resources, strategy for the XXI century]. Planeta: Nauki o Zemle, 2015, Vol., nî. 1, ðð. 46—65. Available at: http://scfh.ru/files/iblock/a01/a01573003850b3fc1206a92b3df7668e.pdf. (In Russian). 2. «Osnovy gosudarstvennoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii v Arktike na period do 2020 goda i dalneyshuyu perspektivu». Utverzhdeny Prezidentom RF ot 18 sentyabrya 2008 g. ¹ Pr-1969. [The fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and beyond. ” Approved by the President of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 No. Pr-1969]. (In Russian). 3. «Strategiya razvitiya Arkticheskoy zony i obespecheniya natsionalnoy bezopasnosti na period do 2020 goda i dalneyshuyu perspektivu». Utverzhdena Prezidentom RF 8 fevralya 2013 g. ¹ Pr-232. [Strategy for the development of the Arctic zone and national security for the period up to 2020 and beyond. ” Approved by the President of the Russian Federation on February 8, 2013 No. Pr-232]. (In Russian). 4. «Transportnaya strategiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda». Utverzhdena rasporyazheniyem Pravitelstva RF ot 22 noyabrya 2008 g. ¹ 1734-r. [Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 ". Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2008 No. 1734-p]. (In Russian). 5. 2016 World LNG Report by International Gas Union. Available at: http://www.igu.org/publications/2016-world-lng-report. Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594