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Home » Archive of journals » Volume 15, No. 1, 2025 » Massive ice bodies of ground origin on the eastern coast of Chukotka: age and isotopic composition MASSIVE ICE BODIES OF GROUND ORIGIN ON THE EASTERN COAST OF CHUKOTKA: AGE AND ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONJOURNAL: Volume 15, No. 1, 2025, p. 4-16HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Vasil’chuk, Y.K., Budantseva, N.A., Maslakov, A.A., Tokarev, I.V., Vasil’chuk, A.C. ORGANIZATIONS: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Centre for X-ray Diffraction Studies, Research Park of Saint-Petersburg State University DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2025-1-4-16 UDC: 551.345:544.02 The article was received on: 22.10.2024 Keywords: Chukotka, Russian Arctic zone, radiocarbon age, Late Pleistocene, stable isotopes, massive ice, cryostratigraphy Bibliographic description: Vasil’chuk, Y.K., Budantseva, N.A., Maslakov, A.A., Tokarev, I.V., Vasil’chuk, A.C. Massive ice bodies of ground origin on the eastern coast of Chukotka: age and isotopic composition. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2025, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 4-16. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2025-1-4-16. (In Russian). Abstract: The current climate warming in the eastern coastal area of Chukotka contributes to deeper seasonal thawing and activation of thermal erosional landslides, leading to the exposure of massive ice bodies. The thawing of exposed massive ice courses the coastline destruction and settlement infrastructure damage. The study of massive ice bodies on the eastern coast of Chukotka, including radiocarbon AMS dating and determination of ice isotopic composition, showed that most of the studied ice bodies were formed in the Late Pleistocene, between 22 and 27.5 thousand calibrated years ago. Relatively high values of the ice isotopic composition and significant variations of the δ18O values of up to 6‰, indicate a predominantly ground origin of massive ice bodies, the formation of which occurred during the freezing of water-saturated sediments in a closed system. The source for the massive ice formation could be water-saturated sediments of sub-lake taliks or supra-permafrost groundwater. However, it is possible that locally massive ice bodies or their peripheral parts could be formed as a result of burial of snow patches or floating ice in the Holocene that may be indicated by a fairly uniform distribution of isotope values and the similarity of isotopic composition of some massive ice bodies and Holocene ice wedges. Finance info: This research was supported by Russian Scientific Foundation, grant no. 23-17-00082 (cryogenetic, isotope and radiocarbon studies, data compilation). Partial isotope analysis was carried out at the Centre for X-ray Diffraction Studies, Research Park of Saint-Petersburg State University within the framework of the project AAAA19-119091190094-6. The authors are grateful to N. Komova and L. Kuzyakin for their help in the field studies. References: 1. Maslakov A., Zotova L., Komova N. et al. Vulnerability of the permafrost landscapes in the Eastern Chukotka coastal plains to human impact and climate change. Land, 2021, no. 10, p. 445. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/land10050445. 2. Maslakov A., Stekolshchikov I., Drugov M. et al. Planimetric and volumetric estimations of the permafrost coastal erosion: Lorino case study, Chukotka, NE Russia. J. of Coastal Research, 2024, no. 113, pp. 356—360. DOI: 10.2112/JCR-SI113-070.1. 3. Bogoyavlensky V. I., Bogoyavlensky I. V., Nikonov R. A. Development monitoring of the C22 gas blowout Doublet object on Yamal peninsula using remote sensing data. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594