Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » Volume 12, No. 4, 2022 » Formation of an eco-industrial zone in the Karelian Arctic: spatial background, resource potential, human capital


JOURNAL: Volume 12, No. 4, 2022, p. 572-584

HEADING: Regional problems

AUTHORS: Volkov, A.D., Vasilieva, A.V., Karginova-Gubinova, V.V.

ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-4-572-584

The article was received on: 06.05.2022

Keywords: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, Karelian Arctic, preferential investment regime, resident of the Russian Arctic, economic specialization, eco-industrial zone

Bibliographic description: Volkov, A.D., Vasilieva, A.V., Karginova-Gubinova, V.V. Formation of an eco-industrial zone in the Karelian Arctic: spatial background, resource potential, human capital. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2022, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 572-584. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-4-572-584. (In Russian).


The authors identify the implementation features of preferential investment regime of the Russian Arctic within the Karelian Arctic when developing promising forms of special organization of the region economy. The study topicality is determined by the need to search for new tools to organize spatially the Arctic regions’ economy in view of current economic, social, geopolitical challenges and environmental risks. Based on the research findings, the authors determine the current Karelian Arctic economic specialization, assess the interconnectivity of its territories, and consider the economic profile and characteristics of the projects of the Russian Arctic “residents”.The conclusion is made about maintaining and reinforcing the region’s specialization in the field of pulp and paper production, mining, transportation and storage of goods.
The authors outline the preconditions for the development activation in tourism and IT sphere. They determine the ongoing projects as to be eco-oriented which, along with the potential of green energy, resources and existing industries in the region, constitutes the prerequisites for an environmentally oriented inter-sectorial specialization of the economy. The narrowed reproduction of human capital remains one of the most important constraints on development. To unleash existing potential the authors suggest a set of measures that implements the principle of industrial symbiosis within the frame of an eco-industrial cluster. A promising administrative and economic mechanism of their implementation is the format of an eco-industrial special economic zone.

Finance info: The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant no. 22-28-20504 (https://rscf.ru/project/22-28-20504/), held with the authorities of the Republic of Karelia with funding from the Venture Investment Fund of the Republic of Karelia (VIF RK).

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594