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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(40) 2020 » On tectonic-geodynamic relationships of the Eurasian basin and the Lomonosov Ridge with the continental margin of Siberia according to new seismic data ON TECTONIC-GEODYNAMIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE EURASIAN BASIN AND THE LOMONOSOV RIDGE WITH THE CONTINENTAL MARGIN OF SIBERIA ACCORDING TO NEW SEISMIC DATAJOURNAL: No. 4(40) 2020, p. 34-42HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Shipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Kirillova, T.A. ORGANIZATIONS: P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Polar Geophysical Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of RAS , JSC Marine Arctic Geological Expedition DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-4-34-42 UDC: 55:551.24 The article was received on: 06.06.2020 Keywords: Lomonosov ridge, arctic continental margin, seismic sections, tectonics, Eurasian basin, pull-apart basin Bibliographic description: Shipilov, E.V., Lobkovsky, L.I., Kirillova, T.A. On tectonic-geodynamic relationships of the Eurasian basin and the Lomonosov Ridge with the continental margin of Siberia according to new seismic data. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2020, no. 4(40), pp. 34-42. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-4-34-42. (In Russian). Abstract: Basing on the results of the interpretation of new seismic materials, the authors consider the structural features of the southern segments of the Eurasian Basin and the Lomonosov Ridge in the zone of junction with the continental margin of Siberia (the Laptev and East Siberian Seas). Interpretative analysis of the materials shows that the base of the sedimentary cover of the southern segment of the Eurasian Basin, where there are no regular linear magnetic anomalies, is predominantly represented by strongly stretched blocks of the continental basement. The formation the axial zone of spreading of the Gakkel Ridge here took place according to a three-stage development scheme: rifting in the Aptian-Alba and its telescoping development in the Late Cretaceous — Paleocene-Eocene, inherited valley formation in late neotectonic time. The development of the Severny Basin located in the zone of junction of the Lomonosov Ridge with the continental margin is similar to the scenario for the formation of pull-apart basins. Its formation was interconnected with the simultaneously opening adjacent extreme southeastern segment of the Amundsen Basin of the Eurasian Basin. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594