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Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(33) 2019 » Maritime activities and the issues of life rescue in the Russian Arctic MARITIME ACTIVITIES AND THE ISSUES OF LIFE RESCUE IN THE RUSSIAN ARCTICJOURNAL: No. 1(33) 2019, p. 118-128HEADING: Shipbuilding for the Arctic AUTHORS: Nikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Valdman, N.A. ORGANIZATIONS: Krylov State Research Centre DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-1-118-128 UDC: 629.5; 614.8(211,98) The article was received on: 13.11.2018 Keywords: accident rate of ships, safety of navigation, LNG-carriers, ice-going vessels, air-cushion vessels, tanker Bibliographic description: Nikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Valdman, N.A. Maritime activities and the issues of life rescue in the Russian Arctic. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 1(33), pp. 118-128. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-1-118-128. (In Russian). Abstract: Specificfactors of the Arcticenvironmentdirectlyaffectingtheliferescuesystemare considered. The status and prospects of marine activities in this area are considered for shaping the life rescue concept for this region, covering a wide range of operations, including transportation of various cargoes, construction and installation works, geologic exploration, mining, multi-disciplinary research in ice conditions, etc. Based on this, the configuration and characteristics of the engineering facilities operated in the region are summarized. Particular attention is paid to the icebreaker fleet, as ensuring the safety of marine activities in ice conditions. The specific aspects of life rescue operations in the Arctic, including reported events, are considered. The paper contains data on icebreakers, which are among key rescuetechnologies. Air-cushion vessels (ACV) areanothertypeofrescue meanshavingsignificantly lessweather and performance restrictions than helicopters. Information on the equipment ofa number of rescue centers with these vessels is summarized. The available ACVs of smaller size areanalyzed.It is revealed that not all of them are suitable for rescue operations due to their parameters. There is a wide diversity in ACV types, mainly in terms of the equipment used, which introduces considerable difficulties in maintenance and repair. More significant drawbacks of the existing ships are too low passenger capacity and low cruising range. In addition, all of them are not adapted to the reception and transportation of injured people. In this regard, recommendations have been developed for the unification of a numerous type of small ACVs. Suggesting approaches to more efficient utilizationofvesselstheauthors haveanalyzedthe numerical composition of the crews working on ships and arctic facilities, the range of their location from the coast. Based on this analysis, the capacityandrange requirements for ACVs are justified. An efficient type of ACVs is proposed to fill up the gap in available vessels. Finance info: Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (грант № 18-05-70001) «Изучение геологических и геодинамических обстановок формирования крупных месторождений стратегических металлов Арктической зоны России: выводы для прогнозирования и поисков новых месторождений». References: 1. Nikitin V. S., Polovinkin V. N., Simonov Yu. A., Ivanov Yu.M. Razvitie morskoi deyatel’nosti v rossiiskoi Arktike. [Development of maritime activities in the Russian Arctic]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2015, no. 2 (18), pp. 78—87. 2. Brodskii P. G., Dubin A. E., Ilyukhin V. N., Popov S. D. O napravleniyakh razvitiya sil i sredstv poiskovo-spasatel’nogo obespecheniya morskoi deyatel’nosti v Arktike. [Trends in the development of modern technologies for search-and-rescue support of maritime activities in Arctic]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2016, no. 1 (21), pp. 94—101. 3. Ilyukhin V. N. Osobennosti, tendentsii i osnovnye napravleniya sovremennogo razvitiya sredstv i tekhnologii poiskovo-spasatel’nogo obespecheniya morskoi deyatel’nosti. Ch. 1. [Specific aspects, trends and mainstream strategies in the development of modern technologies for search-and-rescue support of maritime activities.Pt. 1]. Morskoi vestn, 2016, no. 3 (59), pp. 75—79. 4. Tarovik V. I., Val’dman N. A., Pavlovskii V. A., Karelin A. A., Burakova E. A., Rap M. M. Avariinoe spasatel’noe sredstvo dlya ekstrennoi evakuatsii personala s morskikh platform v ledovykh usloviyakh. [Lifesaving equipment for emergency evacuation of personnel from offshore platform in ice conditions]. Tr. TsNIIim. akad. A. N. Krylova, 2013, no. 74 (358), pp. 107—116. Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594