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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(36) 2019 » Is it possible to restore the Arctic lake ecosystems after long-term pollution? IS IT POSSIBLE TO RESTORE THE ARCTIC LAKE ECOSYSTEMS AFTER LONG-TERM POLLUTION?JOURNAL: No. 4(36) 2019, p. 16-25HEADING: Ecology AUTHORS: Moiseenko, T.I., Denisov, D.B. ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems of the Kola Science Centre of the RAS, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academó of Sciences DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-16-25 UDC: 504.4.054 The article was received on: 08.05.2019 Keywords: Arctic region, Lake Imandra, long-term pollution, mining complex, ecosystem modifications, ecosystem restoration Bibliographic description: Moiseenko, T.I., Denisov, D.B. Is it possible to restore the Arctic lake ecosystems after long-term pollution?. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 4(36), pp. 16-25. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-16-25. (In Russian). Abstract: Intensive development of mineral resources of the Arctic regions has led to anthropogenic pressure on ecosystems. Using the example of the long-term anthropogenic pollution of the subarctic Lake Imandra with the sewage of the mining and industrial complex, the dynamics of changes in ecosystem indicators for more than 70 years is considered, an analysis of the newly formed lake modification that is significantly different from the natural state is given. Chemical water composition and the ecosystem structural components (phyto, animal plankton, zoobenthos and fish fauna) are analyzed in following periods: 1) pre-industrial in the natural background state; 2) industrial development of deposits on the shores of the lake and intensive pollution; 3) significant reduction of anthropogenic impact and; 4) the current state. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594