Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(12) 2013 » Comprehensive reconstruction of the temperature of the Russian Arctic over the last two millenia


JOURNAL: No. 4(12) 2013, p. 84-95

HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic

AUTHORS: Klimenko, V.V., Matskovsky, V.V., Dalmann, D..

ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Rhine University

UDC: 551.583.556.5

Keywords: reconstruction, average annual temperature

Bibliographic description: Klimenko, V.V., Matskovsky, V.V., Dalmann, D.. Comprehensive reconstruction of the temperature of the Russian Arctic over the last two millenia. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2013, no. 4(12), pp. 84-95. DOI: . (In Russian).


Quantitative reconstruction of the average annual temperature in the North-East Europe over the past two millennia is presented.  The reconstruction is based on indirect climatic data - dendrochronological, palynological and historic information.  The reconstruction is intended specially for construction of relative chronology of climatic and historical events in the region.  Five variants of the reconstruction depending on different calibration and verification procedures were studied.  Comparison of reconstruction of decade values of average annual temperatures in the North-East Europe with regional and hemisphere values shows that major climatic events were manifested both across the Northern hemisphere, and within its separate regions.  At the same time the less significant climatic changes at the regional level may be substantially different to the overall climatic picture in the hemisphere.  Across the pre-industrial period the average annual temperatures in years 981-990 were in average 1°С higher and minimal temperatures in 1811—1820 were in average 1.3°С  lower, than in average in 1951-1980.  The reconstructed chronology shows much higher amplitude of variability compared to hemisphere and panarctic reconstructions. 

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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594