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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(24) 2016 » Comparison and use of observations and modeling of level in the Kara Sea COMPARISON AND USE OF OBSERVATIONS AND MODELING OF LEVEL IN THE KARA SEAJOURNAL: No. 4(24) 2016, p. 72-79HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Borisov, E.V., Rayevsky, D.N. ORGANIZATIONS: N. N. Zubov’s State Oceanographic Institute, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences UDC: 551.465 Keywords: time series, demodulation method, level of the Kara sea Bibliographic description: Borisov, E.V., Rayevsky, D.N. Comparison and use of observations and modeling of level in the Kara Sea. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 4(24), pp. 72-79. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: The results of the comparison of model level of the Kara Sea calculated using a numerical mathematical INMOM model with observations data of sea level received by automatic recorders in the summer of 2015 are given. The observations were carried out on two buoy stations for a month. The level recorders were set at an intermediate depth of 113 m on the first station and on the bottom (35 m) on the other. To compare the series of observations made at various ways of registers setting, the data of specific observations, carried out at the same station in 2014 were used. Comparison of model series of level with observations data was carried out using the method of frequency-phase demodulation and remodulation which allows selecting the control periodic components corresponding to the period of effect of formative forces. It is shown that the main contribution to discrepancy between the compared series at random times is made by the errors associated probably with modeling of basin response to the predicted atmospheric wind impact. References: 1. German V. Kh.. Levikov S. P. Veroyatnostnyy analiz i modelirovaniye kolebaniy urovnya morya. [Probabilistic analysis and modeling of sea level fluctuations]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1988, ð. 231. (In Russian). 2. Grendzher K., Khatanaka M. Spektralnyy analiz ekonomicheskikh vremennykh ryadov. [Spectral analysis of economic time series]. Moscow, Statistika, 1972, ð.312. (In Russian). 3. Dmitriyev N. E., Proshutinskiy A. Yu. Ob issledovanii kolebaniy urovnya Karskogo moray. [On the study of fluctuations in the level of the Kara Sea]. Tr. AANII, 1989, Vol. 414, ðð. 53—62. (In Russian). 4. Zhukov Yu. N. Kinematicheskiy analiz prilivov dlya obespecheniya prikladnykh zadach morskoy deyatelnosti Rossii. [Kinematic analysis of tides to ensure the applied tasks of the marine activities of Russia]. Tr. GOIN, 2011, Issue 213. (In Russian). 5. Monin A. S., Kamenkovich V. M., Kort V. G. Izmenchivost Mirovogo okeana. [The variability of the oceans]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974, ð.262. (In Russian). 6. Rabinovich A. B. Dlinnyye gravitatsionnyye volny v okeane: zakhvat. rezonans. izlucheniye. [Long gravitational waves in the ocean: capture, resonance, radiation]. St. Petersburg, Gidrometeoizdat, 1993, ð.325. (In Russian). 7. Skamarock A. Description of the Advanced Research WRF, Version 3 / NCAR Technical Notes. — [S. l.], 2008. 8. Zalesny V. Â., Diansky N. À., Fomin V. V. et al. Numerical model of the circulation of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov // Russian J. Numer. Anal. Modeling, 2012, Vol. 27, nî.1, ðð. 95—111. Download » | ||||
© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594