Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 3(27) 2017 » Features of cryolithogenesis in the presence of gashydrates (on example of West Siberia)


JOURNAL: No. 3(27) 2017, p. 18-27

HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic

AUTHORS: Konovalov, A.A.

ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of the Problems of Northern Development, Tyumen Scientific Centre of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2017-3-18-27

UDC: 624.131.139

The article was received on: 21.01.2017

Keywords: gas hydrates, cryolithic zone, ice formation, durability, transgressions and regressions of the sea, supercooling, subsidence

Bibliographic description: Konovalov, A.A. Features of cryolithogenesis in the presence of gashydrates (on example of West Siberia). Arctic: ecology and economy, 2017, no. 3(27), pp. 18-27. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2017-3-18-27. (In Russian).


Discusses the features of the dynamics of permafrost zone of Western Siberia, due to repeated change of cold (glacial) and warm periods, marine transgressions and regressions during the Quaternary period; as well as the presence of gas accumulations, including those in hydrated form. It is shown that in the late Pleistocene (cold epochs) climate favored the formation and preservation of all cryogenic complex, not only frozen rocks, and gas hydrates. In the Holocene, especially during optimum, both are heavily degraded, their existence has shifted far to the North, leaving numerous physical and morphometric traces of its former wide distribution (thermokarst lakes, loess soils, the wedge-shaped formation and soil textures of the same shape, vitaulic ice formations, etc.). The peculiarities of crystallization of soil moisture in three stages: the latent (hypothermia), which formed the first crystals of ice and two explicit. The first of them at a constant temperature, freeze all free (unbound) water. Second, with decreasing temperatures freeze loosely bound moisture, there corresponds to each temperature a certain amount of unfrozen water. At the end of stage at a sufficiently low cooling temperature is set solid frozen condition, approximately equal to the temperature exposure. It is established that each temperature on the stage of hypothermia thawed soil can be mapped equal to the temperature of freezing of the soil that determines its strength and other physical properties in a frozen state. I. e., the temperature at the stage of supercooling of the melt of ground as it tells the observer, what is its value and, consequently, the stress — deformation condition is in this soil when it freezes. The formula of long-term strength of frozen soil as functions of temperature, pressure, time and relative deformation thawed ice. Shown the General features of the freezing of ground water and water released during dissociation of gas hydrates. For both cases the formulae are obtained when the temperature of crystallization and hypothermia. Analyzed environmental risks associated with climate warming under conditions of high gas content of frozen rocks.


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594