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Home » Archive of journals » Volume 14, No. 4, 2024 » Justification of the method for regulating the level of oil pollution of soils on the territory of oil production and transportation facilities in the Arctic zone JUSTIFICATION OF THE METHOD FOR REGULATING THE LEVEL OF OIL POLLUTION OF SOILS ON THE TERRITORY OF OIL PRODUCTION AND TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES IN THE ARCTIC ZONEJOURNAL: Volume 14, No. 4, 2024, p. 585-595HEADING: Ecology AUTHORS: Makosko, A.A., Korolevà, L.A., Malygin, I.G., Tarantsev, A.A., Zaykin, R.G. ORGANIZATIONS: A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Solomenko Institute of Transport Problems of the Russian academy of sciences, Saint-Petersburg State Fire Service University named after E.N. Zinichev DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2024-4-585-595 UDC: 504.064; 332.368 The article was received on: 27.08.2024 Keywords: soil pollution with oil, monitoring, regression analysis, emergency, Arctic zone, regulation method Bibliographic description: Makosko, A.A., Korolevà, L.A., Malygin, I.G., Tarantsev, A.A., Zaykin, R.G. Justification of the method for regulating the level of oil pollution of soils on the territory of oil production and transportation facilities in the Arctic zone. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2024, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 585-595. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2024-4-585-595. (In Russian). Abstract: The development prospects of the Arctic zone are associated with oil production and transportation. During operation of oil production and transportation facilities emergency oil spills are possible. The monitoring of the soil cover state requires established standards for permissible oil pollution of soils. The study is aimed at developing a method for local regulation of oil pollution of soils on the territory of oil production and transportation facilities located in the Arctic zone. Finance info: The work was carried out in accordance with state assignments of the Solomenko Institute of Transport Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of RAS and was supported by the Strategic Academic Leadership Program “Priority-2030” (strategic project no. 5 of the Russian University of Transport). References: 1. Voronina E. P. Logistics of oil and gas transportation in the Arctic region of the Russian Federation: current state and development priorities. Economics and Business: theory and practice, 2020, nî. 11-1, ðð. 174—183. DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-10891. (In Russian). 2. Petenko A. V. Development of the oil sector in the Arctic zone of Russia: Problems and prospects. Progressive economy, 2023, nî. 2, ðð. 70—84. 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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594