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Home » Archive of journals » No. 3(31) 2018 » Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) — a perspective aquaculture object for the North of Russia ARCTIC CHAR (SALVELINUS ALPINUS L.) — A PERSPECTIVE AQUACULTURE OBJECT FOR THE NORTH OF RUSSIAJOURNAL: No. 3(31) 2018, p. 137-143HEADING: Regional problems AUTHORS: Nikandrov, V.Y., Pavlisov, A.A., Shindavina, N.I., Lukin, A.A., Golod, V.M., Lipatova, M.I. ORGANIZATIONS: Federal center for fish genetics selection and selection (branch of FGBU «Glavrybvod») DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-3-137-143 UDC: 639.3 The article was received on: 11.05.2018 Keywords: aquaculture, Arctic char, biodiversity, plant breeding, selection Bibliographic description: Nikandrov, V.Y., Pavlisov, A.A., Shindavina, N.I., Lukin, A.A., Golod, V.M., Lipatova, M.I. Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) — a perspective aquaculture object for the North of Russia. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2018, no. 3(31), pp. 137-143. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-3-137-143. (In Russian). Abstract: Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) is a promising aquaculture object in the Russian Arctic due to its evolutionary adaptation to polar conditions. Potentially, this species can become the basis of commercial fish farming in the North. The breeding of young fish and formation of broodstocks in hatcheries using genetic principles of reproduction management will allow receiving delicacy products, and will serve as a basis for restoring the number of natural populations. The arctic char forms different ecotypes (anadromous, lake-river, lake, river and stream forms) that provides a successful search of promising populations in natural reservoirs and hybridization to achieve the effect of heterosis and the creation of fast-growing breeds. So, Arctic char is a unique object for selection work. References: 1. Sostoyanie mirovogo rybolovstva i akvakul’tury 2016. Vklad v obespechenie vseobshchei prodovol’stvennoi bezopasnosti i pitaniya. [State of world fisheries and aquaculture 2016. Contribution to universal food security and nutrition]. FAO. Rim, 2016, 216 p. (In Russian). 2. Lukin A. A., Bogdanova V. A., Kostyunichev V. V., Korolev A. E. Perspektivy razvitiya akvakul’tury v zapadnoi chasti Arkticheskoi zony Rossiiskoi Federatsii. [Prospects of aquaculture development in the Western part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2016, no. 4 (24), pp. 100—108. (In Russian). 3. Atlas presnovodnykh ryb Rossii. T. 1. [Atlas of freshwater fish of Russia Vol. 1]. Moscow, Nauka, 2003, 383 p. (In Russian). 4. Savvaitova K. A. Arkticheskie gol’tsy (struktura populyatsionnykh sistem, perspektivy khozyaistvennogo ispol’zovaniya). [Arctic char (structure of population systems, perspective of economic use)]. Moscow, Agropromizdat, 1989, 223 p. (In Russian). 5. Kaizer A. A., Kaizer G. A. Biokhimicheskii sostav i pishchevaya tsennost’ produktsii gol’tsa arkticheskogo (Salvelvelinusalpinus) nizhnego techeniya r. Pyasina. [Biochemical composition and food value of products of Arctic charr (Salvelvelinus alpinus) the lower reaches of the river Pyasina]. Noril’sk, GNU NIISKh Krainego Severa, 2013. pp. 98—102. (In Russian). 6. Populyatsionnaya genetika i upravlenie rybnym khozyaistvom. [Population genetics and fisheries management]. Red. N. Riman, F. Atter. Moscow, Agropromizdat, 1991, 480 p. (In Russian). 7. Altukhov Yu. P. Vnutrividovoe geneticheskoe raznoobrazie: monitoring i printsipy sokhraneniya. [Intra-species genetic diversity: monitoring and principles of conservation]. Genetika, 1995, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 1333—1357. (In Russian). 8. Altukhov Yu. P. Geneticheskie protsessy v populyatsiyakh. [Genetic processes in populations]. Moscow, IKTs “Akademkniga”, 2003, 431 p. (In Russian). Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594