Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » Volume 12, No. 2, 2022 » The effectiveness evaluation of implementing micro-hydroelectric power plants for the ecotourism development in remote areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Murmansk region)


JOURNAL: Volume 12, No. 2, 2022, p. 288-297

HEADING: Regional problems

AUTHORS: Bezhan, A.V., Konovalova, O.E.

ORGANIZATIONS: Northern Energetics Research Centre Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-2-288-297

UDC: 621.311.212+621.311.236

The article was received on: 08.02.2022

Keywords: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, renewable energy sources, diesel power plant, hydroelectric power plant, carbon dioxide emissions, net present value, ecological tourism, low carbon development

Bibliographic description: Bezhan, A.V., Konovalova, O.E. The effectiveness evaluation of implementing micro-hydroelectric power plants for the ecotourism development in remote areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Murmansk region). Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2022, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 288-297. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-2-288-297. (In Russian).


The article considers the problem of power supply to remote ecotourism areas of the Murmansk region. In such areas, diesel generators are used to supply tourist complexes, the fuel for which is mainly delivered by helicopters, which is the reason for the high cost of electricity. At the same time, the operation of diesel generators is accompanied by harmful emissions into the environment, which contradicts the principles of ecotourism, where human influence on nature implies actions related to the preservation of nature in its natural state. Using the example of two tourist complexes “Acha” and “Pacha”, the authors suggest one of the solutions to these problems: the use of micro-hydroelectric power plants together with diesel generators. They outline that in this case the main effect is expressed in fuel economy and, as a result, in 1.5-fold reduction in the cost of electricity generated. Also, due to fuel economy in the two tourist complexes considered, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by a total of 29 tons per working season. The discounted payback period of micro-hydroelectric power plants will be about 2 years.


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594