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Home » Archive of journals » Volume 12, No. 1, 2022 » Features of the seismic process in the western part of the Aleutian subduction zone and their possible relationship with climate changes in the Arctic FEATURES OF THE SEISMIC PROCESS IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE ALEUTIAN SUBDUCTION ZONE AND THEIR POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP WITH CLIMATE CHANGES IN THE ARCTICJOURNAL: Volume 12, No. 1, 2022, p. 58-67HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Vladimirova, I.S., Lobkovsky, L.I., Alekseev, D.A., Gabsatarov, Y.V. ORGANIZATIONS: P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-1-58-67 UDC: 551.24 The article was received on: 23.11.2021 Keywords: geodynamic model, climate changes, tectonics, the great earthquakes, Aleutian subduction zone Bibliographic description: Vladimirova, I.S., Lobkovsky, L.I., Alekseev, D.A., Gabsatarov, Y.V. Features of the seismic process in the western part of the Aleutian subduction zone and their possible relationship with climate changes in the Arctic. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 58-67. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-1-58-67. (In Russian). Abstract: In the second half of the XX century, there was a pronounced increase in the average annual temperature in the troposphere surface layer of the Russian Arctic region, which led to a scaling-up in the risks of natural disasters associated with the cryolithosphere degradation. Modern integrated studies of the Arctic have revealed a significant influence of geodynamic processes on the permafrost state. Previously, a seismogenic-trigger mechanism of the occurrence of climate warming phases in the Arctic proved to be possible due to strong mechanical disturbances of the marginal region of the Arctic lithosphere, caused by major earthquakes in the Aleutian subduction zone. The authors discuss the features of the seismic cycle in the Aleutian subduction zone, characterized the presence of a pronounced tangential component of the convergence vector of lithospheric plates. The study shows that the orientation of the plate convergence vector relative to subduction zone axis can have a significant impact on the preparation and occurrence of major earthquakes in subduction zones. In particular, the analysis of the seismic activity occurring in the western part of the Aleutian island arc showed that the seismic cycles here are shorter than in the eastern part of the arc. The authors revealed that major earthquakes, repeated in the same areas of the western part of the Aleutian subduction zone, differ both in magnitude and foci length. Taking into account the oblique subduction setting, the authors propose a keyboard model for the generation of major subduction-associated earthquakes as a mechanism potentially capable to explain the reduction in the seismic cycle duration and noticeable differences in the spatial extent and the foci localization of seismic events with similar magnitudes observed in the same segment of the western half of the Aleutian subduction zone. Finance info: ussian Science Foundation funded the study, grant No. 20-17-00140 “Development of a geomechanical model of major earthquake cycles in subduction zones, using satellite geodesy data”. References: 1. Report on climate features in the Russian Federation for 2020. Moscow, Rosgidromet, 2021, 104 p. (In Russian). 2. Veselov I. A., Chupriyan A. P. On measures of the Russian Emergencies Ministry to ensure the implementation of economic and infrastructure projects in the Arctic and the creation of a system of specialized emergency rescue centers. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594