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Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(37) 2020 » Geophysical model of the Earth’s crust, geodynamic conditions and prospects for discovering Carlin-type ore deposits in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) GEOPHYSICAL MODEL OF THE EARTH’S CRUST, GEODYNAMIC CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS FOR DISCOVERING CARLIN-TYPE ORE DEPOSITS IN THE ARCTIC ZONE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SAKHA (YAKUTIA)JOURNAL: No. 1(37) 2020, p. 82-94HEADING: Study and development of nature resources of the Arctic AUTHORS: Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L. ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of RAS DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-1-82-94 UDC: 553.411(571.56-18) The article was received on: 15.11.2019 Keywords: Arctic zone, metallogenic forecast, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Sakindzhi ore region, Carlin-type ore deposits Bibliographic description: Volkov, A.V., Galyamov, A.L. Geophysical model of the Earth’s crust, geodynamic conditions and prospects for discovering Carlin-type ore deposits in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Arctic: ecology and economy, 2020, no. 1(37), pp. 82-94. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-1-82-94. (In Russian). Abstract: A comparative metallogenic analysis of the geodynamic conditions for the formation of Carlin Type Ore Deposits (CTOD) is performed on the basis of modern geophysical models of the lithosphere of the Verkhoyansk, Nevada and South China metallogenic provinces. The southeastern trend of the CTOD of the Sakindzhi ore area in the Yakutia Arctic zone of the Verkhoyansk province corresponds to the trend of the average density and temperature of the upper mantle. A similar direction is also noted in the structure of the Moho surface. The Nevada and Sakindzhi CTOD and deposits of the Guizhou region (South China) are spatially confined to areas with an average thickness of the earth’s crust (on mantle uplifts or their slopes). The Nevada and Sakyndzhi gold ore deposits are confined to the crustal areas with the smallest thickness of a weakly metamorphosed sedimentary layer, while the pattern is not observed in the location of the South Chinese CTOD. The Nevada and Sakyndzhi deposits are spatially controlled by relatively less dense and warmer sections of the upper mantle. The South Chinese CTOD are localized on the border of the “warmed” and “cooled” region of the upper mantle. The similarity of the geodynamic conditions in the formation of the Nevada and Sakyndzhi CTOD is revealed that confirms high prospects for the discovery of large deposits in this Arctic region of Yakutia. New ore areas with CTOD are forecasted throughout the Chersko-Polousnensky folded belt (Kolyma loop). Finance info: This research is financially supported by the RFFI — Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 18-05-70001) “Studying the geological and geodynamic conditions for the formation of large strategic metal deposits in the Russian Arctic zone: conclusions for forecasting and searching of new deposits”. References: 1. Volkov A. V. Sidorov A. A. Geologo-geneticheskaya model’ mestorozhdeniy zolota Karlinskogo tipa. [Geological and genetic model of Karlinsky type gold deposits]. Litosfera, 2016, no. 6, ðð. 145—165. (In Russian). 2. Mineral commodity summaries 2019. U.S. Geological Survey. [S. l.], 2019, 196 p. 3. Berger V. I., Mosier D. L., Bliss J. D., Moring B. C. Sediment-Hosted Gold Deposits of the World-Database and Grade and Tonnage Models. Open-File Report 2014-1074, June 2014, Virginia, Reston, U.S. Geological Survey, 2014, 46 p. 4. Laske G., Masters G., Reif C. A New Global Crustal Model at 2×2 Degrees (CRUST2.0). 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594