Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(36) 2019 » Elimination of accumulated environmental damage in the Arctic: approaches and limitations for oil-contaminated sites remediation


JOURNAL: No. 4(36) 2019, p. 26-37

HEADING: Ecology

AUTHORS: Kulikova, O.A., Mazlova, E.A.

ORGANIZATIONS: Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-26-37

UDC: 504.054/502.052

The article was received on: 14.01.2019

Keywords: oil pollution, remediation, accumulated environmental damage, the elimination accumulated environmental damage, oil-contaminated soils

Bibliographic description: Kulikova, O.A., Mazlova, E.A. Elimination of accumulated environmental damage in the Arctic: approaches and limitations for oil-contaminated sites remediation. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 4(36), pp. 26-37. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-26-37. (In Russian).


he article presents the analysis results of current Russian and world approaches used to assess objects of accumulated environmental damage (AED) in order to justify the need of AED elimination in the Arctic zone. The algorithm for expert assessment of the AED objects in the Arctic and the feasibility of their remediation are proposed. It is assumed that the results of the assessment and control of the AED objects in the Arctic territories will be the basis for the decision-making process regarding these objects. The findings may indicate the need to expand the range of activities from monitoring the situation with the gradual reduction of hazardous pollution and remediation of contaminated areas up to the complete elimination of the AED facility.
The authors propose a scientifically based approach to the selection of potentially effective and relevant methods for eliminating oil pollution in the Arctic and northern ecosystems. When choosing approaches to the technical and biological stages of remediation, regional climatic, ecological, economic and logistic features should be taken into account.
The development of an action program for the remediation of the AED territories should take into account the potential risk of secondary pollution, microbiological contamination of the territories, the introduction of invasive species into the ecosystem, etc. Since the studied areas are characterized by low natural stability of ecosystems, especially with regard to oil pollution, the creation of engineered biogeochemical barriers seems appropriate to localize the treated area and minimize contamination of adjacent territories.

Finance info: Статья подготовлена в рамках Соглашения о сотрудничестве № 66/2018 от 15 июня 2018 г. между Некоммерческим партнерством «Российский центр освоения Арк­тики» и Российским государственным университетом нефти и газа (национальным исследовательским университетом) имени И. М. Губкина.


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594