Bibliographic description:Stepanko, N.G. The structure of nature management in the Arctic territories of the Russian Far East. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 2(34), pp. 18-30. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-2-18-30. (In Russian).
The Arctic zone of the Russian Far East has significant reserves of a wide variety of resources, the most important of which are oil, gas, diamonds, and gold. Therefore, this area is very attractive for both domestic and foreign investors. But at the same time, these territories are characterized by a harsh climate, the presence of permafrost, these are regions with low ecological capacity and stability, and therefore man-made impacts can be disastrous and lead to irreversible processes. Since the territorial-economic structure and, as a result, the ecological situation is determined, first of all, by the natural-resource potential, it is necessary to determine the structure of environmental management directions. In the presented work, a detailed socio-economic, natural-geographical, ecological characteristics of the Russian Far East Arctic zone in the uluse profile are given, the structure of existing and possible future directions of environmental management is proposed, the main environmental problems are highlighted. In terms of total pollution as one of the environmental restrictions, uluses were identified in which economic activity should be limited to the necessary environmental protection technical and technological measures.
Finance info: Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ № 18-05-60103 «Пространственная дифференциация уровней и форм адаптации групп населения к изменению природных, социально-экономических и экологических условий в районах Восточной Арктики»
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