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Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(21) 2016 » Experience of using the thermal profiling drifters to study the Arctic region of the Ocean EXPERIENCE OF USING THE THERMAL PROFILING DRIFTERS TO STUDY THE ARCTIC REGION OF THE OCEANJOURNAL: No. 1(21) 2016, p. 38-45HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Motyzhev, S.V., Lunev, E.G., Tolstosheev, A.P., Bykov, E.M. ORGANIZATIONS: Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS UDC: 551.46 Keywords: Arctic monitoring, upper layer of the ocean, drifter, temperature profile Bibliographic description: Motyzhev, S.V., Lunev, E.G., Tolstosheev, A.P., Bykov, E.M. Experience of using the thermal profiling drifters to study the Arctic region of the Ocean. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 1(21), pp. 38-45. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: The results of development of autonomous thermal profiling drifters to study the polar regions of the Ocean are given. The conclusion on possibility to establish a reliable and efficient system for monitoring of the polar regions using the drifters are made on the basis of data analysis of long-term field experiments. References: 1. Писарев С. В. Опыт применения автоматических дрейфующих устройств для исследования водной толщи и ледового покрова Арктики в начале XXI в. // Арктика: экология и экономика. — 2012. — № 4. — С. 66—75. 2. Толстошеев А. П., Лунев Е. Г., Мотыжев С. В. Анализ результатов натурных экспериментов с термопрофилирующими дрейфующими буями в Черном море и других районах Мирового океана / Мор. гидрофиз. журн. — 2014. — № 5. — С. 9—32. 3. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Ice mass balance results: 2013E // http://imb.erdc.dren.mil/ 2013E.htm. 4. Jackson J. M., Carmack E. C., McLaughlin F. A. et al. Identification, characterization, and change of the near-surface temperature maximum in the CanadaBasin, 1993—2008 // J. of Geophys. Res. — Oceans. — 2010. — 115. 5. Steele M., Ermold W., Zhang J. Modeling the formation and fate of the near-surface temperature maximum in the Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean // J. of Geophys. Res. — 2011. — 116. — C11015. — doi:10.1029/2010JC006803. 6. Steele M., Rigor I. Measuring of the Upper Layer Temperature of the Arctic Ocean // Results from the Third NSF AON Principal Investigators (PI) Meeting. Boulder, 30 November — 2 December 2009. — [S. l.], 2009. — P. 102—104. 7. UpTempO. Upper level Temperature of the Arctic Ocean Project / Univ. of Washington; Applied Physics Laboratory; PolarScienceCenter // http://psc.apl.washington.edu/UpTempO/. Download » | ||||
© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594