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Home » Archive of journals » No. 3(23) 2016 » Development of methodological approaches to the assessment of economic losses caused by oil spills in formation of insurance protection of off shore facilities on the shelf DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC LOSSES CAUSED BY OIL SPILLS IN FORMATION OF INSURANCE PROTECTION OF OFF SHORE FACILITIES ON THE SHELFJOURNAL: No. 3(23) 2016, p. 50-57HEADING: Ecology AUTHORS: Valdman, N.A., Malyarenko, N.N., Kulikova, L.A., Kuzyachkin, S.N., Emelyanov, R.R. ORGANIZATIONS: Krylov State Research Centre, JSC “SOGAS” UDC: 504.054 Keywords: emergency oil spill, continental shelf, spill response, limit of liability, insurance protection program, the economic losses from environmental violations Bibliographic description: Valdman, N.A., Malyarenko, N.N., Kulikova, L.A., Kuzyachkin, S.N., Emelyanov, R.R. Development of methodological approaches to the assessment of economic losses caused by oil spills in formation of insurance protection of off shore facilities on the shelf. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 3(23), pp. 50-57. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: Modern approaches to the assessment of economic losses caused by environmental violations and current methods for calculating the extent of damage caused by accidents at shelf facilities are analyzed. Methodical courses to determine the environmental damage and costs for elimination of the consequences of oil spills on the shelf are described. The factors that form the insurance coverage of off shore facilities are analyzed. The recommendations to determine liability limits for different types of insurance are made, and a standard program of insurance protection of operating facilities are proposed. References: 1. Zhuravel V. I., Mansurov M. N., Marichev A. V. 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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594