Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 3(23) 2016 » Remote identification of areas of surface gas and gas emissions in the Arctic: Yamal Peninsula


JOURNAL: No. 3(23) 2016, p. 4-15

HEADING: Research activities in the Arctic

AUTHORS: Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S.

ORGANIZATIONS: Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Russian Space Systems

UDC: 502:631.4(98), 550.834(26)

Keywords: gas blowout (emission), gas shows, degassing, remote sensing, satellite images, crater, Yamal peninsula

Bibliographic description: Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Nikonov, R.A., Sizov, O.S. Remote identification of areas of surface gas and gas emissions in the Arctic: Yamal Peninsula. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 3(23), pp. 4-15. DOI: . (In Russian).


It is shown that the thermokarst lakes in the Northern Siberia are an active source of methane emissions to the atmosphere. The criteria to identify gas shows and gas emissions in the Arctic by example of Yamal lakes according to data of remote space sensing are developed. Search of surface gas should be based on a number of identified remote features which include: abnormal blue color of water, the craters at the bottom and gas seepage in water, the traces of gas clusters in seasonal ice cover, as well as an active coastal erosion and processes of permafrost heave near shore line. Identified features can be used for detailed mapping of gas in the high latitudes to a high degree of reliability.

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1. Bogoyavlenskiy V. I. Ugroza katastroficheskikh vybrosov gaza iz kriolitozony Arktiki. Voronki Yamala i Taymyra. [The threat of catastrophic gas emissions from the Arctic cryolithozone. Funnels of Yamal and Taimyr.]/ Part. 1. Bureniye i neft, 2014, no.9, ðð. 13—18. (In Russian).

2. Bogoyavlenskiy V. I. Ugroza katastroficheskikh vybrosov gaza iz kriolitozony Arktiki. Voronki Yamala i Taymyra. [The threat of catastrophic gas emissions from the Arctic cryolithozone. Funnels of Yamal and Taimyr.], Part. 2, Bureniye i neft, 2014, no. 10, ðð. 4—8. (In Russian).

3. Bogoyavlenskiy V. I. Chrezvychaynyye situatsii pri osvoyenii resursov nefti i gaza v Arktike i Mirovom okeane. [Emergency situations in the development of oil and gas resources in the Arctic and the World Ocean]. Arktika: ekologiya. ekonomika, 2014, no. 4 (16), ðð. 48—59. (In Russian).

4. Bogoyavlenskiy V. I. Arktika i Mirovoy okean: sovremennoye sostoyaniye. perspektivy i problemy osvoyeniya resursov uglevodorodov. [The Arctic and the World Ocean: current state, prospects and problems of hydrocarbon resources development]. Moscow, VEO, Tr. Volnogo ekon. o-va., 2014, Vol. 182, ðð. 11—175. (In Russian).

5. Bogoyavlenskiy V. I. Vybrosy gaza i nefti na sushe i akvatoriyakh Arktiki i Mirovogo okeana. [Emissions of gas and oil on land and in the waters of the Arctic and the World Ocean]. Bureniye i neft, 2015, no. , ðð. 4—10. (In Russian).

6. Bogoyavlenskiy V. I., Mazharov A. V., Pushkarev V. A., Bogoyavlenskiy I. V. Vybrosy gaza iz kriolitozony poluostrova Yamal. Predvaritelnyye rezultaty ekspeditsii 8 iyulya 2015 g. [Gas emissions from the Yamal Peninsula permafrost zone. The preliminary results of the expedition July 8, 2015]. Bureniye i neft, 2015, no. 7—8, ðð. 8—13. (In Russian).

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21. Laverov N. P., Bogoyavlenskiy V. I., Bogoyavlenskiy I. V. Fundamentalnyye aspekty ratsionalnogo osvoyeniya resursov nefti i gaza Arktiki i shelfa Rossii: strategiya. perspektivy i problem. [Fundamental aspects of the rational development of oil and gas resources in the Arctic and the Russian shelf: strategy, prospects and problems]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2016, no. 2 (22), ðð. 4—13. (In Russian).

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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594