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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(24) 2016 » Development of advanced patterns of cryogenic steels for gas vessels and stationary storage tanks of liquefied natural gas designed for Arctic conditions DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED PATTERNS OF CRYOGENIC STEELS FOR GAS VESSELS AND STATIONARY STORAGE TANKS OF LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS DESIGNED FOR ARCTIC CONDITIONSJOURNAL: No. 4(24) 2016, p. 80-89HEADING: Shipbuilding for the Arctic AUTHORS: Matrosov, M.Y., Zikeev, V.N., Martynov, P.G., Shulga, E.V., Nikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Semin, A.A. ORGANIZATIONS: Krylov State Research Centre, Bardin Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, Federal State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry («Giredmet») UDC: 629.5 Keywords: austenite, double normalizing, acicular ferrite, controlled rolling, nickel, durability, liquefied gas, steel, cold resistance Bibliographic description: Matrosov, M.Y., Zikeev, V.N., Martynov, P.G., Shulga, E.V., Nikitin, V.S., Polovinkin, V.N., Simonov, Y.A., Semin, A.A. Development of advanced patterns of cryogenic steels for gas vessels and stationary storage tanks of liquefied natural gas designed for Arctic conditions. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 4(24), pp. 80-89. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: Chemical composition and experimental-industrial technology for production of structural steel alloyed economically with nickel of increased cold resistance for promising ice-class gas vessels and storage tanks for liquefied natural gas with operating temperature of -164°C are developed. The prospects of such materials in shipbuilding are shown. The microstructure of cryogenic steel is studied, for example, it is shown that impact toughness at cryogenic temperatures increases with proportion of austenite in the microstructure. References: 1. Gorynin I. V., Legostayev Yu. L., Osokin E. P. Problemy morskoy transportirovki szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza: Materialy dlya tankov sudov-gazovozov. [Problems of marine transportation of liquefied native gas: Materials for tanks of gas carriers]. Sudostroyeniye, 2009, nî. 5, ðð. 32—40 (In Russian). 2. Gulyayev A. P., Fatkina A. M. Vliyaniye nikelya na mekhanicheskiye svoystva i porog khlad- nolomkosti nizkouglerodistoy stali [The effect of nickel on the mechanical properties and the cold break threshold of low carbon steel]. MITOM, 1966, nî. 10, ðð. 34—42. (In Russian). 3. Lavrenchenko G. K., Kopytin A. V. Kriogen nyye kompleksy proizvodstva i otgruzki SPG. ego priyema, khraneniya i regazifikatsii v sisteme mezhdunarodnoy torgovli. [Cryogenic complexes of production and shipment of LNG, its reception, storage and regasification in the international trade system]. Tekhnich. gazy, 2010, nî.3, ðð. 2—19. (In Russian). 4. Pikering F. B. Fizicheskoye metallovedeniye i razrabotka staley. [Physical metallurgy and the development of steel]. Per. s angl. Moscow, Metallur giya, 1982, ð.183. (In Russian). 5. Sharov B. P., Zikeyev V. N., Gladshteyn L. I. Svoystva stali 0N9 dlya kriogennoy tekhniki. [Properties of steel 0H9 for cryogenic equipment]. Stal, 1988, nî. 3, ðð. 76—78. (In Russian). 6. ASTM A353/A353M/ Standard Specifi cation for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Double-Normalized and Tempered 9% Ni // STANDARD by ASTM International. — [S. l.], 2014. 7. ASTM A553/A553M/ Standard Specifi cation for Pressure Vessel Plates? Alloy Steel Quenched and Tempered 7, 8 and 9% Ni // STANDARD by ASTM International. — [S. l.], 2014. 8. Kagaya T., Furuya H., Kamo T. et al. New Steel Plate for LNG Storage Tank: Nippon Steel & Sumitimo Metal Technical Report No/110 September 2015 9. Smith L., Craig B. Properties of Metallic Materials for LNG Service: Paper 57 — Presented at 9th MECC, Bahrain, Febr. 12—14th 2001 // http://www.intetech. com/images/downloads/Paper57.pdf. Download » | ||||
© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594