Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 2(26) 2017 » The creation of individual rescue equipment for use on offshore facilities in the Arctic


JOURNAL: No. 2(26) 2017, p. 91-104

HEADING: Safety of human activities in the Arctic

AUTHORS: Dotsenko, L.A., Dotsenko, O.G., Ilyukhin, V.N., Kinnunen, A.I., Makhalov, S.A.

ORGANIZATIONS: Tosno-Tex LLC, Association for search and rescue technology development (Nonprofit organization), LLC Scientific-production enterprise “Sea Rescue equipment”

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2017-2-91-104

UDC: 627.77

The article was received on: 20.12.2016

Keywords: water environment, insulated immersion suit, ice conditions, marine object, temperature, thermal protection

Bibliographic description: Dotsenko, L.A., Dotsenko, O.G., Ilyukhin, V.N., Kinnunen, A.I., Makhalov, S.A. The creation of individual rescue equipment for use on offshore facilities in the Arctic. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2017, no. 2(26), pp. 91-104. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2017-2-91-104. (In Russian).


Experience in conducting rescue operations at sea indicates that, as a rule, the death of crew and staff of marine objects occurs before the arrival of search and rescue forces. Therefore, the creation of effective individual and collective rescue aids located on marine objects is important in all seas, but is of major importance in Arctic seas due to their extreme climatic conditions.
The article discusses the use of available individual rescue equipment (IRE) — insulated immersion suits (IIS) on marine objects in the Arctic. IIS produced in Russia and foreign countries comply with existing international requirements for ensuring the rescue of a person in distress at sea, but do not take into account additional heat losses one suffers under wind conditions while being in water and extremely low temperatures one is exposed to while being on ice. As a result, this does not fully ensure the survival of a person in Arctic conditions. The current national regulatory framework for IRE does not adequately consider Arctic conditions when determining requirements for IIS. Calculations of the thermal characteristics of available IIS demonstrate their insufficient effectiveness when applied in real Arctic conditions.
The results of laboratory tests of alternative insulation samples proved the possibility of reducing the thickness of IIS insulation by creating a multi-layer system using heat-retaining and heat-reflecting layers.
The article defines basic requirements for the development of Arctic IIS and concludes that it is necessary to bring national standards and administrative regulatory documents concerning rescue aids up to date in view of real climatic conditions of the Arctic.
The results of studies and laboratory tests of thermal characteristics of natural fibers confirmed the feasibility of producing IIS for Arctic conditions based on proposed innovative technical solutions and patented insulating materials by domestic manufacturers.
The creation of IIS for use in climatic conditions of the Arctic has to be one of the priority directions of development of the national search and rescue facilities and technologies.


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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594