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Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(29) 2018 » Economic efficiency and possibilities of using megawatt-class nuclear power sources in the Arctic ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY AND POSSIBILITIES OF USING MEGAWATT-CLASS NUCLEAR POWER SOURCES IN THE ARCTICJOURNAL: No. 1(29) 2018, p. 4-14HEADING: Economics and management in the Arctic zone AUTHORS: Sarkisov, A.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Shvedov, P.A. ORGANIZATIONS: Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-1-4-14 UDC: 338.45:621.039:332.1 The article was received on: 29.11.2017 Keywords: Arctic territories, low-power nuclear power plants, isolated energy systems, financial models, economic efficiency Bibliographic description: Sarkisov, A.A., Smolentsev, D.O., Antipov, S.V., Bilashenko, V.P., Shvedov, P.A. Economic efficiency and possibilities of using megawatt-class nuclear power sources in the Arctic. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2018, no. 1(29), pp. 4-14. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-1-4-14. (In Russian). Abstract: Advanced adaptation of electric-power technologies to the specifics of self-contained power supply is one of the basic factors for complex socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic zone. With a decrease in the size of the territory under consideration the role of electric power industry in inter-branch relations is growing, and thus reliable electric power supply to existing and prospective consumers of the Arctic region becomes crucially important. The possibility of using megawatt-class Nuclear Power Sources (NPS) is discussed. Groups of prospective consumers with a power range up to several MW are distinguished. Features of the NPS life cycle based on maximum self-sufficiency in construction, operation, decommissioning, and spent fuel management are described. A list of technical and managerial issues when finalizing the system of megawatt-class NPS is provided. Economic models of using megawatt-class NPS and estimates of their relative competitive ability (the LCOE and integration costs methods) have been developed. Parameters of economic efficiency of megawatt-class NPS are provided. Finance info: Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 17-08-00947 References: 1. Strategiya nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiyaRossiiskoi Federatsii. [The Strategy of Scientific andTechnological Development of the Russian Federation].Utv. ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 1 dekabrya 2016 g. №642. (In Russian). 2. Pasport programmy innovatsionnogo razvitiya itekhnologicheskoi modernizatsii Goskorporatsii «Rosatom» na period do 2030 goda (v grazhdanskoi chasti).[Passport of the Program for Innovative Developmentand Technological Modernization of ROSATOMState Corporation up to 2030 (the Civil Part)], Moscow,2016, 76 p. (In Russian). 3. Atomnye stantsii maloi moshchnosti: novoe napravlenierazvitiya energetiki. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594