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Home » Archive of journals » Volume 11, No. 1, 2021 » The role of the nuclear icebreaker fleet in achieving the national goal of increasing in fright traffic in the water area of the Northern Sea Route THE ROLE OF THE NUCLEAR ICEBREAKER FLEET IN ACHIEVING THE NATIONAL GOAL OF INCREASING IN FRIGHT TRAFFIC IN THE WATER AREA OF THE NORTHERN SEA ROUTEJOURNAL: Volume 11, No. 1, 2021, p. 101-110HEADING: Problems of the Northern Sea Route AUTHORS: Kashka, M.M., Irlitsa, L.A., Efanskaya, E.A., Matviishina, K.A., Golovinsky, S.A. ORGANIZATIONS: FSUE Atomflot, Moscow office of FSUE “Atomflot” DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2021-1-101-110 UDC: 656.61 The article was received on: 03.12.2020 Keywords: the Arctic transport system, nuclear-powered icebreaker, nuclear icebreaker fleet, Northern Sea Route, Marine Operations Headquarter, increase in freight traffic Bibliographic description: Kashka, M.M., Irlitsa, L.A., Efanskaya, E.A., Matviishina, K.A., Golovinsky, S.A. The role of the nuclear icebreaker fleet in achieving the national goal of increasing in fright traffic in the water area of the Northern Sea Route. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 101-110. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2021-1-101-110. (In Russian). Abstract: The authors consider the role of the nuclear icebreaker fleet in achieving the national task of increasing in fright traffic in the water area of the Northern Sea Route. They analyze the prospects for the development of the nuclear icebreaker fleet for the period up to 2035 and present the information on the loading of nuclear icebreakers now and the creation of a national ice reconnaissance and monitoring service based on Marine Operations Headquarters at FSUE Atomflot. References: 1. Laverov N. P., Bogoyavlensky V. I., Bogoyavlensky I. V. Fundamental’nye aspekty ratsional’nogo osvoeniya resursov nefti i gaza Arktiki i shel’fa Rossii: strategiya, perspektivy i problemy. [Fundamental aspects of the rational development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic and Russian shelf: strategy, prospects and challenges]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2016, no. 2 (22), pp. 4—13. (In Russian). Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594