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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(40) 2020 » Digital technologies for remote detection and monitoring of the development of heaving mounds and craters of catastrophic gas blowouts in the Arctic DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR REMOTE DETECTION AND MONITORING OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF HEAVING MOUNDS AND CRATERS OF CATASTROPHIC GAS BLOWOUTS IN THE ARCTICJOURNAL: No. 4(40) 2020, p. 90-105HEADING: New technologies for the Arctic AUTHORS: Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N., Nikonov, R.A. ORGANIZATIONS: Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-4-90-105 UDC: 502.171, 504.4, 504.7 The article was received on: 02.09.2020 Keywords: permafrost rocks, remote sensing of the Earth, satellite images, craters of gas blowout, cryosphere, thermokarst lakes, aerial photography, unmanned aerial vehicle, 4D-monitoring, perennial heaving mounds, gas-saturated cavities, gas-dynamic mechanism, digital elevation model (DEM) Bibliographic description: Bogoyavlensky, V.I., Bogoyavlensky, I.V., Kargina, T.N., Nikonov, R.A. Digital technologies for remote detection and monitoring of the development of heaving mounds and craters of catastrophic gas blowouts in the Arctic. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2020, no. 4(40), pp. 90-105. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-4-90-105. (In Russian). Abstract: In the course of the three years work in the Arctic with ArcticDEM digital elevation models (DEM), the researchers have obtained fundamentally new results on the natural catastrophic transformations of the landscapes of the Yamal Peninsula in the process of powerful gas blowouts and explosions. They have proved the possibility of detecting gas-explosive objects and processes during regional 4D monitoring based on DEM processing, and in the course of the retrospective 4D monitoring, have identified a number of potential gas blowout objects. The authors have identified disadvantages and proved the need for further improvement of the ArcticDEM data. They have built 3D-models of the areas of catastrophic induced gas blowouts during the drilling of exploration wells in the Arctic, including the Kumzhinskoye field. Using an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone DJI Mavic Pro), the researchers carried out aerial photography and built 3D models of a number of gas blowout craters. For the first time in Yamal, they performed an underground aerial photography of the gas blowout crater space C17, indicating the existence of a gas-saturated cavity in the underground ice mass before the explosion, which additionally confirms the model of the gas-dynamic mechanism proposed by the authors in 2014. Finance info: The research was conducted according to the state assignment of Oil and Gas Research Institute of the RAS on the topic “Rational nature management and effective development of oil and gas resources in the Arctic and Subarctic zones of the Earth” (No. ÀÀÀÀ-À19-119021590079-6). The authors are grateful to the government of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, PJSC NOVATEK and PJSC Gazprom for their considerable aid during expeditionary research. References: 1. Osnovy gosudarstvennoi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii v Arktike na period do 2035 goda. [Fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2035]. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594