Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 2(26) 2017 » Improvement the technologies of recultivation landscapes on slopes in the Far North


JOURNAL: No. 2(26) 2017, p. 27-34

HEADING: Ecology

AUTHORS: Pystina, N.B., Unanian, K.L., Ilyakova, E.E., Khokhlachev, N.S., Luzhkov, V.A.


DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2017-2-27-34

UDC: 631.618:502.5

The article was received on: 24.01.2017

Keywords: climatic condition in Arctic region, degradation, Far North, technology for recultivation, the slope of the landscape, erosion processes, landscape

Bibliographic description: Pystina, N.B., Unanian, K.L., Ilyakova, E.E., Khokhlachev, N.S., Luzhkov, V.A. Improvement the technologies of recultivation landscapes on slopes in the Far North. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2017, no. 2(26), pp. 27-34. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2017-2-27-34. (In Russian).


n this article considered one of the main problem which stay in the front of the oil and gas companies which lead their activity in the Arctic region — reclamation on slopes. Development of oil and gas fields (upstream and part of the midstream sectors) in the Arctic leads to inevitable violations of weak-stable to anthropogenic influences tundras landscapes. Properly made reclamation is one of the factor of successful and ecologically safety development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic region. In this regard widely development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic lead to various exogenous processes, among which the most dangerous is the water thermoerosion. Currently, for the protection of areas from the above mentioned processes are applied different ways, including the using of geotextile coverings which often do not take into account natural and climatic specifics of the permafrost zone. In article is presented the main shortcomings in the current use technologies. Also in the article are presented the results of experimental researching of geotextile coverings with synthetic fiber which are completely undecomposable in the Arctic climate. In this context, an urgent task is to develop fully biodegradable coatings, adapted to the conditions of the Far North, which will allow to quickly restore the land and vegetative cover on slopes. As an alternative is suggested to use the geotextile covering which is completely based on using flax fiber. The article contains a description of experiments with using the flax geotextile covering on Bovanenkovo oil and gas field in Yamal peninsula.


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594