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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(24) 2016 » Low-sulfide platinum ores of Norilsk area — promising sources of precious metals LOW-SULFIDE PLATINUM ORES OF NORILSK AREA — PROMISING SOURCES OF PRECIOUS METALSJOURNAL: No. 4(24) 2016, p. 32-45HEADING: Study and development of nature resources of the Arctic AUTHORS: Sluzhenikin, S.F., Distler, V.V., Grigoryeva, A.V. ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of RAS UDC: 542.2 Keywords: low-sulphide platinum ore, chromite-bearing taxitic gabbro, platinum group elements Bibliographic description: Sluzhenikin, S.F., Distler, V.V., Grigoryeva, A.V. Low-sulfide platinum ores of Norilsk area — promising sources of precious metals. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 4(24), pp. 32-45. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: Low-sulfide platinum horizons in the profile of ultrabasite-basite intrusions take quite an isolated position in relation to the main ore bodies and are located in the areas of the upper endocontacts of these massifs. The main ore-bearing rocks are taxitic chromite-bearing gabbro. Cu and Ni content in the low-sulfide ores does not exceed 0.20-0.40. mas% in sum. The concentration of platinum group elements reaches 20-40 g/t, and in some intersections and pieceы of ore - 60-70 g/t. The main forms of these elements in the ores are their own minerals: sperrylite, sulfides of platinum and palladium, iron-platinum alloys, stannides, stibnidy, arsenides, plumbides, bismuth-tellurides of palladium. Finance info: Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке программы Президиума РАН «Поисковые фундаментальные научные исследования в интересах развития Арктической зоны Российской Федерации» и программы РАН «Рудная петрология расслоенных базит-гипербазитовых магматических комплексов, несущих стратегические типы минерального сырья» References: 1. Bezmen N. I. Eksperimentalnoye izucheniye zhidkostnoy differentsiatsii bazit- giperbazitovykh rasplavov. [Experimental study of liquid differentiation of basite-hyperbasic melts]. Tezisy dokladov 27-y Mezhdunarodnoy geologicheskoy konferentsii, Moscow, 1984, Vоl. 4, рр. 264—265. (In Russian). 2. Distler V. V., Sluzhenikin S. F., Kabri L. Dzh. еt аl. Platinovyye rudy norilskikh rassloyennykh intruzivov: sootnosheniye magmaticheskogo i flyuidnogo kontsentrirovaniya blagorodnykh metallov. [Platinum ores of Norilsk stratified intrusives: the ratio of magmatic and fluid concentration of noble metals]. 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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594