Arctic: ecology and economy
ISSN 2223-4594 | ISSN 2949-110X
Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(29) 2018 » The integrated estimation methodology of the environmental in the Arctic using aerospace image situation


JOURNAL: No. 1(29) 2018, p. 37-47

HEADING: Ecology

AUTHORS: Grigorieva, O.V., Ivanets, M.O., Markov, A.V., Terentyeva, V.V.

ORGANIZATIONS: A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy

DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-1-37-47

UDC: 504.064, 528.88

The article was received on: 30.08.2017

Keywords: anthropogenic stress, aerospace data, assessment of ecosystem state

Bibliographic description: Grigorieva, O.V., Ivanets, M.O., Markov, A.V., Terentyeva, V.V. The integrated estimation methodology of the environmental in the Arctic using aerospace image situation. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2018, no. 1(29), pp. 37-47. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2018-1-37-47. (In Russian).


The article shoes the original methodology of assessment of ecological situation that allows ranking areas according to the degree of environmental problems. The proposed approach involves a complex assessment of the ecosystem state based on the present anthropogenic impact and development prediction of the detected negative changes in nature. The distinctive feature of the methodology is the possibility to prepare the necessary initial data as a result of aerospace data processing that is the main source of up-to-date information about large and hard-to-reach Arctic territories.

For the complex assessment of ecosystem state we propose to use complex parameters of ecosystem stability and anthropogenic load. The complex parameter of ecosystem stability defines its adaptive capacity and depends on phytomass amount and bioproductivity of vegetation cover which prevails in a surveyed area. These parameters define productive properties of vegetation and are calculated as a result of the processing of multispectral data in the visible and near infrared range of the spectrum. The parameters of anthropogenic load are calculated separately for each natural component (water, soil and vegetation) and pollutions which were identified on the image. The partial estimates show the influence level of each detected negative fact in accordance with its danger and area distribution. The complex index of anthropogenic load on ecosystem is wholly estimated by taking into account all the component indicators. The ratio between the complex parameters of ecosystem stability and anthropogenic load is adopted as a criterion for establishing the level of ecological problem.

Consequently the indicators, determined by the methodology, allow us not only to scale a harmful effect but also to predict negative changes in the environment identified with the help of the remote sensing data. The proposed principle of object ranking, which is based on the environmental situation, can be used for decision-making about urgency and priority of elimination of the detected violation.

In the article we give some examples of the practical implementation of the methodology for processing of air environmental monitoring of objects located in the Arctic zone of Russia. In accordance with the proposed system of parameters the environmental situation of the most studied territories can be characterized as crisis or catastrophic.


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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594