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Home » Archive of journals » Volume 11, No. 1, 2021 » Spatial development of the Russian Arctic Zone: analysis of two strategies SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN ARCTIC ZONE: ANALYSIS OF TWO STRATEGIESJOURNAL: Volume 11, No. 1, 2021, p. 111-121HEADING: State administration in the Arctic AUTHORS: Blanutsa, V.I. ORGANIZATIONS: V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography of Siberian Branch of the RAS DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-1-111-121 UDC: 33.021(98) The article was received on: 12.12.2020 Keywords: Russian Arctic zone, macroregion, space development, strategic planning, promising economic specialization, center of economic growth, geostrategic territory, region, similarity measure Bibliographic description: Blanutsa, V.I. Spatial development of the Russian Arctic Zone: analysis of two strategies. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika. [Arctic: Ecology and Economy], 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 111-121. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-1-111-121. (In Russian). Abstract: The author has analyzed the “Strategy for the Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025” and “Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and Ensuring National Security for the Period up to 2035”. Nine Arctic territories are considered. The author presents the goals of spatial development of the Russian Arctic Zone in the form of four research hypotheses, such as: each Arctic territory has more promising economic specializations than the average non-Arctic region; by the combination of specializations, the Arctic territories differ significantly from any non-Arctic region; the similarity between the Arctic territories is greater than between the ones and neighboring non-Arctic territories; the number of promising centers of economic growth in each Arctic territory is greater than in the average non-Arctic region. The author proposes a quantitative measure of the similarity of regions according to the combination of economic specializations. Calculations have shown that all initial hypotheses should be rejected as erroneous and alternative hypotheses should be recognized, according to which the goals of spatial development cannot be achieved as a result of the implementation of the activities listed in the two strategies. The researcher gives the distribution of prospective economic specializations in the Arctic territories and the significance of the similarity of these territories to each other. The Arctic Zone is found to be not a single economic macro-region, but is represented by four different clusters. The author notes the need for the formation of promising specializations in the digital economy. The practical significance of the study may be associated with the adjustment of existing or the development of new strategies for the economic development of the Russian Arctic Zone. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594