Home » Archive of journals » No. 1(37) 2020 » Engineering and geological conditions for the development of the water part of the Kruzenshtern deposit in the Kara Sea
Bibliographic description:Dzublo, A.D., Alekseeva, K.V. Engineering and geological conditions for the development of the water part of the Kruzenshtern deposit in the Kara Sea. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2020, no. 1(37), pp. 95-108. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2020-1-95-108. (In Russian).
The authors consider engineering surveys necessary to obtain data on the bottom topography, sea depth, characteristics of engineering-geological, hydrometeorological and ice conditions, which later will help to choose methods and technical means for exploration drilling, and will allow making the necessary calculations for setting the drilling rig at detailed site. As a result of engineering surveys at the Kruzenshtern deposit, dangerous physical and geological phenomena are identified: the presence of frozen rocks in the section at depths from 50 to 200 meters; the possible presence of abnormally high reservoir pressure (AHRP) intervals, while the most dangerous, from this point of view, are the intervals associated with the base of the permafrost rocks (PR).
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