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Home » Archive of journals » No. 4(36) 2019 » Methodological basis for determining the design ice loads on the hull of modern ice vessels in the bow and stern areas METHODOLOGICAL BASIS FOR DETERMINING THE DESIGN ICE LOADS ON THE HULL OF MODERN ICE VESSELS IN THE BOW AND STERN AREASJOURNAL: No. 4(36) 2019, p. 83-98HEADING: Shipbuilding for the Arctic AUTHORS: Platonov, V.V., Tryaskin, V.N. ORGANIZATIONS: Krylov State Research Centre, State Marine Technical University DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-83-98 UDC: 629.5.011:624.042.43 The article was received on: 11.04.2019 Keywords: ice loads, Double-acting vessels, Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping, Rules of the Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping Bibliographic description: Platonov, V.V., Tryaskin, V.N. Methodological basis for determining the design ice loads on the hull of modern ice vessels in the bow and stern areas. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 4(36), pp. 83-98. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-4-83-98. (In Russian). Abstract: The hull structure of modern ice vessels has changed significantly compared with the vessels typical at the time of development of the current RMRS Rules. The use of existing approximations for the structure functions as applied to the modern structures of the DAS (double action ships) extremities quite often leads to large discrepancies with direct calculations by the method or by analytical dependencies. Particularly sensitive to the applied formulas are the areas of transition of the bow/stern ends to the cylindrical insert for vessels with vertical sides in the middle part, as well as the very bow/stern sections of the bow/stern areas, where the slopes of the frames and waterlines are maximal. References: 1. Platonov V. V., Tryaskin V. N. Arkhitekturno-konstruktivnye osobennosti arkticheskikh sudov dvoinogo deistviya. [Architectural and structural specific features of arctic double action ships]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2019, no. 3 (35), pp. 84—96. 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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594