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Home » Archive of journals » No. 3(35) 2019 » Determination of the heeling moment acting in ice compression on the ice-resistant self-propelled platform “North Pole” by the model testing method DETERMINATION OF THE HEELING MOMENT ACTING IN ICE COMPRESSION ON THE ICE-RESISTANT SELF-PROPELLED PLATFORM “NORTH POLE” BY THE MODEL TESTING METHODJOURNAL: No. 3(35) 2019, p. 97-106HEADING: Shipbuilding for the Arctic AUTHORS: Svistunov, I.A. ORGANIZATIONS: State Research Center "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute" DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-3-97-106 UDC: 629.5 The article was received on: 11.04.2019 Keywords: drifting research platform, model experiment, compression of ice, stability of ships in ice, ice heeling moment Bibliographic description: Svistunov, I.A. Determination of the heeling moment acting in ice compression on the ice-resistant self-propelled platform “North Pole” by the model testing method. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2019, no. 3(35), pp. 97-106. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2019-3-97-106. (In Russian). Abstract: The first in the world ice resistant self-propelled ship-type platform was designed and developed in the Russian Federation for performing year-round scientific studies in the Central Arctic Basin. An operation feature of this platform is its long drift in perennial ice. Acoordingly, under conditions of ice compression both sufficient hull strength and the platform stability should be ensured. At the design stage studies were performed in the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) ice tank. For performing physical modeling of the platform behavior under ice compression a unique methodology was developed, according to which the platform model was exposed to an approaching simulated floe from one of the sides. A measuring complex was installed on the model, which made it possible to measure with a high frequency the platform heel and draft change in the course of its interaction with ice. The obtained measurement data made it possible to calculate the value of the ice heeling moment and the main index of stability — a metacentric height — at each moment of time. The paper presents the theoretical foundations of the proposed methodology. According to the latter, a series of 29 experiments were performed to compress the model of the North Pole platform. As an example, some results experiments are given. References: 1. Makarov A. S., Likhomanov V. A., Sokolov V. T., Chernov A. V., Polovinkin V. N., Timofeev O. Ya., Mogutin Yu. B., Simonov Yu. A. Kontseptual’nye printsipy sozdaniya polyarnoi dreifuyushchei issledovatel’skoi platformy. [Conceptual principles for creation of the drifting polar research platform]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2018, no. 3 (31), pp. 65—75. — DOI:10.25283/2223-4594-2018-3-65-75. (In Russian). 2. Shimanskii Yu. A., Poznyak I. I., Kashtelyan V. I., Ryvlin A. Ya. Provedenie model’nykh ispytanii ledokolov I sudov ledovogo plavaniya. Fondy AANII. [Model trials of icebreakers and ice navigation ships]. Leningrad, 1958. (In Russian). 3. Kheisin D.E. Opredelenie ledovykh nagruzok, deistvuyushchikh na korpus sudna, plavayushchego vo l’dakh. [Determination of ice loads, acting on the ship hull navigating in ice]. Diss. ... kand. tekhn. nauk. Leningr. korablestroit. in-t. Leningrad, 1962. 168 p. (In Russian). 4. Ionov B. P., Gramuzov E. M. Ledovaya khodkost’ sudov. [Ice movement ships]. St. Petersburg, Sudostroenie, 2001, 512 p. (In Russian). 5. Kashtelyan V. I., Poznyak I. I., Ryvlin A. Ya. Soprotivlenie l’da dvizheniyu sudov. [Ice resistance of ship movement]. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1968, 268 p. (In Russian). 6. Krupina N. A., Likhomanov V. A., Maksimova P. V., Nikolaev P. M., Savitskaya A. V., Svistunov I. A., Chernov A. V. Itogi raboty bol’shogo ledovogo basseina AANII. [Results of work of large ice tank of AARI]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, 2015, no. 1 (103), pp. 101—110. (In Russian). 7. Sedov L. I. Metody podobiya i razmernosti v mekhanike. [Methods of similarity and dimension in mechanics]. Ìoscow, Nauka, 1981, 447 p. (In Russian). 8. Kheisin D. E., Popov Yu. N., Ignat’ev M. A. Analiz kriteriev modelirovaniya dvizheniya sudna vo l’dakh. Fondy AANII. [Analysis of the criteria for modeling the movement of ship in ice]. Leningrad, 1964, 27 p. (In Russian). 9. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii V. V. Statika i dinamika korablya. Teoriya plavuchesti, ostoichivosti i spuska. [Ship statics and dynamics. Theory of buoyancy, stability and launching]. Uchebnik dlya vuzov: 2nded. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1960, 576 p. (In Russian). 10. Barsukov A. P., Pevzner L. R. Teoriya korablya. [Ship theory]. Ucheb. dlya kursantov vysshikh voenno-morskikh inzhenernykh uchilishch. Leningrad, 1960, 492 p. (In Russian). 11. Manley R. Analiz i obrabotka zapisei kolebanii. [Analysis and processing of vibration records]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1972, 368 p. (In Russian). Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594