Bibliographic description:Kapelkina, L.P. Damaged Soil of the North and Remediation Problems. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2011, no. 3(3), pp. 60-67. DOI: . (In Russian).
The great requirement in mineral and energy resources as well as the scarcity of their reserves at the areas with the fertile climate determines the necessity of mineral deposits exploitation and processing in rugged conditions of the North. The fragile and vulnerable subarctic ecosystems have appeared under the influence of the powerful mining technique and obsolete technologies from the environmental safety point of view. The development of the mineral and energy resources of the North runs considerably before the research of the environmental problems related to the mining activity. The fact of many population centers construction in this region is connected with the exploration activities, the mining enterprises building and operation as well as the oil and gas field facilities construction. The construction of Kirovsk (former Khibinogorsk), Apatity, Olenegorsk, Monchegorsk, Kovdora, Norilsk, cities, Nizhnesortymsk, Koashva, Nickel, Bovanenkovo settlements and some others is related to resource development.
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