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Home » Archive of journals » No. 2(22) 2016 » The application and evaluation of methods for metal working by explosion when performing the tasks in the areas of the Arctic region diffi cult of access THE APPLICATION AND EVALUATION OF METHODS FOR METAL WORKING BY EXPLOSION WHEN PERFORMING THE TASKS IN THE AREAS OF THE ARCTIC REGION DIFFI CULT OF ACCESSJOURNAL: No. 2(22) 2016, p. 98-106HEADING: Safety of human activities in the Arctic AUTHORS: Sednev, V.A. ORGANIZATIONS: Academy of State Fire-Prevention Service of EMERCOM of Russia UDC: 351, 355, 358.2 Keywords: engineering, the criteria of technical and economic efficiency, technical means, explosion energy Bibliographic description: Sednev, V.A. The application and evaluation of methods for metal working by explosion when performing the tasks in the areas of the Arctic region diffi cult of access. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 2(22), pp. 98-106. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: The proposals on the use of explosive energy for repair of technical equipment failed during engineering works, including the elimination of consequences of emergency situations in remote areas of the Arctic region are developed; the scientifi c and methodological apparatus to assess the eff ectiveness of explosion energy for repair of technical equipment are proposed. References: 1. Ivanov E. Arkticheskie voyny: Zachem Rossii okhranyat’ svoi ledyanye granitsy. [Arctic wars: why should Russia protect its icy borders]. Argumenty i fakty, 2013, nî. 15, ð. 20. (In Russian). 2. Sednev V. A., Kopnyshev S. L. Tekhnologiya provedeniya vzryvnykh rabot po fragmentatsii bochkotary i krupnykh ob"ektov tekhniki v trudnodostupnykh rayonakh Kraynego Severa. [The technology for blasting fragmentation of barrel containers and large equipment in remote regions of the Far North]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2013, nî. 4 (12), ðð. 96—99. (In Russian). 3. Sednev V. A. Metodika obosnovaniya kompleksa sredstv mekhanizatsii rabot po razvertyvaniyu avariyno-spasatel’nykh formirovaniy v Arkticheskoy zone Rossiyskoy Federatsii. [Methodology for substantiating a set of mechanization tools for deploying rescue units in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation]. Arktika: ekologiya i ekonomika, 2016, nî. 1 (21), ðð. 102—112. (In Russian). 4. Sednev V. A., Kopnyshev S. L. Primenenie energii vzryva dlya resheniya ekologicheskikh problem rayonov Kraynego Severa. [The use of explosion energy to solve the environmental problems of the Far North]. Problemy bezopasnosti i chrezvychaynykh situatsiy, 2013, nî. 2, ðð. 52—62. (In Russian). 5. Sednev V. A., Skachkov O. N. Innovatsionnye tekhnologii obespecheniya likvidatsii posledstviy chrezvychaynykh situatsiy i avtonomnogo remonta tekhniki. [Innovative technologies for emergency response and autonomous equipment repair]. Tekhnologii obespecheniya kompleksnoy bezopasnosti, zashchity naseleniya i territoriy ot chrezvychaynykh situatsiy — problemy, perspektivy, innovatsii: Materialy XVI mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. 17—19 maya 2011 goda. Moskva, FGBU VNII GOChS (FTs), 2011. Moscow, 2011, ðð. 164—168. (In Russian). 6. Stepanov M. N. Statisticheskaya obrabotka rezul’tatov mekhanicheskikh ispytaniy. [Statistical processing of the results of mechanical tests]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1972, ð. 231. (In Russian). Download » | ||||
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DOI 10.25283/2223-4594