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Home » Archive of journals » No. 2(22) 2016 » Features of population settlement in the Arctic zone of Russia FEATURES OF POPULATION SETTLEMENT IN THE ARCTIC ZONE OF RUSSIAJOURNAL: No. 2(22) 2016, p. 40-50HEADING: Economics and management in the Arctic zone AUTHORS: Fauzer, V.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N. ORGANIZATIONS: Institute of socio-economic and energy problems of the North, Komi Science Centre Ural Branch of the RАS Keywords: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, population size of settlements, population of cities and towns, natural resource potential, population resettlement Bibliographic description: Fauzer, V.V., Lytkina, T.S., Fauzer, G.N. Features of population settlement in the Arctic zone of Russia. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2016, no. 2(22), pp. 40-50. DOI: . (In Russian). Abstract: The theoretical issues of population resettlement in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are considered, the changes in settlement system in the 2000s are analyzed, the grouping of settlements according to the number of inhabitants are made; dynamics of urban population of the Arctic are shown, the conditions and prospects of development of urban settlements are described, statistical data of population censuses for the years 1979-2010 and data of the current population count for 2015 are given. Finance info: Статья подготовлена в рамках Комплексной программы Уральского отделения РАН, проекты № 15-15-7-8 «Города российской Арктики: среда жизнедеятельности и механизм обеспечения хозяйствующих субъектов человеческими ресурсами» (2015—2017 гг.), № 15-19-7-2 «Миграционные процессы на Российском Севере: между ассимиляцией и мультикультурализмом» (2015—2017 гг.) References: 1. Agranat G. A. Chto proiskhodit na Severe? [What is going on in the north?]. 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© 2011-2025 Arctic: ecology and economy
DOI 10.25283/2223-4594